My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 389: Vulgar rice

   So, under the desperate gaze of the whole village, Hong Xingfu asked loudly:

"I also ask the immortal leader to give the young one a chance to make up for his achievements. I implore the two immortal leaders to give him another half a month. The missing spiritual rice will be filled by the villagers in Dongyu village as soon as possible to ensure that the end of the Zongmen will not be delayed. inventory!"

  The villagers in Dongyu Village only felt that their heads rumbling, and the world before them became gray.

   This is heaven to kill them!

   Where can so many Ling Mi go?

   I'm afraid I can only go to the Palace of Yama!

   "I'm not alive anymore--!"

   A village woman suddenly rushed out, full of despair, and rammed her head against the pavement on the side of the field.

  Wang Shuyue immediately glanced at Hong Xingfu, did anyone say? It depends on what you have forced people into!

   Immediately after casting a spell in his hand, a green vine burrowed out from the ground, and the soft branches rolled the woman back.

   "It's not your turn to die." Wang Shuyue said calmly.

   The woman was startled, staring blankly at the distinguished female disciple from the sect in front of her, not knowing what she meant.

  Wang Shuyue put the woman down and looked at the clan elders in a blink of an eye, "How did this matter become the way it is now? I think you know better than me."

   "Who will compensate for the lack of spiritual rice in the sect, you should know Hong Xingfu?" Wang Shuyue's eyes were cold, and she stared directly at the elders.

   However, the question was for Hong Xingfu.

   Hong Xingfu was slightly surprised, and hurriedly responded: "The little one understands, the Shangxian can rest assured, and the lack of spiritual rice will be filled in half a month."

   While speaking, he looked at Gao Dechang and others, and reprimanded fiercely: "Er and others are the elders of the patriarch of Dongyu Village. If something like this happened, you guys could not escape the death penalty!"

   "But the immortal is kind, Nian Zai Er waited for the sake of the sect in previous years, and gave you a chance to make up for your work."

   "Within half a month, no matter what method you use, I have to gather all the ling rice, and I cannot raise it with the villagers. Do you understand?"

   Gao Dechang's hearts were overjoyed, and their faces paled again. This is for them to cut their flesh to save their lives!

   However, it is a blessing to be alive, so let's pass the current catastrophe first.

   Gao Dechang and several people replied in unison: "I wait for the conviction, thank you for forgiveness!"

   Three provinces looked at Wang Shuyue, and Wang Shuyue gently shook her head at him. At this point, only half of the matter was resolved, and there was still a more serious situation that had not been resolved.

   There is no harvest of grains in Dongyu Village at the moment, so from winter to spring, and then to autumn, there is no food for such a long time, that would cost many lives.

  Looking at the clan elders, who can supplement the lack of spiritual rice from the sect, it is estimated that they have also been hollowed out, and it is impossible to use them to feed the people of the village.

   Thinking of this, Wang Shuyue looked at Hong Xingfu again, she didn't say, Hong Xingfu also understood.

   He wanted to say that he would die, but he wouldn't die someday, so there is no need to worry about it.

   But when I remembered that Wang Shuyue had even sympathized with the refugees just now, Hong Xingfu deliberated the words, and then said:

   "Xianzhang, let the young one take care of the next thing, and the young one will definitely take care of it. Please also give the young one a chance to make up for it."

   "Can you do it?" Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows and asked.

   Hong Xingfu nodded, "Since the incident has happened, the little one is a steward, and he is incapable of jurisdiction. He should be punished. Fortunately, the immortal is kind and willing to give the little one a chance to make up for the merits. The little one will naturally not disappoint the immortal."

  Speaking of this, I took another cautious look at Wang Shuyue, unable to see her attitude, took a deep breath, and went all out, and said:

   "The little one plans to do this, and the long one will see if it is feasible."

   Wang Shuyue lifted her chin slightly, "You said."

Hong Xingfu said: "The small spirit stones were taken to buy grain and rented to the villagers. The harvest will be produced in the coming year. In addition to the return of the original grain, another 10% interest will be paid. Door, what does the immortal think?"

   Wang Shuyue curled her lips, showing a meaningful smile.

   This is a good way, but...

   "What sort of grain is Guan Hong going to use?" she asked.

   Hong Xingfu was taken aback, but she didn’t expect that she would still care about such details. Her brain was running fast, and she answered cautiously:

   "Inferior spirit rice?"

   No matter how low-grade it is, he has never touched it. What he can imagine is only the most inferior low-grade spirit rice.

   but didn't want to, Gao Yuan and other villagers showed surprise.

   "Low-grade spiritual rice? Really low-grade spiritual rice? How can you eat spiritual rice, you don't need to eat bran and swallow vegetables! Dad, did you hear that, we can also eat spiritual rice!" The Gao family said excitedly.

   Papa Gao's tears flowed wildly, he was excited and happy.

   My sons and daughters followed him all their lives, and finally they were able to eat well.

   "God open your eyes, the gods are down, the gods are down!" Father Gao knelt down facing Sanshen and Wang Shuyue.

   When the villagers saw this, they knelt down and worshipped piously, and their hearts were full of gratitude.

   Originally they thought that these two gods were here to punish them, but they never expected that they were so sensible and fair, not only did they not blame them, but instead asked them for a spiritual rice that they couldn't even think of.

Even if they can grow spiritual rice, except for the rice that is turned in, the rest is to be replaced by spiritual stone households. The children of their own dare not let him eat them, because they are afraid that they will not eat bad after they have tasted good ones. Of it.

   But it’s better now. You can rent low-grade ling rice with a 10% profit, and children can also taste it. How can the villagers not get excited?

   Looking at the villagers who knelt on the ground, Hong Xingfu suddenly felt a sense of depression that he lifted a rock and hit his own foot.

   Three provinces cast the spell, helped all the villagers up, turned his head slightly and looked at the shimmering woman in front of him, her eyes gentle.

The three provinces looked at Hong Xingfu and said, "This is a good method for I think the refugees in the two new villages next to you also need food. Good things are done to the end. In that case, you also follow this method for the rations of the villagers over there. Solve it all at once."

a bolt from the blue!

   Hong Xingfu stepped back in shock and couldn't believe his ears.

   Looking at the unquestionable appearance of the young man in front of him, he knew that he had been planted this time.

   Wang Shuyue looked at the three provinces in surprise, but didn't expect him to do this.

   But this is exactly what she thinks in her heart.

   Not only does she want Hong Xingfu to give food to the people in the refugee village next door, she also has a bolder idea.

   Since Zongmen doesn't care about these new villages, they can take care of them!

   Establish a brand new modern village, let the people here see the abilities of ordinary people, and let the aloof cultivators understand that ordinary talents are the foundation of their eternal life.

   However, I still can't show it right now, wait until she goes back and discusses with the big guy.

   "High and far." Wang Shuyue rolls her name.

   Hong Xingfu looked suspiciously at the handyman disciple who came up, and watched Wang Shuyue let Gao Yuan stay in the village, with the nickname of helping herself to do this well, he suddenly felt a little in his heart, and gradually realized something was wrong.


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