My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 393: Not enterprising

   "Master!" Wang Shuyue bowed her hand respectfully.

   Qingyi put down the jade slip in his hand and stared at her. Intuition tells him that people who come here in the middle of the night will do nothing good.

  Sure enough, when the woman opened her mouth, she was asking him for money, she didn't have any preparation, and went straight ahead, making Qingyi startled.

   "Master, I agreed last time to talk about the assistance fee, and I will be paid a quarter of the payment after the negotiation. Do you want it from the other ten sects?" Wang Shuyue asked with a smile.

   His face was dark, and there was a kind of speechlessness in his heart, and he ran over in the middle of the night, just for this?

   took out a storage bag and threw it to Wang Shuyue. The other party immediately caught it with a smile, and opened the storage bag to check it again, as if he was afraid he would miss her a spiritual stone.

   "Hmm, 27 million low-grade spirit stones, no more, no less, just right, thank you, Master!" She happily put away the storage bag, and thanked her.

   Qingyi gave a cold hmm, and said with concern: "How are you doing with flowing swordsmanship? Are there any doubts?"

   Wang Shuyue smiled and replied: "Thank you, Master, for your concern. The first-level disciples of swordsmanship have already practiced almost, and have not encountered any problems for the time being. If there are any problems, the disciples must come to Master as soon as possible."

  Qing glanced at her suspiciously, and seeing that he didn't believe it, Wang Shuyue straightened her back and looked at him confidently.

  Perhaps she felt the self-confidence of this fascinating, so she took a break and wanted to ask her to rehearse.

   "Anything else?" he asked lightly, and picked up the jade slip again.

  Wang Shuyue didn't leave, and smiled at him, like a fool who ate too much.

   cleared the disgust in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "If you have something to say, if you don't want to say it, then step back, and take a rest as a teacher."

   "No, no, no, if you go to bed later, Master, there is one more thing I want to say!" Seeing Master got up and was about to leave, Wang Shuyue hurriedly stopped people.

   glanced back at her and motioned to her to let her fart go.

   Wang Shuyue smiled flatly, and said tentatively, "Master, I actually went down the mountain secretly today."

   Hearing these words, Qingyi was a little surprised, but seeing her honestly came to report back, he didn't care about this trivial matter.

   waved her hand and motioned to her that she didn't need to come over to plead guilty.

   "Being a teacher is not such a stingy person. If there is an urgent matter, it doesn't matter if you don't have time to report it. Your senior brother can call the shots." Qingyi said tolerantly.

   However, he just felt that this little apprentice had become well-behaved and sensible. The next second, he heard her say:

   "I, I didn't ask the big brother to go down the mountain token."

   Qing frowned slightly, "What does this mean?"

   Could it be that the mysterious spirit beast beside her forcibly broke through his Yunhezong mountain guard formation?

   Wang Shuyue chuckled, "That's what you mean, but! This is not the point. The point is that the disciple saw something under the mountain and felt it necessary to talk to Master."

   "What's the matter?!" Qingyi was a little angry, and his patience was not wasted like this.

   Seeing that Wang Shuyue was about to speak, she was afraid that she would hear something that made her angry again, so Qingyi rushed to the front and coldly reminded:

   "You better think about it before you talk!"

Wang Shuyue nodded obediently, paused, and then said: "I saw those new refugees at the bottom of the mountain. The steward in charge of resettlement only allocated a plot of land for them, and then left it alone. Those who wanted to eat did not eat. What I want to wear is not wearing."

   "Now the first snow has fallen, and if this continues, I am afraid that many people will die."

   Hearing these words clearly, his expression was calm, as if he was listening to a story, and could not arouse him a little mood swing.

   He replied: "Then you are here to sue those who are in charge? You have a lot of time as a teacher? Have time to take care of your nostalgia?"

   "No." Master, you are getting smaller!

   Wang Shuyue explained: "The management mode of the affiliated villages under the Yunhezong Mountain has been going on for thousands of years. I am a newcomer who dare not question it."

   "Master, what I want to talk about is not those who are in charge. What I want to do is, can I let my disciples manage the two new refugee villages?"

   As soon as he heard this, the chill on Qingyi's body came out. He suddenly turned around and walked down the hall, his black eyes staring at Wang Shuyue, only scared Wang Shuyue back two steps.

   "Master, Master..." Wang Shuyue panicked a lot, not knowing what thunder he stepped on.

  Qing asked coldly: "Are you too busy?"

   "Nothing to do?"

   "Have you learned your homework? Finished the swordsmanship? I have planted the purple bamboo? Go to the morning class? Did the apprentice teach it?"

   Wang Shuyue swallowed fiercely, and shook her head weakly, "No, no."

   "Don't think about making progress, don't learn and have no skills! When on earth can you give peace as a teacher?!"

  A clear gaze was piercing, as if a sharp sword was out of its sheath, and she brushed Wang Shuyue thousands of times, still not letting go.

   "What on earth do you want?!" He gritted his teeth and asked negatively.

   Wang Shuyue: "..." I dare not speak!

   But, thinking about the exchange students who sharpened their swords to the new village behind him, Wang Shuyue told herself in her heart: Wang Shuyue, you can't persuade, you are the hope of the whole village!

   Working hard to do a good job of psychological construction for herself, Wang Shuyue took a deep breath, her voice was small, but she said firmly:

   "Master, the disciple is not in a hurry. The disciple wants to repay Master for his teaching and the kindness of Yunhezong's cultivation."

   squinted her eyes, Wang Shuyue felt a bit cold under her feet, and when she looked down, the white frost flowers had covered the jade bricks under her feet.

   You remembered the tragedy in which the battle wind was frozen into an ice sculpture, and Wang Shuyue shivered severely.

   However, this aroused her tenacious willpower. Wang Shuyue raised her head and looked at Master’s eyes. UU reading said seriously:

   "Master, the apprentices are serious. The refugee villages are now waiting to be thriving, and they need a right person to lead them to do the right thing."

"I want to build a new town under Yunhezong Mountain. In this village, there are schools, hospitals, supermarkets, factories... It is a new town with a complete system, and everyone living here can do it. Eat full with your own hands, wear warm clothes, look good at illness..."

   Qingyi suddenly raised his hand and interrupted Wang Shuyue, her entire face was darkened, and she asked quietly:

   "Do you want to take Kyushu and replace it?"

   Wang Shuyue's heart beats, why did things rise to such a height all of a sudden?

   has been suspected for a long time, and Wang Shuyue is also a little irritable, did Qingyi forget that if she wants to replace Kyushu, she doesn't need to be so troublesome?

   She went directly to grandma's place to blow her ears, didn't she come faster than this?

   However, Master Qingyi would be so cautious, she can understand.

   After all, everyone can't help but think about it.

   There was a moment of silence in the hall, and Wang Shuyue spoke first and sincerely said: "Master, why don't you look at it from another angle, how about we treat this as an investment project with very promising development prospects?"


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