My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 396: Boom 1 sugar is gone


   Wang Shuyue looked down at him suspiciously, and raised the colorful bubbles in his hand.

   Fengxi explained softly: "This is a water drop, worth tens of millions."

   "Huh?" Wang Shuyue was dumbfounded, looked at the bubbles in her hand, and then at Fengxi, "I look like a good cheat? I don't know where the bubbles are worth ten million spiritual stones?"

   The wind nodded, but watching Wang Shuyue's disbelief, she couldn't let go of her self-esteem, and explained to Wang Shuyue what is the shark's tears.

   then arbitrarily prevaricates: "I brought it out before I left home. It just fell out by accident."

   Wang Shuyue uttered, and handed the bubble over, "It turned out to be yours. You said it earlier. You didn't say anything when I asked you just now. I almost threw it away. Give it back to you."

   Fengxi's eyes twitched lightly, and she couldn't stop it for Wang Shuyue.

   "Master, keep it, lest I drop it again." He pushed the bubble back, buried it in the water, and didn't come out again.

   Wang Shuyue held the water-repellent bead, confused, what the hell! It won't be done to her.

   Such a valuable thing is given away as soon as it is given, so the money is too much to burn?

   But, don't give me nothing, Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows and put away this strange little bubble.

   At this time, Shenger, who had been hiding behind the door and peeking out, ran out and shouted at Wang Shuyue with great excitement:

   "Master, I know I know!"

"what do you know?"

   Wang Shuyue turned to look at him, and the little guy ran over, blushing, raising her head and telling her:

   "Master, avoiding water droplets are the tears of sharks. If there are sharks tears, you can breathe and walk freely in the sea. It's amazing."


   Wang Shuyue glanced into the water, just to see a certain shark frozen in the water, his mind turned, and suddenly he thought that Fengxi was bought back naked, without even a storage bag on his body.

   So, the shark tears in her hand are fresh and hot?

   Wow, I feel like I found something extraordinary.

   Seeing that I was born ignorant and fearless and would continue to tear down the stage, Wang Shuyue covered the mouth of the little apprentice, "Hush, don't say it."

   drew the dazed little guy back to the room and asked curiously, "How do you know that the water drop is the tears of the shark?"

   Although she didn't want to admit it, Wang Shuyue had to admit that she was an unreliable master. She only accepted disciples and no matter how they taught, and the children have been raised up to now, she seemed, as if...never taught a spell.

   Therefore, it is impossible for Shenger to know the knowledge point of Yu Ren's tears that she does not know.

   "My teacher taught me." Shenger replied proudly.

   Wang Shuyue was startled, "The three provinces taught you?"

Shenger nodded, "Well, Master not only told me a lot of strange things, but also taught me how to write and teach me spells. That's right! Master also said that when I master the basic skills, he will teach me swordsmanship~ "

   When I remembered that I could be as good as the master in the future, my face flushed with excitement. The enthusiastic screaming of the master and master made Wang Shuyue wonder who is this apprentice.

   However, she seemed to have just accepted an apprentice, but didn't teach him anything. It would be a bad idea to give birth to this child with a big heart.

   "Ahem!" Wang Shuyue, who realized her negligence, gave an awkward cough twice, and brought her apprentice to stand in front of her, drawing a big pie for the child.

   "Master is busy lately, and may not be able to care for you, but when Master finishes this time, he will teach you the exercises himself, teach you many powerful spells, and I will teach you all that he will learn all his life!"

   Shenger's eyes lit up, looked at his master in surprise, and said excitedly: "Thank you, Master, Shenger will definitely learn well!"

   "Well, I have a good learning attitude, continue to carry forward." Wang Shuyue patted the child on the shoulder and gave him a box of skittles.

   "Then Master is going to be busy now, go find Fengxi to play."

   Shenger took the red delicate candy box flattered, and looked at Wang Shuyue a little nervously, not knowing what she meant.

   "I'll give you something to eat for fun. If you don't eat enough, tell Master, there is nothing else. Master has a lot of snacks, so I can manage enough."

   Wang Shuyue patted the child's head, smiled at the door and lifted his chin.

   Shenger holding rainbow candy, happy to leave.

   lovingly watched the child leave, Wang Shuyue waved his hand and took out the laptop along with the printer and diesel generator.

  Shenger sat at the stone table obediently, while talking to the wind in the water, while pondering the lid of the Rainbow Hall, after studying for a little while, he realized that he had torn off the strip and successfully opened the sugar lid.

   A sweet scent came out, and Shenger couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and looked up into the box. The colorful candies lay quietly in the sugar box. They looked very beautiful.

   "There are so many colors, what color do you want to eat?" Shenger asked softly, looking at the box with sullen eyes and couldn't move his eyes.

   Fengxi turned his tail to bask in the sun that is hard to come by in winter, and casually pretended to be gentle and asked:

   "What color are there?"

   The child's voice counted earnestly: "There are red, yellow, green, black, and white."

   "Then it's white." Feng Xi replied while looking at her silver tail.

   Shenger nodded, spread out his palms, and carefully poured the jelly beans into his palms. The sweetness was too gluttonous, and I couldn't help it, sticking out his tongue and preparing to taste one.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the tongue touched the sugar shell and tasted a little bit of sweetness, there was a loud noise in the ear, which made the child tremble all over, his hands trembled, and the jelly beans in his palms. Sprinkle it all down.

   Shenger raised his head in panic, and saw a square iron box. I don’t know when it appeared on the terrace Suddenly," he continued to make a terrifying noise.

The child looked at the jelly beans rolling on the ground into the cracks in the rock, and then at the strange machine standing in front of him. He clapped his hands and laughed and said, "It's just starting me up." Master, his mouth was suffocated, and he couldn't help it. The sadness and grievance in my heart, "wow" crying so piercingly!

  Wang Shuyue, who had just started the diesel generator, suddenly heard the cry that shook the sky. She was shocked and hurriedly looked into the yard. She saw Shenger sitting on the stone bench, crying with his nose and tears all mixed together. It was miserable.

   "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

   Wang Shuyue was so scared that she came to the little apprentice and checked his body up and down to see if he was injured.

   Fortunately, the child’s clothes are intact and there are no scars on his body. It’s normal to have the pulse detected.

   "Why are you crying?" Wang Shuyue asked gently.

   Shenger cried while pointing at the jelly beans that fell on the ground, sobbing and saying:

"No sugar, no sugar, just a bang, the sugar is all gone, oh oh oh...I haven’t eaten it yet, I just licked it and sprinkled it, oh oh, master, I just licked it. One bite..."

   The more I talked, the more aggrieved, the villain cried out of breath, but Wang Shuyue was heartbroken.


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