My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 401: Is there fresh human blood?

Smart as Jerry, he immediately asked tentatively: "Are you entangled?"

Wang Shuyue nodded frantically, and said in a very low voice while looking at Moluosha, "Yes, I'm in the company now..."

When Wang Shuyue hung up, she turned her head.

Ma Luosha's pale face almost hit her face!

"Ho!" Wang Shuyue took two steps back, shocked.

But soon he calmed down and said calmly: "Auntie, I have asked. Grandma and aunt are at home. She said she will come and pick you up."

"Why don't we go to my office and wait a while?" Wang Shuyue asked tentatively.

Moroccan stared at her for two seconds before nodding.

The two took the elevator to the company floor. He Qiang, who had already received Wang Shuyue's text message, stood at the company's gate and waited. First, he saw Wang Shuyue coming out of the elevator, and his smiles suddenly burst.

Then, he froze instantly.

Moroccan, who seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds, pulled Wang Shuyue away and stepped out of the elevator.

He was dressed in a red dress and blatantly, his eyes raised like demons with blood lightly. He Qiang felt cold all over his body with just one glance, and he took a step abruptly and watched Moroccan walk past him and stepped into the company.

The red robe was slightly cool, and a strong smell of blood fell from the cuffs of his stiff blue suit. He Qiang subconsciously raised his hand and smelled it, and it turned into a strong floral scent again, and he felt dizzy.

"Yueyue, I..."


It was because of Wang Shuyue who quickly stepped forward to hold the person, and cast a spell to disperse the smell of strong fragrance, otherwise He Qiang might have fallen to the ground.

He Qiang took a deep breath, eased the frightened little heart, looked at the red figure that seemed to be walking around, and looked at the elder niece in front of him, and asked blankly:

"Who is this person? The fragrance just now..."

"A little illusion." Wang Shuyue explained first, completely afraid to tell her uncle that the strong fragrance was made from corpse oil and was highly poisonous.

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced that Moroccan listened to her words, but gave his uncle a slap in the face, but did not kill him.


Moroccan stood on the aisle of the company, leaning on the work station, and called her with a smile.

Wang Shuyue sighed helplessly, and quickly urged in her uncle's ear: "Stay away from him, this is a big monster."

After that, he added in a low voice, "We will be safe when my grandma comes to accept him."

After that, He Qiang greeted him with a flattering smile under He Qiang's shocked gaze.

"Uncle, please, please, my office is here, you are on the floor carefully, the ground you just dragged is a bit slippery, please pay attention."

"Would you like something to drink?"

He Qiang who followed up also smiled shyly, "There is coffee and tea."

Moroccan glanced at him, curled his lips and smiled coldly, "Is there any fresh human blood?"

He Qiang was startled, and he glanced at Wang Shuyue hurriedly. Seeing that she winked at herself, he flatly responded:

"There is only coffee and tea. How about some tea for you?"

This tone is a gentleness that He Qiang has never experienced before.

Feeling the tyrannical gaze above his head, He Qiang only secretly rejoiced that the company got off work early today. It is only half past seven, and people are almost gone.

Otherwise, the casualties are unpredictable!

The aunts and nephews waited for a long while before they heard Moroccan alms-like cry: "Yes."

"Okay, wait a minute, I'm going to prepare." He Qiang smiled slightly, turned and rushed towards the pantry quickly.

Wang Shuyue opened her office and arranged Moroccan in her boss chair, using an excuse to urge He Qiang to slip away.

As soon as he entered the door of the pantry, he ran into He Qiang, who had made tea, and walked out carrying the plate. When the aunts and nephews met, they returned to the pantry tacitly and closed the door.

"Why are you back?"

"Where is Uncle Shi Xiaowu?"

The aunts and nephews spoke together, He Qiang put down the tea and motioned to Wang Shuyue to speak first.

Wang Shuyue took out the purchase order, "I only have seven days to come back from leave to buy things. This is what I want to buy. Uncle, please help me find someone from the Chamber of Commerce. They should have a way out."

"I won't show up for a long time, and I can't make up for the information gap for more than half a year. You have to take care of me, uncle, and thank you when you're done!"

Just rushing to the next sentence, He Qiang slapped his chest and said: "Don't worry, it must be done for you!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, He Qiang put away the purchase order, and asked doubtfully: "Are you looking for Shi Xiaowu? Where is he in the security room, let me call for you?"

He asked, raised his chin towards the office again, and saw Wang Shuyue nodding, without asking carefully, He Qiang understood what she meant.

This is to get rid of this big demon.

He Qiang nodded, took out his mobile phone and called the security room while whispering: "How did you bring such a person back?"

"People? That's not a person." Wang Shuyue approached her uncle and whispered: "That's a demon."

He Qiang opened his eyes wide, don't fool your uncle!

Wang Shuyue raised her hand and held her forehead, and nodded helplessly, really not a human being!

After the call was connected, Shi Xiaowu heard a sternly questioning voice. He Qiang swallowed fiercely, and gave a slightly anxious order:

"Come to the president's office!"


After hanging up the phone, He Qiang felt lingering. Seeing Wang Shuyue opened the door to leave, she grabbed her, "Where are you going?"

He didn't dare to stay here alone against the big demon.

Wang Shuyue thought for a while, her uncle was not safe here, and acquiesced in his following.

My aunts and nephews lightly walked towards the company gate with their waists.

"What the **** is going on? Why did you provoke this..." The big demon didn't dare to say three words, afraid of being heard, He Qiang asked again in a vague manner:

"What is he doing with you? We just left? Can Shi Xiaowu deal with it?"

Wang Shuyue replied: "He came for my aunt, and I am going home to find my aunt to get some air, but just now I was talking on the phone with Ji Rui, and my aunt seemed to be busy. Ji Rui did not contact her. I wanted to stabilize this... ... tricked his aunt to come and pick him up."

He Qiang couldn't help but raised his hand to compare with a thumb, "You can be fat enough, so what do you do now?"

The two cats out of the company gate, the elevator door dinged, and their hearts jumped wildly.

Looking up, it was Shi Xiaowu in a security uniform.

He was obviously taken aback when he saw Wang Shuyue, but he quickly saw some clues from their sneaky expressions.

"Hush~" Wang Shuyue made a silent gesture at him.

Shi Xiaowu instantly condensed his breath, and asked Wang Shuyue what the situation was with his eyes.

A powerful spy suddenly swept over, and Shi Xiaowu's expression was dreadful, and the thumb he held on the sword was lightly tapped, and the sword was out of its sheath.

After raising soldiers for a thousand days, Wang Shuyue and He Qiang straightened up and hid behind Shi Xiaowu.

It's useless to summon Shenlong now, and Wang Shuyue is extremely insecure.

But seeing the red figure coming out of the office, her sanity still defeated her fear, and she squeezed Shi Xiaowu's hand that was about to draw the sword.

"Who is this?"

The figure flickered, Moroccan was approaching, and the **** eyes looked up and down Shi Xiaowu, full of playfulness.

Like my aunt and grandma, she has come back to cultivate immortality, please collect it: () My aunt and grandma have come back to cultivate immortality, and the update speed is the fastest.

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