My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 430: Devilish invasion

   Wang Shuyue was stunned for a moment, and Yan Muyan's expression was relieved, and she laughed outrageously.

   "The child hears the wind but rain, don't you know that my cloud and crane sect has been standing for thousands of years, so how can I panic about this trivial matter?"

   Wang Shuyue nodded, feeling that Qing Muyan made a lot of sense, and when he looked at the elders of the peaks who were still joking in the hall, he immediately let out a sigh of relief.

   "Master is used to making jokes."

   Qing Muyan reluctantly spit out to Wang Shuyue, which was an explanation for her master.

   Wang Shuyue smiled and said that he didn't mind, anyway, as long as something really happened, Ruan Zhi Shangxian would be fine anyway.

   As long as she reported her report, she would withdraw.

Wang Shuyue raised her head and looked at the sky. After just such a short time, the sky was completely dark. The night of early winter was starless and moonless, and it was dark. Occasionally, I could see a few fluorescent lights coming out of the mountain. I don't know which demon came out to hunt. beast.

   "Tell the elders, Sister Wang and Sister Aoki are back!"

   The disciple’s report was heard in the hall. Soon, the two people waiting outside the door heard Ruan Zhi Shangxian shouting:

"Come in."

  Wang Shuyue and Qing Muyan entered the hall side by side, giving salutes to the peak masters one by one.

   Ruan Zhi got up and walked in front of the two, smiling and asking, "Is everything going well?"

   Qing Muyan nodded, "Enlighten Master, all the disciples have been arranged properly, please rest assured, Master and you all."

   Ruan Zhi nodded in satisfaction, pointed to the vacant table on the left, motioned the two to sit down and rest, and then called the boy to bring fairy water to quench their thirst.

  Wang Shuyue took a sip, looked around the chamber, and looked at Ruan Zhishangxian suspiciously, "Master, where is my master and his old man?"

   "I'm just about to talk to you two." Ruan Zhi raised his hand and motioned to the other elders to be quiet, and the lively hall suddenly became quiet.

   Wang Shuyue, who had already thought that there was nothing serious, couldn't help but raise her heart again.

   Seeing her nervousness, Ruan Zhi shook her head funny, and then said: "The Secret Realm has been closed. Your master has taken your senior brother to pick you up Wenqi and them. If there is no accident, you can come back tomorrow."

That's it?

Wang Shuyue breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of fairy syrup in relief, and then asked: "The boy who came to pass the letter said that something big happened inside the door, which caused my senior sister and I to jump out of fright. He also said it was a matter of the illusion and secret realm. , So this is it?"

   She was already relieved, she just spit out casually, so that everyone can make fun of something. Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, the hall was so quiet that even the sound of breathing disappeared.

   Wang Shuyue looked up blankly, just to see the dodge look of the peak master of Qingxia Peak, the fox questioned:

   "Why aren't everyone talking anymore?"

   Ruan Zhi responded in time. He glanced at his brother and explained with a smile:

   "What the boy said is correct, it is indeed a small matter, but since the head brother has already gone to pick him up, there should be nothing wrong. You don't have to think too much, go back and rest first."

   "In the past two months, I have been taking care of those mischievous disciples, and I have worked hard for you."

   Ruan Zhi's expression was very natural. Wang Shuyue felt that she was right. The head master was out, even if there was something, it was fine, so there was no need to worry too much.

   When I think of Yunhezong in the world for tens of thousands of years, what kind of monsters and ghosts have never encountered before, I finally feel relieved.

   "Uncles and uncles, that disciple should retreat first?" Wang Shuyue got up and asked with a tentative smile.

   Ruan Zhi waved her hand helplessly, beckoning her to go quickly, don't make these hypocritical ones.

   When Wang Shuyue saw this, he fluttered and went back to his nest.

   "Weird, why don't you light up the lights in the house? Are the three provinces and children not there?"

   Looking at the small dark house ahead, Wang Shuyue whispered.

   "Xiao Bai!" Wang Shuyue shouted again. Soon, a white shadow suddenly appeared in the darkness, and it rushed towards her like electricity.

   Smelling the familiar fishy smell, Wang Shuyue smirked, lifted his foot and kicked it.

   It's a pity that Bai Ying was very flexible, and immediately avoided, lying on the ground on the side, whimpering and complaining that Wang Shuyue was too much!

   "Are you alone?" Wang Shuyue stepped forward, took a handful of tiger hair, and asked amusedly.

   Bai Hu did not answer, but asked her first: "Where is the boss?"

   Wang Shuyue’s bag on Wang Shuyue’s chest lit up with blue light, and the Yu Qilin flew out like an electric light, and rode directly on the white tiger’s head. His paw scratched the white tiger’s head, and asked with a smile:

   "Did you steal our fat head fish?!"

   Baihu shuddered severely, shook his head and said no.

  Wang Shuyue walked into the yard and turned on the solar lamp under the corridor. The whole yard was lit up. From a distance, it looked like a bright pearl in the dark night.

   The lights illuminate the pool water, and Wang Shuyue glanced at it. Sure enough, two fat-headed fish were missing.

   Yes, this time Xiao Bai has to be beaten by Yu Qilin again.

The miserable tiger roar shook the hills. Wang Shuyue clapped his hands, opened the door and entered the house without regard to his own. After turning on the light in the house, he sat cross-legged on the futon, took out the cuttlefish jade pendant, and asked what the three provinces are now. Place.

   waited for almost a minute, only after the boy's surprise reply came from the other side.

   Wang Shuyue smiled and did not go back.

   Two minutes later, from outside the Zizhu Forest, someone who was so excited that he was so excited: "Master!!!"

   "Master, Master and I are back!"

   A villain rushed into the room like a cannonball, Wang Shuyue smiled, "Do you miss me?"

   The tall young man walked in, nodding their heads together.

   "I didn't ask you again." Wang Shuyue sneered, her brows and eyes softened.

   Three provinces restrained and restrained, because there was still a child in front of him, so he didn't rush to pick up the woman whose eyes were discharging.

   only suppressed the excitement, and whispered joyfully: "Uncle Master."

   "Where have you been?" Wang Shuyue patted the seat next to her and motioned for the two to sit down.

   The child knelt down on the ground, rushed directly into the arms of the master, and said with red eyes:

   "It's obviously only been two months since I left my uncle, but I felt like I hadn't seen the master for two hundred years."

   "The little mouth is smeared with honey?" Wang Shuyue rubbed the cheek meat raised by the little guy, and poke his forehead by the way.

   "Is this the truth? I think you wish I wouldn't come, so you can be free by yourself."

"it is true!"

   Shenger retorted in a serious manner, then glanced at Sanshen faintly, and whispered in Wang Shuyue's ear:

   "Master is very strict. It is forbidden to do that, and you have to practice this way and learn that way. I only hope that the master will come back soon to save the disciple in the water and fire..."

   A certain teacher raised the corners of his mouth and smiled softly, "I heard it."

   Shenger suddenly became stiff.

   A certain teacher continued to say gently: "It seems that the sound transmission technique taught you still can't be learned. From tomorrow, I will practice one more hour's sword."

   Shenger's eyes widened, and his incredulous expression seemed to say: What is the relationship between practicing sword and being able to learn voice transmission!

   woo woo woo, master help!

   Wang Shuyue received the apprentice’s distress signal and almost couldn’t help but laugh, but the boyfriend’s prestige still needs to be maintained. Otherwise, what should he do next time he doesn’t bring her apprentice?

   "Sir, I'm also doing good for you. We have ordinary talents, so we have to use diligence to make up for our weaknesses."

   Wang Shuyue patted the child on the shoulder and gave him a cheering gesture.

   Shenger almost cried, got up sadly, snorted, and ran out.

   There were Yu Qilin and Xiao Bai outside, and Wang Shuyue secretly told Yu Qilin to be optimistic about the children, so she stopped worrying about it.

   raised his eyes to look at the Qingjun man sitting on the opposite side, and motioned to sit over.

  As soon as the child was born, the frame of the teacher in Sanshen was loosened. Seeing the hint of Wang Shuyue's eyes, she sat down pretending to be serious.

   Although she had guessed what she would do, she almost overwhelmed him with her enthusiasm. Wang Shuyue rushed up, kissed, then rubbed, and finally hugged her tightly. Then she let go, tidying up the scattered clothes and sitting upright.

   The look of sitting upright, as if the fierce girl just now was not her.

   The three provinces made a big red face. While holding his chewed face sweetly, he quickly scanned the yard, and saw that the two beasts hadn't noticed, and the blush on the face disappeared a little.

   "Uncle Master, you, you..."

   "What am I? Don't you want me?" Wang Shuyue looked at him with bright eyes, forcing people to be speechless.

   However, the raised corners of the mouth still betrayed the young man's thoughts, how could he not want her? He only hoped that Uncle Master would come back soon.

   The two looked at each other for a few seconds, then laughed together, and the room was full of warmth.

   "You sleep in Zizhuyuan tonight." Wang Shuyue tentatively said.

  Sansheng also wanted to be closer to her, and agreed, "Then I will sleep with Shenger tonight, just to guide him how to run the exercises faster."

   Wang Shuyue: "..." Do you want to be so serious?

   But I didn't dare to joke anymore, for fear of scaring the shy boy away.

   So, the three masters and apprentices went back to each house to rest happily.

   Except for those who want to cry without tears, the rest are very happy.

  Wang Shuyue: Next time I will take the beautiful boy to my room.

  Three provinces: It’s the first time to live in the uncle’s courtyard openly, so excited~

  生儿: Then I go?

  Three provinces: No way, come back and practice hard!

  生儿: I cried——


   The wind blew up in the middle of the night, making the bamboo forest rustle, and the draughts of "woo woo" sounded like a ghost screaming.

  The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the shadow of the tree shakes violently. The silhouette is in the small courtyard, adding a bit of weirdness.

   Suddenly, the bell of "Boom——" spread from the highest peak to the surroundings, like someone deliberately throwing a bomb into the lake water, there was a loud bang, and the slightly cool lake water quickly boiled!

   "Uncle Master, it's not good, it's a wake-up call for the Zongmen to urgently recall the disciples to prepare to seal the mountain!"

   Wang Shuyue sat up from the bed with a sharp spirit, and the gray and black silhouette of the teenager reflected on the window paper on the door. She hurriedly got up and opened the door and walked out.

   "Master..." Shenger was also awakened by the alarm, and fumbled out of the night in a panic.

   Wang Shuyue stepped forward and took his hand, took the person in his arms, and came to the terrace with Sanshen.

   There is a wide view here, and you can see the situation on the mountain square.

   I saw the lights lit up one after another, but in a short moment, the peaks and peaks had already lit up, and all the disciples under the Yunhe Zongmen who were inside the door rushed towards the central square.

   Wang Shuyue and Sanxing glanced at each other, took out the flying magic weapon, and followed the crowd to the square.

  Because of the new access control instructions issued before, the Yunhe sect disciples would rush back to the sect before dark. As soon as the emergency edict came, except for the disciples who went out to practice, the rest of the disciples were inside the door.

   Wang Shuyue had known before that there were tens of thousands of resident disciples in Yunhe Sect, but she only saw the scene of those tens of thousands of disciples gathering together for the first time today.

   I don’t know who is holding up the searchlight. The entire square is as bright as daylight. Tens of thousands of disciples stand neatly lined up on the square, summoned by their masters. The huge square can’t accommodate so many people.

   There are also some disciples above the foundation cultivation level. The sword is standing in the air. Everyone has a serious expression. Only the exchange students who have never experienced this kind of scene look around uneasy and blankly.

Wang Shuyue saw Bai Qingfeng and others, but everyone was too late to be happy about her smooth return, and saw a dazzling glaucoma rising from the abdomen of Yunhezong Mountain, and then like a spider web, turning into inexhaustible blue small The light beams connected little by little to form a huge dome, and finally enveloped the entire Yunhe Sect.

   "Om——" A soft chirping seems to be a kind of bird's chirping, echoing for a long time among the Yunhezong Mountains.

  A disciple exclaimed: "It's the chirping of the town sent spirit beast Qingluan divine bird!"

   Suddenly, a pot exploded in the square, and the disciples of the elites who had seemed rather calm at first also showed a panic expression, whispering:

   "What happened? How suddenly the sleeping beast was awakened?"

   "Is it a beast wave?"

   "Such a sight, I saw it for the first time in 300 years since I started, it will never be a beast wave."


  "Master~" Shenger nervously grasped Master's hand tightly, his big eyes filled with fear of the unknown.

   Wang Shuyue was also confused in her heart, completely confused, but she still had to calm herself down and comfort the children beside her, "It's okay, the mountain protection formation is already open, don't be afraid."

At this time, a purple light flew from the direction of the main peak, it was Ruan Zhi Shangxian with a cold Shuyue still remembered the joking expression when she told herself that it was okay before, who would have thought that this was only past four After a few hours, I slapped my face.

   "Uncle Shi, what happened?" Wang Shuyue flew forward and asked in confusion.

   Ruan Zhi Shangxian seemed to have never expected that she would be here. He gave her a surprised look, "The head is back, why are you still here?"

   "Master is back? Sister Wenqi and the others are back together?" Wang Shuyue asked quickly.

   Ruan Zhi nodded, but his expression looked more solemn, Wang Shuyue turned and was about to go to the main peak, Ruan Zhi drank her: "Wait for now."

   It's useless to go now anyway, Wen Qi is afraid that she won't be able to save it.

  Wang Shuyue didn't know what had happened, so she didn't dare to act rashly. Seeing Ruan Zhi came over to announce the situation, she waited for her to finish talking before leaving.


   A domineering shout made all the disciples calm down.

   Then, Ruan Zhi said: "Unexpectedly, after ten thousand years, the demons who were suppressed in the abyss will come back. In just three days, five states were covered by demonic energy, and Qingzhou was in danger..."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts were shaken three times in an instant!


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