Just when Wang Shuyue was deeply in a breakdown, and Qing Luan was at a loss, Qing Luan walked in.

"This is?" Huo Dongfang looked at Qingyi suspiciously. After contacting Yunhezong for so many days, the elders of the peaks had seen them, but they had never seen the pretty girl in green clothes before him.

Qingyi first gave a junior ceremony with Qingluan, and then introduced them to Huo Dongfang:

"This is the guardian sacred beast, Elder Qingluan."

Mythical beast?

not human?

Huo Dongfang was slightly surprised, his face was not visible, and he solemnly saluted the opponent.

Qingluan nodded in return, and turned to look at Wang Shuyue, who had not yet discovered that she had arrived, and violently ravaged Yuqilin, "Ahem!" He coughed heavily.

Wang Shuyue was also shocked and looked back, only to find that Qingluan was coming.

This person is the same generation as her aunt and grandmother, is an elder, Wang Shuyue hurriedly let go of the jade unicorn, bowed and bowed.

Yu Qilin's eyes are like stars, and his gratitude is beyond words. It can be regarded as free from Wang Shuyue's claws!

Qing Luan looked at the person and the beast, shook his head helplessly, and said, "You follow me."

"Where to go?" Wang Shuyue asked subconsciously. When I asked, I just wanted to slap herself, she was really stupid by Yu Qilin, Qing Luan came and called, where else could she go?

Naturally, I went to see her aunt who was not in front of others!

Seeing Wang Shuyue's own reaction, Qingluan glanced at her speechlessly, without explaining anything, nodded with Qingyi, and left first.

Wang Shuyue said to the master, and hurriedly picked up Yu Qilin to keep up.

The three came to a valley in the depths of the Yunhezong mountain range. This is Wang Shufen’s practice site. The valley is located in the belly of Yunhezong and is independent of the front hall. It is not disturbed by the outside world. Excellent fortune in the world.

However, this was the dojo where Wang Shufen turned into a god. After turning into a god, she went to many places. Those heaven and blessings were hidden in the world, and she couldn't find it without luck.

This is the coldest season of winter, and the vegetation in the valley grows luxuriantly. Just like early spring, clusters of bright yellow unknown flowers cover the grass, and the streams are gurgling and beautiful.

If the sky is not black, I think it would be even more beautiful.

From the entrance of the valley to the door of a thatched hut, the spiritual lamp points all the way to the front of a thatched cottage. The thick and soft grass has become a carpet. People walking on the rustling sound can be heard clearly in this silent valley.

Qingluan walked in front, and Wang Shuyue and Yu Qilin followed behind her. After a hundred steps, they reached the door of the thatched house.

The light of the incandescent lamp in the room is the most common emergency rechargeable light in the homes of the Blue Star people. It can be on for 72 hours after a full charge. When it is dead, it can be recharged with the spare battery of the power bank.

Qingluan stepped forward, the closed door naturally opened, and a light sandalwood overflowed. A woman was sitting in front of the desk in the room, holding a small stick, and fiddled with the powder in the cup.

Wang Shuyue and the three came in. She didn't raise her eyes, but pointed at the futon next to her, motioning them to sit.

Wang Shuyue looked around, and there was only grandma in the room.

"Grandma, where is Grandpa?" Wang Shuyue asked curiously.

Wang Shufen flicked the powder with one hand, and pushed a small sandalwood box in front of her with the other, "He's gone, this is a life-changing pill for you."

go back? Where did you go back? What is the life-changing pill?

Is there any causal relationship between the two?

Could it be that Grandpa Auntie went back because he gave her a life-changing pill?

Wang Shuyue had a question mark in his head and took the box and opened it. Inside was a brown pill the size of a quail egg. It looked ordinary, and there was no spiritual fluctuation.

Just...If it weren't for taking it out of her grandmother's hand, she wouldn't want to pick it up if the pill fell on her feet.

Qingluan probably knew the goods over there, and when he saw this pill, he took a breath.

Wang Shufen said indifferently: "I heard what Qingyi said, double repair is indeed feasible, but..."

Suddenly she raised her head, her dark eyes were gloomy, "My royal girl, don't have to sacrifice here for the people of the world!"

Wang Shuyue didn't doubt that if Master appeared in front of her grandmother, she would be slapped to death by her slap.

Seeing her granddaughter's touched expression, Wang Shufen couldn't help but give her a cold look, "If you think about it, you don't have to go."

Wang Shuyue smiled happily, "If there is one more and one less, it doesn't matter, I will definitely not go, but now it's just me, and I will go with Yu Qilin."

Wang Shufen's icy gaze swept towards Yu Qilin.

Yu Qilin: Shaking and dare not speak!

Fortunately, that cold gaze was quickly taken back, Wang Shufen looked at the pill and explained:

"Yunhezong has a forbidden technique that can use the power of the same door to raise the cultivation base to the limit within a short period of time. The time limit is half a month.

"If you take this life-changing pill, you can turn your mixed Five Element Spiritual Roots into Hunyuan Five Spiritual Roots. With your Hunyuan cultivation technique, your cultivation speed will not be much worse than that of Tianling Roots in the future."

Hearing this, Wang Shuyue understood why Qingluan was so shocked. If an outsider sees such a treasure, it is estimated that he will be desperate to grab it.

Wang Shuyue looked at the ordinary pills, then at her aunt's grandma's calm face, swallowed hard, and suppressed the embarrassment she had never seen before.

"Grandma, where did you get this pill?" Wang Shuyue asked weakly.

Where did you get it?

The corners of Wang Shufen’s lips were slightly bent, and she said in her heart that she naturally grabbed it from those in the upper realm who didn’t want to work hard!

She joined hands with Shangguan and his wife, and Long Yi helped each other. In the end, the price of serious injury to Shangguan and Long Yi was gained by killing God.

However, Wang Shufen would not tell Wang Shuyue about these things. A child would have a child's Yazi, and she would know about the cruelty of an adult, so she didn't need to tell it in advance.

"You don't need to know where it came from. In short, there won't be any in the Lower Realm. If the ascent passage is closed in the future, it will never be there again."

Wang Shufen said lightly, revealing too much information, not only Wang Shuyue digested it for a long time, but even Qing Luan was stunned.

What does it mean that the ascending channel is closed?

Could it be that the attitude of the upper realm towards demons is to let Kyushu fend for itself?

"Zi Xiao, what you said is true?" Qingluan still couldn't believe it. If the ascending passage was deliberately closed by the upper realm, wouldn't the lower realm cultivator's dream of becoming immortal be shattered?

"Could it be... will there be no possibility of ascending again in the future?"

Seeing Qingluan's appearance as if the sky is about to fall, Zi Xiao sighed softly: "Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and gains must be lost. Deeds rotate and go round and round. Who can tell the rest?"

"Human... will always find a new way of life in a desperate situation, with a strong Taoist heart, so why not get the Tao?"

Wang Shufen looked at Qingluan's dimmed eyes and smiled lightly, "You and I practice in the same way, but I can get the way, but you can't. What is your way?"

Qing Luan replied: "Although I heard that I am a protoss, it is actually a demon. The human race is blessed, and cultivation is faster than the demon race. You are one step ahead of me. Isn't this supposed to be the case?"

Wang Shufen shook his head, "You said that, then why is the monster water dragon next to me transformed into a dragon? I remember, you are quite the same age, but the difference is only three thousand years old."

Qing Luan frowned, subconsciously trying to argue, but couldn't tell anything, and suddenly became mute.

"Your Dao heart is not as firm as my young grandson. She walks step by step, only full of passionate feelings. Do you still think they are naive and ridiculous?"

Wang Shufen raised an envious smile, "But she has no distracting thoughts, no attachments, so confused, but saves countless troubles, naturally, she will never lose her."

After that, he dropped the incense stick in his hand, leaned back in the chair, and did not forget to praise himself.

"Of course, she has better luck than you. With me, the God of Purple Cloud, she will not be worse off!"

Qing Luan: "..." Fatal crit!

Wang Shuyue: "..." What did grandma aunt say? I feel that I understand it but I don’t seem to understand it completely, dumbfounded!

Wang Shufen raised his finger at the girl in front of him, "Look, Qingluan, you are stuck in it, but she is ignorant and has less troubles, so learn quickly."

Qingluan glared at Wang Shuyue angrily, and was beaten by a little baby who was still stinking. Isn't she shameful!

Wang Shuyue was stunned. How did she feel her grandma was cursing?

"Don't patronize and froze. I ate the life-changing pill. While I am still free, I will protect the law for you." Wang Shufen said amusedly, seeming to be amused by her granddaughter's stupidity again.

Wang Shuyue just... felt terrible, but she couldn't tell where she was terrible, so she had to abandon the depression that didn't know where she came from, and picked up the life-changing pill.

Eat it directly? She asked in her eyes.

Wang Shufen nodded, and instructed Qingluan: "You go to the library to fetch the banned books, and then discuss with Qingyi to see who is willing to transfer your mana to her. Let's abide by the principle of voluntariness. Think of another way."

Qing Luan got up and said to Wang Shuyue before leaving: "If your aunt's grandmother can defend me, I will give you all my mana, and I can raise you to the realm of God Transformation."

After speaking, he looked at Zi Xiao, who had just preached himself, and hummed before leaving.

At the beginning, before the first Sect Master of Yunhe Sect obtained the Dao, she begged her to take care of his disciples and grandchildren for him. Now that she agreed, she would naturally not break her promise!

Zixiao, it's not just you who live for the world, my Qingluan will not live up to my promise!


Watching Qingluan leave with angrily, Wang Shuyue panicked for no reason when she remembered what she had said before leaving.

Is she really going to face the demons alone this time?

Yu Qilin and Wang Shuyue are connected, and feeling the excitement in her heart, the sound transmission soothes:

"I have a life-changing pill, what are you afraid of? Besides, there is still me. I said that I will protect you and will never put you in danger."

Hearing Yu Qilin's comfort, Wang Shuyue's nervousness relaxed a little, but only a little bit.

But soon, she lost consciousness after taking the life-changing pill.

When she woke up again, familiar faces surrounded her head!

There is Master Qing and a group of people, including Elder Julu Taishang, Elder Qingluan, Shangxian Ruan Zhi, as well as Sister Wenqi and Yu Qilin.

"After sleeping for seven days and seven nights, you can be considered awake!" Wen Qi said in disgust.

Wang Shuyue blinked, her memory revived a little bit, but before she fully recovered, Wen Qi had grabbed her and sat cross-legged behind her, Yun Gong was about to transfer mana to her.

"What are you doing!" Wang Shuyue was startled and hurriedly got up and avoided.

Wen Qi looked at her impatiently: "What else can I do to pass the gong to you? After finally waiting for you to wake up, do you know what it's like outside during the few days you slept?"

"Xuzhou is gone. Even though the Yuren tribe on Yingzhou retreats, but the evil demons invaded, the Xu family is almost unable to hold it. Once Yingzhou is seized, the seal of the abyss will be in danger, and then it will be truly overwhelming!"

Wen Qi said bitterly: "I can't wait any longer! Come here, I will send you my self-cultivation!"

Wang Shuyue got a headache when she yelled at her, so she hurriedly looked at the master and others, asking about her current situation outside and her physical condition.

Because after she woke up, she didn't feel any difference in her body.

Perhaps, just try your luck.

As soon as he thought of it, Wang Shuyue sat down cross-legged and exercised while listening to Master and others explain the outside situation. She was pleasantly surprised to find that her meridians seemed to widen. Not only that, but the speed and quantity of aura absorption has also been qualitatively improved!

It turns out that the life-changing pill can really be life-changing!

At this time, through everyone's narration, Wang Shuyue also knew what was happening outside during her coma.

The Blue Star Warriors joined the battlefield, and a large number of large electric windmills entered the field. In front of the strong wind, the gray fog on the side of Yunhezong dispersed and became the only safe zone in Kyushu.

The two-world research team led by Long Mingzhu has analyzed the formation elements of the Qi of Chaos, and the decryption code is under study, and breakthroughs have been made so far, and the code can be decrypted in half a month.

The Demon Sac provided by Jade Qilin is very effective against the evil demon clone. Now, with the cooperation of the Yunhezong disciples and the Blue Star army, the situation in Qingzhou has basically stabilized.

However, the situation in other states is not optimistic. Xuzhou has completely fallen, with countless casualties, which has also helped to increase the power of the demons. The more you go outside Qingzhou, the stronger the demons you encounter.

Now, several other big sects are stuck at the sect resident ~www.readwn.com~ and are watching the movement of Yunhezong.

After seeing the strength of the Blue Star troop, the three major sects including Danxia Sect, Yu Beast Sect, and Qi Sect, had already come to Huo Dongfang for help.

However, Danzhou, which is adjacent to Yingzhou, Xuzhou, is still resisting the entry of Blue Star troops.

Such stubbornness makes people bald. Wang Shuyue clearly sees that her master's hairline tends to move back.

Qingyi seriously reminded Wang Shuyue: "After the forbidden technique is cast, you only have half a month to find the traces of the evil spirits and seal them. If you are not ready, you can take another two days."

Still slow? She can slow down, but Danzhou and Yingzhou, which are about to fall, can't be slowed down.

"Huh~" Wang Shuyue took a deep breath, her eyes firm, "Come on!"

Wen Qi couldn't wait to go up, Qingyi stopped her and threw her out.

Everyone retired, leaving only Qingluan and Wang Shuyue in the house...

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