My avatar is a god

Chapter 17: Take Refuge

After Wei Xiaojiang left Tianzun Temple with Wang Junyi and Qian Qianren, they stood in the square in front of the temple. Wei Xiaojiang looked at the crowds going in and out of the temple, feeling a little hesitant. The person behind this Tianzun Sect is obviously not an ordinary ancestral spirit. Regardless of whether the Daluo Tianzun worshiped is the legendary true god, ordinary ancestral spirits definitely do not have such power.

Wei Xiaojiang sighed and wondered whether his family was too indulgent towards the Tianzun Sect. Was his decision to support the Tianzun Sect against the Yingui Sect behind his back correct? Once the Tianzun Sect became big, would it pose a huge threat to the Wei Kingdom?

Containing and weakening the immortal cultivating sects is the basic national policy of Weiguo. Behind the scenes, creating obstacles for the immortal cultivating sects such as the Yin Gui Sect that are dissatisfied with the king's rule is something that all parties in the DPRK and China like to see. With the Yin Gui Sect around, there was no time to consider the threat from the Tianzun Sect.

"Master Wei, since the Tianzun Sect is going to attack the Li family, should we provide the Li family's information to the Tianzun Sect?" Qian Qianren asked cautiously from the side.

"Your brain has been eaten by a dog. Our so-called support is just to fool the Tianzun Sect into playing with the Yin Gui Sect. How can we really give any substantive support to the Tianzun Sect. The Yin Gui Sect is an ambitious and rebellious traitor, and this Tianzun Sect is also the same Not a good thing."

Wang Junyi, who was dissatisfied with the Tianzun Sect, scolded Qian Qianren mercilessly.

Wang Junyi, a young and successful young man, did not take Qian Qianren, the chief arrester of Qingshan County, seriously at all. On weekdays, he would ridicule at will and scold him at will, which fully demonstrated the superiority of the cultivators.

"Speaking of which, a cult like the Tianzun Sect can develop in your Qingshan County. You, the chief arrester, are guilty of negligence."

The arrogant Wang Junyi felt angry when he thought of that little brat Xu Xiao standing high in front of him and acting as if no one else was around.

Qian Qianren's old face twisted. Because of his status as Wang Junyi's disciple, he put down his body and deliberately curry favor, but this boy regarded him as a slave and scolded him at will. After all, he is also the chief arrester of Qingshan County, and one of the few martial arts masters in the entire Qingshan County.

"Information about the Yin Gui Sect can be properly disclosed to the Tianzun Sect. As for the information about the Li family, there is no need to tell the Tianzun Sect. After all, the Li family is also a family of our country, and there is no obvious disobedience." When Xiao Jiang opened his mouth, he relieved Qian Qianren.

"Boss Qian, as the chief catcher of Qingshan County, you are familiar with the situation in Qingshan County. All future negotiations with the Tianzun Sect will be left to you. As for what to let the Tianzun Sect know, what We can’t let the Tianzun Sect know about it, I think you know it well.”

Hearing the warning in Wei Xiaojiang's words, Qian Qianren responded respectfully: "I obey my order. Sir Wei, please rest assured that I will do this properly and will never let you down." "

Wei Xiaojiang nodded with satisfaction and left with Wang Junyi, leaving Qian Qianren behind to negotiate with the Tianzun Sect.

Qian Qianren looked at the two people's leaving figures, especially Wang Junyi's, with a hint of hatred on his face.

As the leading local snake in the county, the chief arrester Qian Qianren can be said to have a good understanding of various situations in the county, which is far beyond what outsiders like Wei Xiaojiang and Wang Junyi can match.

After knowing that Xu Xiao, the leader of Tianzun Sect, had the magical power to cure incurable diseases and personally experiencing the magic of Ganlin Holy Water, Qian Qianren was determined to make good friends with Tianzun Sect. Now Wang Junyi's attitude helped him make up his mind.

Qian Qianren thought for a while, then turned and walked into Tianzun Temple. He decided to disobey Wei Xiaojiang's order and tell Tianzun Sect all the information he knew without reservation.

Qian Qianren was usually very loyal to the imperial court of Wei State, and he was also very deferential to Wei Xiaojiang. But people's hearts were so far apart that Wei Xiaojiang never thought that Qian Qianren would have any objections.

Xu Xiao, who was meditating in the back hall of Tianzun Temple, heard an announcement from a waiter in the church that Luo Yun had something to ask for, so he immediately summoned him.

"Teacher, I have great news. The chief arrester of Qingshan County, Qian Qianren, is willing to join our religion. Now he is outside, waiting for the leader's summons."

After a brief greeting, Luo Yun excitedly got to the point.

"This Qian Qianren will not be another Li Zheng, pretending to be a refuge, but actually harboring evil intentions." Xu Xiao said angrily.

Luo Yun's old face turned red and he said cautiously: "Please forgive me, Master, last time Li Zheng's matter was indeed caused by an oversight by his subordinates. But this time Qian Qianren has sincerely surrendered to him and has no second intention."

After pleading guilty, Luo Yun explained in detail.

"My subordinate has known Qian Qianren for many years and knows him quite well. This person is usually upright and selfless. In the past few years as the chief arrester of Qingshan County, he has offended many people, including many of the top figures in Qingshan County. Some big shots. He even said it a long time ago, and one day he will make Qian Qianren look good."

"When Qian Qianren was still here, these threats were not something to be afraid of. But he was seriously injured last time when he was encircling and suppressing the Blood Hand Tu Yi. Although the injury was temporarily suppressed by him and he was fine on the surface, in fact, this man was already dead. Soon. If he leaves, the revenge of those big shots will surely fall on his family."

"Qian Qianren has a large family with children and grandchildren, but he can't escape the revenge of those big shots."

Xu Xiao frowned when he heard the familiar name Xue Handu Rentu.

"I heard that the leader has a magic hand of rejuvenation, which can resurrect the dead, flesh and bones, and even cured Protector Qin Gang Qin who was injured by the blood-handed massacre. So Qian Qianren is willing to join our religion in exchange for the leader's treatment."

Luo Yun continued to explain.

"This is not because I have the magic hand to rejuvenate, but because God is merciful and gives me divine power to save people in distress." Xu Xiao replied habitually.

At the beginning of his mission, in order to quickly develop followers and expand the influence of Tianzun Sect, Xu Xiao did take action himself and unconditionally cured many people of incurable diseases.

After the development of Tianzun Sect was on the right track, Xu Xiao rarely took action personally. Those who suffer from incurable diseases will not receive treatment if they do not beg hard, pray sincerely, and devoutly believe in Daluo Tianzun.

As the same saying goes, things that are obtained too easily will always be accepted by people with peace of mind and will not be cherished at all. Daluo Tianzun's divine power is not a big deal, it is not that cheap. Only devout believers can receive divine favor. Treatment is only a means, preaching is the goal.

"In order to express his sincerity in joining our sect, Qian Qianren has told his subordinates all the information he knows about the Yin Gui sect and the Li family."

It took Luo Yun a long time to tell Xu Xiao all the information he got from Qian Qianren.

"This Wei Xiaojiang really has evil intentions and wants our sect and Yin Gui sect to consume each other. But he didn't expect that Qian Qianren understands the righteousness and has not concealed anything from our sect."

Luo Yun is showing his merit for Qian Qianren.

"Loyalty has its limits. Even though Qian Qianren was loyal to the Wei Kingdom, for the safety of his family, he chose betrayal in the end." In Xu Xiao's heart, his understanding of the human heart deepened. .

"I have seen the ten ghosts of the Yin Gui Sect's war hall, including corpse ghosts and earth ghosts, but that invisible ghost has never appeared. I wonder where it is hiding?" Xu Xiao began to make calculations.

"Qian Qianren's knowledge of the Yin Gui Sect is limited, but the information he provided about the Li family is really detailed. This person is truly a local snake in Qingshan County."

After returning from the Li Mansion, Xu Xiao ordered to mobilize the power of the Tianzun Sect to find out all kinds of news about the Li family. Now it seems that the Tianzun Sect has limited income, and the information they have obtained is far less detailed than the information provided by Qian Qianren. This made Xu Xiao realize the shortcomings of the Tianzun Sect in terms of intelligence capabilities. From this point of view, professional talents like Qian Qianren are in urgent need of Tianzun Sect.

After comparing the information collected by the Tianzun Sect, the intelligence provided by Qian Qianren is still very credible and does not look like forgery.

After thinking for a while, Xu Xiao ordered Luo Yun to come.

"This time, I won't see Qian Qianren for the time being."

You can see it as soon as you see it. The leader of Tianzun Sect is too worthless. The airs that need to be put on still need to be put on. This is not a bad habit, but to maintain the mystery and dignity of the leader of the Tianzun Sect.

"Tell Qian Qianren that if the information he provided this time is true, after I wipe out the Li family, I will personally take him into the cult and heal his injuries."

After Luo Yun retreated, Xu Xiao began to think about how to attack the Li family.

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