My avatar is a god

Chapter 19 Ancestral Spirits and Spirit Realm

In the center of this small valley, a large row of houses guard a magnificent hall. This main hall is the ancestral temple of the Li family, enshrining the ancestral spirits of the ancestors of the Li family.

The Li family's ancestral temple is usually heavily guarded. Even the immortal cultivators in the family are not allowed to enter easily without being summoned. Only during the annual ancestor worship time, under the leadership of the head of the Li family, the entire family gathers together to worship the ancestors at the ancestral temple.

During this period, an uninvited guest came to live in the Li Family Ancestral Temple, which was absolutely restricted to outsiders.

At the core of the Li Family Ancestral Hall, there is a vague white light door. This is a special passage connecting the underworld and the Yang world, leading to the spiritual realm where the ancestral spirits of the Li family live.

A complete world must have two opposing worlds: the underworld and the yang world. The two worlds are like the two sides of a hand, closely dependent on each other but not connected to each other.

Some special beings such as ancestral spirits can communicate between the underworld and the Yang world. In the space crack between the two, a special space attached to the underworld is constructed. This is the spiritual land where the ancestral spirits live.

The Li family is not a family that cultivates immortality native to Qingshan County. It was originally located in another county where the conditions for cultivating immortals are much better. The ancestor of the Li family has a cultivation level in the late stage of foundation building. He is considered a figure in the entire Weiguo Immortal Cultivation World and is enough to support the entire Li family.

The maximum lifespan of a cultivator in the foundation-building stage would not exceed three hundred years. The ancestor of the Li family, who was about to reach the end of his life, saw that the younger generations of the Li family were too unsatisfactory and there was no one who could support the family. So the whole family moved to Qingshan County, which was regarded as a desert in the world of immortality, to avoid all kinds of grudges and disputes in the world of immortality.

If a cultivator wants to become an ancestral spirit after his or her life is over, he or she must have at least the cultivation level of the Golden Elixir stage. The ancestor of the Li family succeeded in becoming an ancestral spirit after his life span expired, relying on a secret treasure that he accidentally obtained to nourish the soul.

When a cultivator loses his physical body and becomes an ancestral spirit, his strength will decline significantly. It takes a long time of practice and accumulation to slowly recover. The strength of the ancestor of the Li family, an innately deficient ancestral spirit, is not even worth mentioning. Therefore, the ancestor of the Li family has always been honest and rarely makes trouble.

The Li family had a parallel-imported ancestral spirit, the ancestor of the Li family. Relying on the family's original accumulation, they soon became a prominent family in Qingshan County and began to gather the power of belief for their ancestral spirit among the people.

The Li family's ancestral spirits were not strong enough, so the spirit realm they created was naturally in dilapidated condition.

A square area of ​​less than ten feet in radius was covered with sand without any nutrients, which looked very barren. The space was empty, without any extra decorations or any living creatures. Only in the center of the space, there is a white human-shaped light and shadow, floating quietly in the air.

This human-shaped white light and shadow is the incense body attached to the ancestral spirit of the Li family. After the ancestor of the Li family died, he lost his body, leaving only his soul. The soul absorbs the power of people's incense belief and condenses the incense body.

Underneath the human-shaped light and shadow is a giant egg larger than a human. Although the giant egg is very large, it has no vitality at all, just like a dead egg.

A thin layer of black sand rolled around on the surface of the giant egg, seemingly trying to penetrate but never being able to get in. But the black sand never stopped rolling, but instead rolled more intensely. The surface of the giant egg was changed in color by the sand.

There was an undetectable vibration in the spiritual realm space, and an invisible figure sneaked into the spiritual realm silently.

The ancestral spirit personally created the spiritual realm, and it is closely related to the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is equivalent to the realm of the ancestral spirit. Even the smallest movement cannot be concealed from the ancestral spirit's induction.

The spiritual place of an ancestral spirit is his most important and private place. Even descendants who are related by blood cannot enter easily.

The ancestor spirit of the Li family snorted in displeasure, "Invisible ghost, you are also one of the ten ghosts in the war hall of the Yin ghost sect. Why are you like a little thief, sneaking in without saying hello?"

The invisible figure fell to the ground, transformed into a black human form, and let out a burst of laughter, "Old Ghost Li, we still have to tell who is who. We have been friends for so many years and have such a close relationship. It's too much to say hello when we visit each other. Out of sight."

"Shameless guy, only ghosts are close to you, who would be friends with a ghost like you." The ancestor of the Li family cursed in his heart.

Although the Yin Gui Sect is famous for its ghost method, most of the disciples in the sect are still living people, and only a few disciples are ghost cultivators. Unless they have no choice but to do so, few people would leave living people alone and take the initiative to become ghost cultivators. After all, no matter what, it's better to be a human than a ghost.

The invisible ghost is an anomaly, taking the initiative to practice a special ghost technique. After the skill is completed, all the vitality and flesh and blood essence of the physical body are absorbed by the soul, and the soul is transformed into an invisible ghost.

Invisible ghosts come and go without a trace, and have the innate ability to travel through space. They are the best assassins and excellent scouts.

This time, the Yin Ghost Sect sent out three ghosts: invisible ghosts, corpse ghosts, and earth ghosts. They were originally supposed to surround and kill Xu Xiao, the leader of the Tianzun Sect. But the invisible ghost discovered a huge benefit in the spiritual domain of the Li family's ancestral spirit, so the invisible ghost found an excuse to stay in Lijiafang City, gave up on his mission, and entangled the Li family's ancestral spirit wholeheartedly.

The Li family's ancestral spirit looked at the invisible ghost, filled with regret and anger. Who would have thought that this damn ghost not only disappeared without a trace, but also had the ability to travel through space, and broke into his spiritual realm silently without going through a special passage. If he hadn't discovered it early, he would have almost stolen the important treasure that was related to his future.

"Invisible ghost, what are you planning to do?"

The invisible ghost glanced greedily at the giant egg on the ground, making no secret of his desire.

"Old Ghost Li, I have long said that everyone who meets you has his share. As long as you give me a share of the benefits, I will immediately turn around and leave, and I will never bother you again."

This giant egg was accidentally discovered by a descendant of the Li family in Daqing Mountain ten years ago. The younger generation of immortal cultivators who were unclear about the origin of the giant egg, and even less clear about the purpose of the giant egg, dedicated the giant egg to the ancestral spirit of the Li family.

The ancestor of the Li family is indeed an old guy with extensive knowledge and keen senses. From the inside of this seemingly lifeless giant egg, he felt a terrifying power. Although the specific origin of the giant egg is unclear, the ancestor of the Li family guessed that the giant egg is probably an egg left behind by some kind of spiritual beast or even a mythical beast.

After obtaining this giant egg, the ancestor of the Li family had a bold idea to let his ancestral spirit body occupy this giant egg that had not yet hatched and carry out a body snatching. After the giant egg hatches, he will have a new physical body, and it will also be the body of a powerful spiritual beast or even a divine beast.

In essence, the ancestral spirit is a special kind of soul. It's just that the ordinary physical body cannot carry this special soul. On the surface, the idea of ​​the ancestor of the Li family is indeed feasible.

When the ancestor of the Li family was ready to seize the giant egg, he discovered another huge surprise. There is actually an independent consciousness inside this giant egg that has not yet hatched.

This accident interrupted the Li family ancestor's struggle to seize the body, but it made him even more surprised. Only those very powerful spiritual beasts or mythical beasts can give birth to consciousness when they are in the egg.

Therefore, before the ancestor of the Li family could seize the body, he first needed to eliminate the independent consciousness in the giant egg.

In the past ten years, the ancestors of the Li family have spent various means, but have not made much progress. The independent consciousness in the giant egg is extremely stubborn and cannot be eliminated at all.

Forced by desperation, the ancestor of the Li family thought of the Yin Ghost Sect, which was proficient in various ghost arts. It should have unique methods to deal with this kind of consciousness.

The Immortal Cultivation Sect has always considered itself to be superior to the Immortal Cultivation Family. For the Li family, a declining immortal cultivating family, the aloof Yin Gui Sect is not easy to deal with, and even if they want to please them, they cannot.

This time, the Yin Gui Sect wants to ambush Xu Xiao, the leader of the Tianzun Sect, and needs the help of local snakes in Qingshan County. The Li family finally got this opportunity to make friends with the Yin Gui Cult, and immediately joined in enthusiastically.

After paying a heavy price, the ancestor of the Li family finally exchanged a special spiritual material, soul-eating sand, from the Yin Gui Sect. The soul-eating sand is specially used to devour soul consciousness, and is the right medicine for eradicating giant egg consciousness.

The ancestor of the Li family began to attack the giant egg with soul-eating sand. He did not expect that the invisible ghost sent by the Yin Gui Cult this time was an extremely curious guy, and he had a voyeuristic habit. Not only did he rely on his ability to come and go without leaving a trace, he snooped around Lijiafang City, but he also relied on his ability to travel through space to secretly break into the spiritual space of the ancestor of the Li family.

The empty spiritual space was exposed to the eyes of invisible ghosts without any obstruction. The invisible ghost saw the value of the giant egg at a glance, and immediately became greedy and wanted to seize it.

The ancestor of the Li family is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The ancestral spirit in the spiritual space has a fighting power far superior to that of the invisible ghost. But the invisible ghost relies on the ability to travel through space, and the ancestor of the Li family cannot keep him. The two guys were in a stalemate.

The ancestor of the Li family was unable to kill the invisible ghost and was even more afraid that he would attract other masters from the Yin Ghost Sect. The invisible ghost has nothing to do with the ancestor of the Li family, and is unwilling to leak the news to other masters in the sect unless it is absolutely necessary. The greedy Yin Gui Cultivators don't care about the friendship between the same disciples. They only care about money and forget their loyalty when they see profit.

The greedy invisible ghost even gave up on the mission assigned by the sect, found an excuse to stay in Lijiafang City, and got entangled with the ancestor of the Li family.

"Invisible ghost, your Yin ghost sect failed to round up and kill the leader of the Tianzun sect. You did not participate in the war due to your own selfishness, but you have to bear a big responsibility. Now you still have time to tangle with me."

The invisible ghost who was told the central issue by the ancestor of the Li family was equally unforgiving.

"Old Ghost Li, your Li family is also an accomplice in the ambush of the Tianzun leader this time. Now they are coming to take revenge. Look at the incompetent descendants of your Li family, they seem to be almost unable to withstand it."

"If you are willing to give me this giant egg, I wouldn't mind helping you."

Even if all future generations die, the ancestors of the Li family will not give up the treasures that are related to their own future.

"No need to worry. No matter how unsatisfactory my Li family's children are, they will not be unable to deal with a mere child with a yellow mouth."

Although he has been staying in the spiritual realm, the ancestor of the Li family is not completely ignorant of what is happening in the outside world.

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