My avatar is a god

Chapter 192 Victory

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The Pluto Dharma Image and the Black Dragon fought for a long time. The Black Dragon lost its own flesh and blood, while the Pluto Dharma Image lost the divine power accumulated by Daluo Tianzun.

With countless believers constantly providing the power of faith, Daluo Tianzun is least afraid of a war of attrition. If he could defeat the powerful enemy in front of him simply by consuming divine power, he would definitely be more than happy.

The black dragon, who had rich combat experience, soon discovered that the situation was not right and knew that continuing to fight was not good for him. The pure-blooded dragon clan is not just a barbarian who can only fight in close combat, but also has a large number of magical powers.

The black dragon waved its claws, forced the Pluto Dharma Image back, and immediately shook its head and tail, flew into the air, opened up the distance between the two sides, and prepared to cast spells and magical powers.

The sea surface below the Pluto Dharma Image suddenly changed. Countless water dragons rose from the sea and attacked the Pluto Dharma Image directly. These water dragons not only contain great power, but also cover a wide range, leaving the Hades Dharmakaya with nowhere to hide.

The Hades Dharmakaya pushed down with six arms, and countless black air columns blocked the attack routes of those water dragons.

The black air column collided with the water dragon, making a series of loud noises. After the collision, the black air column quickly dissipated in the air, and the water dragon fell back to the sea powerlessly.

Just now was just a prelude, and the real attack method of the black dragon was still behind. The black dragon opened its mouth and chanted a few words of dragon language loudly. The powerful attack method, Kuishui Shenlei, was used.

Countless seawater was drawn into the sky and condensed into huge water balls by the blue spiritual energy. These water balls were extremely compressed and became only the size of basketballs, with a faint blue light on the surface.

Under the control of the black dragon, half of these water balls flew towards the Hades Dharmakaya, and half flew towards the distant Daluo Tianzun.

With the rich combat experience of the North Sea Dragon King, he certainly would not only focus on fighting with the Hades Dharma Image, but also forget about Daluo Tianzun, the controller of the Hades Dharma Image.

From the twelve eyes of the Hades Dharma Image, black rays shot out, directly hitting the flying water balls. Those water balls, which were obviously powerful, would explode in the air as soon as they were hit by the black rays. The strong shock waves and air waves swept all the surrounding space, causing countless winds and waves on the sea.

Daluo Tianzun was also not nervous when facing the countless water balls rushing towards him. One after another, the lightning spears and electric blades condensed and formed in front of him, and the shining thunder and the swimming electric light formed these killing weapons.

Under the control of Daluo Tianzun, these lightning spears and electric blades shot out, also facing the countless water balls rushing towards them, and blasted all of them in the air.

As the black dragon roared through the sky, the surrounding water spirit energy was extracted in large quantities, and more and more Kuishui Divine Thunders condensed in the air.

Just taking a beating without fighting back is not the fighting style of Daluo Tianzun, and he also began to fight back.

As a natural water-based divine beast, the pure-blooded dragon clan is born with the ability to control water. Like the North Sea Dragon King, who is an external incarnation, controlling the water spirit energy and casting water spells is like an instinct like breathing.

As a natural god, Daluo Tianzun is also good at controlling the surrounding heaven and earth spirit energy. Especially the spirit energy of the five elements. He is even more skilled in using it.

Although it is impossible to snatch the control of the water spirit energy from the pure-blooded dragon clan, it is not impossible to cause destruction.

The black dragon, who was condensing the Kuishui Divine Thunder, suddenly felt a violent turbulence in the surrounding heaven and earth spirit energy, and then he was horrified to find that the Kuishui Divine Thunders that condensed around him became extremely unstable and were about to explode.

In a hurry, the black dragon had no time to dodge, and only raised a water wall in the sea to block him.

The Kuishui Divine Thunder exploded automatically, and the powerful explosive force hit the water wall crazily. After the detonation, the Kuishui Divine Thunder showed great power, and the shock wave generated by the explosion was also extremely fierce, and the water wall used by the black dragon to protect itself was blown to pieces in a few hits.

After the water wall was blown apart, the black dragon was directly exposed to the attack of the Kuishui Divine Thunder. The huge black dragon wanted to evade, but it was powerless in a hurry. Its huge body made it impossible for it to avoid it.

Countless Kuishui Divine Thunders exploded directly on the black dragon's body, and it let out a wail. The hard scales could not withstand the power of the Kuishui Divine Thunder after it exploded, and pieces of the exploded scales flew everywhere. After a while, the black dragon's whole body became a bloody mess.

As the external incarnation of the North Sea Dragon King, the black dragon has been roaming the sea for so many years, and has never suffered such damage as today. Its hard scales that were not easily damaged by swords and knives could not withstand the enemy's attack, and it became extremely angry.

Before the black dragon could make any further reaction, the body of Hades Dharma Image flashed and appeared on the back of the black dragon. He waved all kinds of weapons in his hands and attacked the black dragon fiercely.

Although the damage caused by Hades Dharma Image was not fatal, such continuous attacks were unbearable even for the black dragon's strong body. And now it was bleeding constantly. If this continued, no matter how much blood there was, it would eventually run out.

Especially the pain from the wound made the black dragon extremely irritable, and the huge pain was about to make it crazy.

As the incarnation of the Dragon King of the North Sea, this giant black dragon should not be so vulnerable. But one mistake made him completely passive. He only has magical powers and secret techniques, and he is full of abilities, but he can't use them at all. No wonder people often say that when masters compete, victory or defeat is only a thin line.

The Dragon King of Beihai, who is thousands of miles away, can certainly feel the experiences of his external incarnation. This external incarnation was hard-won, and it still had important uses, so it couldn't just be lost here.

The Dragon King of Beihai was about to make a move when Qu Tuozi stood in front of him silently.

Qu Tuozi also knew clearly what was happening thousands of miles away. I was originally planning to let the incarnation of the Dragon King of the North Sea wreak havoc, but I didn't expect that the god was so powerful that he actually beat the incarnation of the Dragon King of the North Sea into a miserable state.

This was simply an unexpected surprise, and Qu Tuozi couldn't hide the smile on his face. Of course, what he said to the North Sea Dragon King was extremely serious.

"Dragon King, I just said that this is just this one time, and it won't happen next time. I didn't stop you from sending your own incarnation, but if you continue to push forward and prepare to go to Weiguo in person, then please pass my test first."

There was a decisiveness in Qu Tuozi's low-pitched voice that would never compromise.

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