My avatar is a god

Chapter 196 200 Going to the front line

Due to various restrictions, the slightly stronger tribes on the Tuli Prairie disdain to invade Weiguo, but are busy fighting each other.

Only those small tribes adjacent to Weiguo will rush to the border from time to time to carry out burning, killing, looting, and robbing some people and materials.

After the royal family of Weiguo entered Weiguo, in order to defend against the invasion of these small tribes. A lot of fortresses were built near the border of both sides with great effort, and a large army was stationed for defense. Fierce battles between the border army and the invading small tribes occur almost every few years. Various daily small conflicts are intermittent and have never been completely stopped.

Over the past hundreds of years, the invasions of these small tribes, which are neither light nor heavy, can be curbed in time and cannot cause too bad consequences.

Since Daluo Tianguo replaced Weiguo, it must of course assume many responsibilities and obligations that Weiguo originally shouldered. Defending against the invasion of the face tribe on the Tuli Prairie is one of them.

The border garrisons of Weiguo were almost completely taken over by Daluo Heavenly Kingdom. After screening, most of the immortal cultivators in the army were cleared. Although this greatly weakened the combat effectiveness of the border garrisons, with a solid fortress as a support, it should not have much impact in a short period of time.

But unexpectedly, those damn nomadic tribes on the Tuli Prairie seized such a small gap and launched an accurate and swift attack, and achieved great results.

Because the totem of worship cannot leave the Tuli Prairie for a long time, even if these nomadic tribes have occupied a large amount of territory, they cannot occupy it for a long time, and they will eventually retreat to the Tuli Prairie.

In theory, enemies who have no ambitions for territory should not be a major concern. The damage they cause is only temporary, and they will retreat sooner or later.

But Xu Xiao cannot ignore the aggression of these guys, let alone adopt a strategy of tolerance. It is absolutely unacceptable to retreat all the way and give up a large amount of territory.

Because these invaders from nomadic tribes are just like locusts, devouring everything they encounter along the way. They are exactly like the devils, often using the three-light method to deal with civilians on the invaded land. Burning and robbing are fine, but killing is absolutely unacceptable to Xu Xiao.

If all the people are killed, where can we get believers? Believers are the sheep of Daluo Tianzun, how can we let them be killed in vain?

From Xu Xiao's point of view, people are above everything else and are much more important than the country. Even if part of the country is occupied, it can be slowly taken back in the future when we have strength. If all the people are dead, what's the point of leaving the country empty?

Therefore, the Daluo Kingdom under the leadership of Xu Xiao must defeat these invaders as soon as possible to prevent them from further killing and destruction.

Judging from the intelligence sent back from the front line, this invasion is not just some small tribes, it seems that medium-sized tribes have participated in the invasion. This is also an important reason why the border defense line was quickly breached.

After understanding the true strength of the Tuli Prairie, Xu Xiao was no longer careless. Such a great enemy, even if all the resources of Tianzun Sect are used, it may not be able to resist.

The current Tianzun Sect still lacks high-end combat power. In addition to Xu Xiao, only Jinding Shenjiang has the combat power of Yuanying level. And on the Tuli Prairie, there are at least dozens of Yuanying-level combat power. Although they can't rush to invade Daluo Heavenly Kingdom, it is always good to make more preparations and be lenient with the enemy.

At this time, Xu Xiao missed Lie Wushuang very much. If she, a great master with the strength of the late Yuanying, was there, he didn't know how much effort he would save.

Unfortunately, Lie Wushuang has been in the ruins since the last time he explored the ancient ruins, and has not left yet.

However, according to the result of Daluo Tianzun's personal use of his great magical power to communicate with her, her safety is not a big problem. She just encountered some kind of opportunity and cannot leave for the time being.

After thoroughly digesting this opportunity, she will naturally find a way to leave the ruins and return to Tianzun Sect with her great strength.

After summoning civil and military officials and discussing, Xu Xiao threw all the trivial work, including mobilizing troops to support the front line and ensuring logistical supply, to his subordinates. As he himself was worried about the situation on the front line, he would go to the front line in person to learn the specific information there.

All the high-level officials of Tianzun Sect were accustomed to Xu Xiao's style of doing things. They did not come up with a lot of big principles to stop and dissuade Xu Xiao like those corrupt scholars.

Xu Xiao first teleported to the Tianzun Temple closest to the front line, and then flew directly to the front line.

When Xu Xiao arrived at the front line, a small number of elite troops led by Jinding Shenjiang had already arrived at the front line. Not only did they rescue the trapped remnants, but they also repelled several attacks from the enemy and temporarily stabilized their position.

Now Jinding Shenjiang is short of troops. On the one hand, he strengthened the defense to block the enemy's attack, and on the other hand, he waited for the arrival of the follow-up army to launch a comprehensive counterattack.

On the way to the Golden Tripod General's camp, Xu Xiao passed by many villages and towns.

These villages and towns were completely burned to ruins after being breached by the invading nomadic cavalry. In the ruins, there were many charred corpses.

Outside the villages and towns, there were also corpses everywhere and blood flowing like a river. The corpses on the ground were basically the bodies of civilians. Judging from the wounds on their backs, they were all caught up by nomadic cavalry and hacked to death from behind while fleeing. Many people died miserably, with their heads and bodies separated, and many bodies had traces of dragging on them.

These damn beasts completely regarded killing as fun. They obtained perverted pleasure by cruelly killing civilians.

As long as the fleeing people were caught up by nomadic cavalry, they would have no chance of survival. They would all be brutally killed, which was the only outcome.

Seeing these horrible and tragic scenes, Xu Xiao's face turned ashen. With so many people dead, how many believers would his clone Daluo Tianzun lose. If all these people were devout believers, how many great things would they do after the power of faith they provided was transformed into divine power?

Meaningless killing and wanton killing of civilians are really the most hateful things.

Xu Xiao's hands were also stained with blood. He had killed many people and had a lot of blood debts on his body. But he killed for a purpose. He would never kill for the sake of killing, and he would never kill for fun.

In Xu Xiao's heart, he hated these damn nomadic cavalry to the extreme. He was murderous and determined not to let these cruel invaders off easily.

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