My avatar is a god

Chapter 271 Chapter 275 Eyes and Ears

As an outstanding figure among the casual cultivators, Xiao Jianshusheng has a quick mind and no moral integrity. Since the cultivators cannot tolerate him, he can only surrender to the nomadic tribe.

In fact, there have always been many cultivators who have served the nomadic tribe. In particular, many cultivators who fled to the Tuli Prairie had nowhere to stay outside and had no foothold in the world of cultivation. Fleeing to the Tuli Prairie is the only way out when there is no alternative.

Since you have arrived at the Tuli Prairie, if you want to live a more comfortable life and settle down here, you must of course have a good relationship with the local snakes. Although you cannot get the real trust of the nomadic tribe and can never enter the high-level of the nomadic tribe, you have a backer and a certain supply of resources, which is already a very good thing.

Since Xiao Jianshusheng has made up his mind to surrender to the nomadic tribe, he immediately took action. Hua Niangzi, who has no way out like him, made the same choice as him.

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According to the information obtained by searching the soul of the Canglang tribe master, this spiritual spring is the closest base of the Canglang tribe to here. In order to avoid the wanted list of the immortal cultivators, Xiao Jianshusheng and Hua Niangzi decided to go to the spiritual spring and seek refuge with the Canglang tribe master stationed there.

The Canglang tribe master who was searched by Xiao Jianshusheng became confused and was killed by Xiao Jianshusheng. Having made up his mind to seek refuge with the Canglang tribe, of course, unpleasant things must be avoided.

It was also unlucky for Xiao Jianshusheng and Hua Niangzi. They had just arrived at the spiritual spring and had not yet gained the trust of the Canglang tribe master stationed there, and the immortal cultivators came to kill them in a swagger.

The situation system of the Canglang tribe was really a sieve. They ambushed Master Hu Ling, but were ambushed by the immortal cultivators instead. The Lingquan stronghold, which thought it was a secret, had long been known to everyone.

Most of the masters stationed in this stronghold of the Canglang tribe were transferred to reinforce the front line, and the remaining forces were very weak.

In a great battle, the stronghold of the Canglang tribe fell and all the guards died in battle. The unlucky Xiao Jian scholar and Hua Niangzi had to embark on the road of escape.

Soul-searching, no matter how careful, will inevitably leave a lot of sequelae to the other party. Xiao Jian scholar and Hua Niangzi still have value, and Xu Xiao doesn't want to make them stupid. He can only be a little troublesome and interrogate them one by one.

In addition to interrogating their recent experiences, Xu Xiao also interrogated them about their past experiences, their origins, etc.

Because Xu Xiao had a good understanding of people's hearts and sophisticated interrogation methods, the two did not dare to lie, and answered Xu Xiao's questions honestly.

After asking these questions, Xu Xiao asked again, asking them if they were willing to be loyal to him.

I am the fish at the mercy of others. In this situation, as long as they are not fools, they all know how to answer Xu Xiao's questions.

Xu Xiao has controlled Cheng Xu for so long through the "Daluo Demonic Canon". He used him as a test subject to test how to refine the supreme inner demon and how to use the power of the inner demon.

Gods and demons are two sides of the same coin. When it is necessary to show the power of God and publicize the terrifying power of God, God can do dark things that only demons do. When it is necessary to show the grace of God and publicize the mercy of God, God must try his best to show his bright side.

Without the foil of demons, how can the greatness of God be shown?

Xu Xiao, who practiced the "Ancient Nerve" and embarked on the path of Shinto practice, was almost self-taught in playing some magic methods.

With Cheng Xu as a test subject, he quickly mastered how to control the power of the inner demon after some thinking.

Xu Xiao forced Xiao Jianshusheng and Hua Niangzi to open their hearts in front of him. Then he spent some effort to plant a seed of inner demon in each of them.

With these two Heart Demon Seeds, he could not only roughly sense what they were thinking, but also completely control their life and death in his own hands.

Xu Xiao only demonstrated the power of the Heart Demon Seeds a little bit, and made Xiao Jian Shusheng and Hua Niangzi live a life worse than death and in agony.

After convincing the two, he felt that they were already quite honest and could be used. Xu Xiao then explained to them in detail, and then personally escorted them to the vicinity of the Canglang tribe camp, and asked them to join the Canglang tribe.

With the power of the Canglang tribe, it was not difficult to find out the situation of Xiao Jian Shusheng and Hua Niangzi. Although they would not completely trust them, it was still no problem to accept them temporarily.

The Canglang tribe must be very happy to cause trouble to the army of immortal cultivators.

With Hua Niangzi and Xiao Jian Shusheng, Xu Xiao also had two eyes and ears on the side of the nomadic tribe, and could obtain some not very confidential information.

As for their loyalty, the Heart Demon Seeds in their bodies could provide sufficient guarantee. Moreover, after being betrayed by Xiao Jian, Lady Hua would definitely not trust him again, so the two of them could supervise each other.

After finishing all this, Xu Xiao secretly returned to Damang City.

Although Damang City had been under martial law due to the recent changes, and the guards inside and outside the city had been strengthened. But Xu Xiao still returned to the city without anyone noticing.

Xin Laowu's carefully chosen fake identity had only appeared once, and he could no longer use it in public. Xu Xiao really felt a little regretful.

He had to change back to the identity of the shop assistant and secretly lurk in Damang City. Fortunately, he had deliberately kept the disguised identity of the shop assistant and did not give it up casually.

The situation has changed very quickly recently. Probably because of the death of Master Hu Ling, Wanshoumen has invested more power in Tuli Prairie. More and stronger immortal cultivators have been sent to join the army of immortal cultivators on the front line.

Because of the actions of Wanshoumen, other immortal cultivator sects and families have also sent reinforcements to the front line.

As for those scattered cultivators who fled from the battlefield and indirectly killed Master Hu Ling, under the joint arrest of various forces, except for a few smart people like Xiao Jianshusheng who escaped by chance, the rest were either shot dead on the spot or captured alive and sent to Wanshoumen.

Affected by this incident, the situation of scattered cultivators in the entire Damang City has also become much worse. Not only did they encounter unanimous hostility from the immortal sects and families, they were subjected to more discrimination and unfair treatment, and they also faced stricter supervision.

As long as the casual cultivators did something a little out of line, they would be severely suppressed by the officials of Damang City.

As the living environment of the casual cultivators became increasingly harsh, their dissatisfaction and anger began to accumulate rapidly. Just like a suppressed volcano, it could erupt at any time.

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