My avatar is a god

Chapter 278 Chapter 282 Fishing in troubled waters

But no matter what, the Canglang tribe didn't want to be framed in vain, and they always wanted to find out the truth. Therefore, they have the power to investigate Xu Xiao now.

Although the power system of this nomadic tribe is incompatible with the cultivation system of the immortal cultivators, their power is real. Moreover, the strength of the nomadic tribe's ability to investigate the secrets of heaven was beyond Xu Xiao's expectations.

Xu Xiao, who was trying his best to resist the Seven Stars Life-illuminating Array, really had no spare energy to resist the power of the nomadic tribe.

The power from the nomadic tribe accurately fell on Xu Xiao. Fortunately, due to the special nature of the ancient god's body, this power did not stay on Xu Xiao for long before it was bounced off by the power of the ancient god's body.

Xu Xiao had no idea how much of his information was exposed and how much information the nomadic tribe knew. He had no confidence at all whether his ancient god's body could continue to play a role and bounce off the power to investigate him next time.

At this time, the seven Tianji masters invited by Bailian Sect have slowly sorted out the confusing Tianji. They followed the clues from Cheng Xu and were about to lock Xu Xiao.

An invisible force from the Seven Stars Life-illuminating Technique, which was more powerful than the previous times, fell silently from the sky and was about to fall on Xu Xiao.

Xu Xiao knew that there was no place to hide from the power of Tianji Numerology. Unless there was a more powerful force to protect him, even if he escaped to the ends of the earth, this force would chase him and always lock him.

At the same time, a primitive and barbaric force obviously came from the nomadic tribe, and it was about to fall on Xu Xiao.

Xu Xiao's heart moved, and his brain worked quickly. In a flash, a bold idea appeared in his mind.

He took action immediately after thinking about it. Xu Xiao, who was already unable to resist, made a bold move of gamble everything. Not only did he give up all resistance and stop confusing the heavenly secrets, but he also took the initiative to send out information, guiding the exploration power from the nomadic tribe directly to his body.

Thanks to Xu Xiao's active guidance and acceptance, this exploration power from the nomadic tribe came later but arrived first, and actually reached Xu Xiao before the power of the Seven Stars Life-illuminating Technique.

This power is much stronger than the previous power, and even the magical ancient god body cannot bounce this power away. However, due to the instinctive resistance of the ancient god body, the transmission of this power was delayed, so that it did not smoothly explore all the situations of Xu Xiao.

At this time, the power from the Seven Stars Life-illuminating Technique also reached Xu Xiao's body, and it just collided with the power from the nomadic tribe.

The two powers, which were obviously from different systems and had distinct characteristics, discovered each other almost at the same time.

"Cultivator." "Barbarians from the nomadic tribe."

The Tianji masters of both sides quickly confirmed each other's identities.

Then, the two forces were almost instinctively hostile, and then collided.

The army of immortal cultivators headed by the three major sects was waging a full-scale war with the nomadic tribe. Since they had discovered each other's existence, there was certainly no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

So, regardless of whether the Tianji masters of both sides were willing or not, they were forced by the situation to directly launch a round of confrontation with the Tianji technique.

Xu Xiao's position happened to be the battlefield for both sides. The two forces from the Tianji Numerology were entangled with each other here and fought each other.

Xu Xiao tried his best to restrain his breath and collect all his strength into his body without leaking out a bit. The ancient Shinto body slowly operated. Xu Xiao tried his best to merge with the heaven and earth at the edge of the battlefield where the two forces were fiercely fighting, trying to enter the state of unity between heaven and man.

For a natural god like Xu Xiao's clone Daluo Tianzun, entering the state of unity between heaven and man is an instinct like breathing, and it is almost effortless to easily enter the state of unity between heaven and man.

Although Xu Xiao is a Shinto practitioner, he is also close to the nature of heaven and earth. He is still a human being in essence. Even if he has practiced the Ancient Nerve and possessed the body of the Ancient God, he is not a god after all. It is not so easy to enter the state of unity between man and nature. Not to mention that there are two forces around his body fighting fiercely, which has caused great interference to him.

Xu Xiao concentrated his mind and tried to keep his brain empty, without any distracting thoughts in his heart.

The two invisible forces that were originally investigating Xu Xiao were fighting and entangled with each other, and they completely ignored Xu Xiao, the main person.

Slowly, Xu Xiao's breath became weaker and weaker. In the end, Xu Xiao's breath completely disappeared here, and he completely entered the state of unity between man and nature, and completely integrated into the nature of heaven and earth.

After fighting for a long time, the two forces that investigated Xu Xiao seemed to remember the business. Although the main forces of the two forces continued to entangle, they had already divided a large part of their strength and began to search for Xu Xiao's whereabouts, trying to find out Xu Xiao's details.

But at this time, Xu Xiao had already entered a state of unity between man and nature, and his traces in this world had basically disappeared. The two exploration forces were wary of each other and could not go all out to search.

Therefore, the two forces searched the surroundings several times, but could not find Xu Xiao's whereabouts.

At this time, the sky in the east had already turned pale, and it was almost dawn.

After daybreak, the starlight completely disappeared, and it was impossible to borrow the power of the Big Dipper. The operation of the Seven Stars Life-illuminating Array would be greatly affected, and the power of the Seven Stars Life-illuminating Technique would be greatly reduced.

Perhaps it was because they knew that due to the sudden disturbance of the nomadic tribe, this time the exploration of the heavenly secrets would not yield any results. So the seven heavenly secret masters took the initiative to withdraw their power, terminated the operation of the Seven Stars Life-illuminating Array, and ended the Seven Stars Life-illuminating Technique.

After all, using the Heavenly Secret Calculation Method is a great burden on the body, and the loss of life span is even more difficult to make up.

Except for the leader, Master Ren, who still had a blank expression and looked calm. The other six Heavenly Secret masters could not hide their disappointment. Seeing that success was in sight, it failed again due to the interference of the nomadic tribe.

Every time the Heavenly Secret Technique such as the Seven Stars Life-illuminating Technique was used, the seven Heavenly Secret masters would pay a huge price. When they thought about the fact that they had not succeeded this time and would have to continue to use the Seven Stars Life-Reflecting Technique next time, all the Tianji masters, except Master Ren, had bitter expressions on their faces.

And after the power of the Seven Stars Life-Reflecting Technique retreated, the Tianji power of the nomadic tribe also took the initiative to retreat and gave up searching for Xu Xiao's whereabouts.

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