My avatar is a god

Chapter 74 Tempering

Although Xu Xiao suffered an unprecedented blow, he was not easily discouraged. The greater the difficulty he faced, the more he could arouse his fighting spirit.

I don't believe that a mere masterless law will, after more than a thousand years of time, can still be so arrogant and domineering, leaving me helpless.

Xu Xiao, who was ruthless in his heart, decided to fight this masterless law will to the end.

Of course, he had to make such a decision. If he let this law will entangle on the spiritual veins, he would not be able to sort out the spiritual veins and calm the turbulent spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the valley.

Xu Xiao sat on the ground and rested for a long time. The ancient god's body, which had achieved some success, had a strong recovery ability. In just a short while, his injuries were basically healed.

Xu Xiao sat cross-legged again, with his five hearts facing the sky, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing, restoring his condition to the best.

Xu Xiao slowly opened his eyes, and once again used the divine power from the incarnation of the gods, carrying his own thoughts and induction, and slowly penetrated into the ground.

This time, Xu Xiao, who had learned from the last lesson, became much smarter. Not only did he move carefully so as not to alarm the law too early, but he also took the initiative to connect his consciousness with the avatar of the gods, so that when it was necessary, the avatar of the gods could share his pressure.

Not long after Xu Xiao's divine power entered the ground, he encountered the law again, and the two immediately collided violently.

Deep as the abyss, as heavy as the sea, as majestic as a mountain. This time, Xu Xiao's divine power and the law were in contact for a longer time and more deeply. Xu Xiao felt the domineering and tyrannical nature of this law more vividly.

The divine power was easily defeated again, and Xu Xiao's thoughts quickly shrank back like a frightened rabbit. But he still couldn't avoid a huge impact.

Xu Xiao's body trembled violently, his nose bled wildly, and he vomited blood. The circular scar on his chest was also beating violently, and the entire mysterious space connected to it was shaking. The body of the God's clone in it was also shaking, and it was almost unsteady to stand. Golden divine blood began to seep out of the pores.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long, and everything returned to normal.

After all, the God's clone was born with a divine body, and its recovery ability was abnormal. It was a little injury and healed completely soon.

As for Xu Xiao, the injury on his body was caused by the shock. It seemed serious, but it recovered very quickly. The biggest trouble was the injury on his soul.

The collision between Xu Xiao and the law was actually a battle of thoughts. The soul was the first to bear the brunt, and it suffered a lot of injuries in the confrontation, and it suffered a lot of damage.

How to heal the injuries of the soul is a huge problem for most cultivators. But in Xu Xiao's eyes, this problem is not unsolvable. The special divine power of the God's clone happened to have the special effect of nourishing and repairing the soul. Back then, Xu Xiao used the divine power from the avatar of the gods to help Lie Wushuang heal the injuries on his soul. Now it is not difficult to use the same divine power to heal his own soul.

Now is not the time to be stingy with divine power. A huge amount of divine power wrapped Xu Xiao's soul tightly. He felt like he was soaking in a pool of warm spring water. He felt warm all over and had an indescribable sense of comfort.

Xu Xiao, who was in a daze, didn't know how long he had been in this state. When he completely regained consciousness, he felt refreshed and his whole body was in the best condition.

From the experience of these two confrontations with the law, Xu Xiao was keenly aware. Every time his thoughts collided with the law, his soul was inevitably injured, but the law also had a slight consumption.

Every time a trace of the power of the law was consumed, after persistent grinding, this law could not get any external supplement, and the power would eventually be exhausted.

With such a discovery, Xu Xiao became more patient.

After each recovery, Xu Xiao used his divine power to carry his thoughts and feelings, went deep into the ground, and clashed with the law. Since the avatar of the god shared most of the pressure, Xu Xiao was limited in the impact, and the injury on his soul was not seriously out of control.

Treatment after treatment, confrontation after confrontation. Confrontation after confrontation, treatment after confrontation. Xu Xiao seemed to have completely forgotten the time, and even more forgotten everything outside. All his energy, his whole body and mind, were invested in these confrontations.

The condition of the law was as Xu Xiao expected. In the confrontations, the power was slowly consumed, and it began to show a more obvious weakening trend.

What surprised Xu Xiao the most was that his soul had been injured and repaired again and again, as if it had been tempered again and again, and began to slowly become stronger.

Xu Xiao's ancient god body had long been cultivated to the first level of the mortal realm, but he had been unable to enter the second level of the god refining realm.

The essence of the ancient god body is to cultivate the ancient god body from the mortal body. The so-called ancient god body does not only refer to the physical body, but also includes the soul.

The ancient gods in ancient times could move mountains and seas, carry the stars and the moon, and their souls were also extremely tough and could survive thousands of disasters.

If Xu Xiao wants to break through to the second level of the ancient god body, he must severely temper his soul.

Unfortunately, due to resource constraints, Xu Xiao has not found an efficient way to temper his soul.

The divine power of the avatar of the god can nourish and replenish the soul, but the soul that has not been tempered may seem powerful, but in fact it is just soft sand.

Now, although it is inevitable to get hurt and suffer from the repeated collisions with the law, it is an excellent tempering for the soul.

In these collisions, the power of the law is slowly weakening, and Xu Xiao's soul is slowly getting stronger. As one grows stronger, the other grows stronger, and the strong and weak will soon change.

After another treatment of the soul, Xu Xiao stood up and moved his hands and feet for a while, then sat cross-legged and closed his eyes quietly. He didn't use his eyes to see, but all the scenes around him appeared in his mind without a single leak.

After this treatment, his soul underwent a fundamental transformation, which stimulated his already strong spiritual power. If the spiritual power is further sublimated, it will transform into divine thoughts. If the spiritual power is rough iron, the divine thoughts are fine steel that has been tempered a thousand times.

Divine thought induction is the ability that Xu Xiao has just mastered.

Using divine thoughts to observe the things around you and using your eyes to see are two completely different experiences. Divine thought induction is all-round, without blind spots. Divine thought induction can clearly sense things that the five senses cannot sense, see through all illusions, not be confused by external things, and recognize the essence of things.

The power of divine thought stimulated from the soul proves that Xu Xiao has made great achievements in the refinement of the soul. His ancient divine body finally broke through the bottleneck and entered the second level of divine refinement.

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