Chapter 173

“Look, I said, Brother Su’s life is harder than the stone next to the Maokeng, how could something go wrong!”

“Oh, those top students don’t understand our true love for Old Brother Su. Don’t we really worry about Old Brother Su? We just trust Old Brother Su!”

“Oh, why bother with a group of virgins. Brother Su is invincible anyway. If he can belch so casually, I will go to the funeral!”

At this moment, the many old fans began to talk about their mouths, and all kinds of words mocked Mizuki’s talented students.

The words are strange, very unpleasant, but what can these students do? What else can they say now? What are the reasons for rebuttal?

But they were relieved, after all, Su Yuan was fine.

When everyone saw An Ruoxue running frantically, they consciously gave way.

When An Ruoxue came to Su Yuan and saw that Su Yuan was okay, she burst into tears again.

He dashed directly into Su Yuan’s arms and hugged Su Yuan tightly.

At this moment, Su Yuan was covered in mud and water plants, and the smell was really unpleasant.

But An Ruoxue didn’t care at all. At this moment, An Ruoxue felt that this embrace was the most comfortable and safest embrace in the world.

“You little stinky girl, why are you crying, am I not doing well? If I leave, I wonder if you will cry so sad?”

Su Yuan stroked Fu’an Ruoxue’s long hair, and said very fondly.

He also knew that he had fallen into the water just now, which really frightened this little girl.

“My God, pinch me, do I have hallucinations? I saw Girl Ann and the boy hugging each other!”

“Ah, I am young, my goddess An, why are you throwing your arms into someone else’s arms?”

“Is there still pure love in this world? I don’t believe it anymore, Goddess Ann, I have a crush on you for five years, since high school!”

Many people in the live broadcast room couldn’t calm down when they saw this scene.

That is the purest goddess in their hearts! But at this moment it actually entered the arms of others.

At this moment, many Shuimu students burned all their thoughts and felt that there was no point in living.

Many elders and young masters are depressed. This Anruoxue is usually cold and frosty, so don’t come near.

But today, why did he hug a man so casually, and still take the initiative.

In the crowd, there was a man in black with hatred in his eyes at this moment, staring at Su Yuan very viciously.

His eyes were not simply hatred, but also contained killing intent.

Su Yuan suddenly triggered his disaster induction at this moment.

This surprised Su Yuan, how could disaster induction be triggered in this water and wood.

Just when Su Yuan was wondering, he saw a man staring at him viciously at the outermost periphery of the crowd on his left front.

Su Yuan understood what was going on in an instant, and it was indeed a disaster!

But will Su Yuan be afraid of him?


“You dare to look at yourself with that vicious look. You really don’t know how to live or die. How can you be so vain?”

Su Yuan knows very well that the man definitely killed someone, and the killer on him is not simple.

It seems that there are also harmful horses in this huge Mizuki.

But Su Yuan was relieved after thinking about it. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

After all, what the university filters is only the scum, not the scum.

In order to piss off the boy, Su Yuan’s hand, which had nowhere to lay, was directly placed on An Ruoxue’s willow waist at this moment.

“Wow, my goddess, Su Thief, let go of my goddess and let me come!”

“Old Thief Su, don’t go too far! How can our goddess allow you to own it alone!”

“Oh my god, my heart is dripping blood. Who has strong glue, let me use it, my heart can’t bear it anymore.”

An Ruoxue felt Su Yuan’s hand on his willow waist, her pretty face blushed, and she buried her head in Su Yuan’s chest.

“Brother Su, you know how worried I was just now, I had the urge to jump off at that moment.”

“I thought I would never see you again in this life, but I met you here again today. All this is destined, but who would have thought that such an accident would happen again? At that moment, I was really ashamed.”


An Ruoxue still choked.

Seeing the goddess weeping bitterly for other men like this, many Mizuki talented people felt a burst of colic in their hearts.

“Silly girl, my brother is Xiaoqiang, how could something happen so easily? Don’t worry, my brother will always be there in the future.”

Su Yuan said vowedly at this moment.

Although he can’t match this girl forever in the name of his lover, but this brother swears that he can do the best.

“¨〃Brother Su, this is what you are talking about, so you can’t disappear again!”

“Silly girl, don’t worry, definitely not, how could my brother lie to you?”

When Su Yuan looked there again, he found that the man in black had disappeared.

Su Yuan smiled slightly and let go of his hand.

If he guessed correctly, then the boy will find fault for himself, and even assassinate himself.

But does Su Yuan care?

Is Su Yuan afraid?

That doesn’t care at all.

“Wow, Brother Su really fell this time, he just hugged Goddess An’s waist.”

“Could it be that Brother Su can’t help it?”

“Why are you so gossip! Why don’t you hurry up to send a gift, and wish Old Brother Su the lover will eventually become a family member!”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s unlucky to watch Old Brother Su walk all the way, and today he finally embraced the beautiful woman, our old fans are really gratified!”

In an instant the live broadcast room didn’t have all the old fans boiling, all the blessings were flying all over the sky, and the little flowers kept flying.

(Good promise)

This is also the rule set by Su Yuan. All fans can only send the cheapest flowers as gifts. If anyone violates the rules, they will be sent away directly by air tickets.

“Such a beautiful day, gifted men and beautiful ladies, before and after the flowers, it turned out to be Brother Su!”

“This sad and desolate poem by Brother Su directly embraces the beauty, and I will go tomorrow too.”

“As everyone knows, smart people have put on Hanfu, put on folding fans, and brought “Three Hundred Tang Poems”, and then rushed to the road of Daming Lake.”


“Master Su, do you still remember Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake? Wouldn’t you go back and change your clothes like this? Do you want to continue spreading dog food?”

Principal Wu finally couldn’t help but vomit at this moment.




Everyone around couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

And An Ruoxue let go of Su Yuan in embarrassment. .

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