Chapter 226

After Tracing came to the command center, he also changed into a suit.

I have to say that this person depends on clothes and horse depends on installation.

Su Yuan was originally tall and magnificent, and he was very energetic.

After changing a suit, the temperament of the whole person has soared a lot.

After all, to meet the first person in China, Su Yuan has to be more formal.

However, Su Yuan still feels a little worried.

In case something unexpected happens while meeting that person, this is not good.

“Xiao Su can’t tell, you usually wear some casual clothes, but after you change into a suit, you’re a different person!”

“Academician Murong, don’t make this kind of joke with me. After all, this is the first time I met the first person in China. I am still a little nervous in my heart!”

“Oh, what’s so nervous? You can handle so many big scenes calmly. At this time, you can do it safely. It is estimated that the reward for you this time is not small!”

“I don’t need rewards or anything. This is also what I can do as a Chinese citizen for the country!”

Su Yuan and Academician Murong talked a lot during the long wait.

And this academician Murong is more and more fond of this kid.

This kid not only speaks, but also has his own unique insights into various scientific research fields.

It’s a treasure bag.

Finally, Sou Language and Academician Murong waited for two hours.

Su Yuan heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside. There should be more than a dozen people here.

Su Yuan heard the sound of footsteps outside and instantly awed in awe.

He quickly got up from his chair, and Academician Murong also stood up slowly.

The door of the command center was pushed open, and the first person in China was walking in the front.

And there were two assistants next to him, one of them was Xiao Ji.

As for the other 12 people who followed, they should all be bodyguards.

Su Yuan was a little at a loss after standing up at this moment.

Because he didn’t know what to say and how to deal with this situation.

Although he is silly and shameless on weekdays.

But this time the background of the characters I saw was a bit too huge, and he was really a bit confused.

“Xiao Su, don’t be too cautious, your appearance makes me a little embarrassed!”

After the man came in, he smiled at Su Yuan and said kindly.

This sentence, Xiao Su directly put down Su Yuan’s inner grudge, and brought the relationship between the two people much closer.

“Okay, you can all go out, just leave me and Xiao Su to discuss some important things in detail!”

This person is also a refreshing person. Just after meeting Su Yuan, he cleared everyone around him out of the field.

Without the slightest doubt, all the people around walked out of the command center.

And now only Su Yuan and this person are left in this huge command center.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a moment.

“Brother Su, you are not so eloquent and eloquent, so how come you meet me with such a dull appearance, it makes me a little uncomfortable!”

Su Yuan heard this sound like Brother Su was hit by five thunders. What is it going to do?

Is this person in front of you the first person in China?

He can’t accept the joke of calling himself Old Brother Su!

His little heart was beating wildly, and his breathing was accelerating.

The expression on Su Yuan’s face was so weird, it changed a lot in an instant.

Surprise, fear, restlessness, curiosity, joy, excitement?

Not at all, it should be a mixture of all these expressions.

“It’s a bit inappropriate for you to call me that way!”

Su Yuan had been brewing for a long time, only to say such a simple sentence.

After hearing this, the man gave him a gentle smile again.

This laugh was like the warm winter sun, instantly making Su Yuan feel comfortable all over.

“Brother Su, you don’t need to be so cautious. After all, you are now Brother Su in the entire China. There is no problem with calling you that way.”

“And now you have no one else. The two of us are like friends. We can simply talk about some things!”

Su Yuan discovered at this moment that the person in front of him was really the same as on TV.

Wenwen is like a jade, without a bit of air, is so approachable.

“Hahaha, since you are like this, I’m more respectful than fate!”

“Xiaosu, why don’t you want to join the Institute of Divine Technology? You know this is the highest scientific research center in China?”

“For some of my situations, you should also be very clear. I am a hapless person. It is easy to attract many unstable factors. This is a devastating disaster for the Institute of Divine Technology!”

“Just before you came, there was an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in 5 kilometers around here. If it weren’t for the strength of the Institute of Divine Technology, it would have caused a disaster!”

Su Yuan was very serious at this moment and told the person in front of him…

After listening to it, he fell into deep thought.

“But with your talent, the talent is definitely the top genius in the entire China. I don’t want you to have any accidents or be left out!”

This person said to him very seriously, this is not just a consideration for Su Yuan’s safety.

And it is the consideration of the whole China.

Su Yuan is such a genius, if he leaves another country.

This is not only a huge loss, but also a huge disaster.

Therefore, Su Yuan must be controlled within his control.

“Actually, I have considered this issue, and I am willing to contribute a little to my great China!”

“My Old Brother Su is really Old Brother Su, and he must be my role model in China. Hurry up and talk about your thoughts!”

Zhu Yuan had actually planned to build a shelter for himself with the help of Chinese officials.

Now that the first person in China still speaks so directly.

What else can he hide and tuck?

“I think it is possible to build an art research center for me, with only a handful of assistants. All scientific research results have been researched out and I will hand them over to the country as soon as possible!”

“The scientific research center I need does not require any sophisticated instruments and equipment. I build everything on theoretical knowledge, and all the time can be completed by other scientific research centers!”

He actually said all the plans in his heart, and this person nodded silently after listening.

I also agree with 10 points in my heart.

But his face was still so approachable and calm, without showing any mood swings.

“This request is not too much, right?”.

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