Chapter 265

“My God, what the hell is going on? Could it be that I caught a cold in this underground, and I shouldn’t have sealed this place like this, I even feel very hot!”

“Could it be someone who killed a thousand swords cursing me at this moment, I have fallen into this world, and there are people outside cursing me, it’s better not to let me know who you are!”

“But this is just another sneeze. The rumor is not. I think twice and have a cold. It is probably my loyal fans who have not seen me for a few hours. I miss me too much!”

Su Yuan may be too boring.

Because this ordinary sneeze associates so many results-results.

It’s really a big brain.

And after this day of cultivation, he has a new understanding of Yanfeng Fist.

He believes in himself, and it won’t take long to get out of this place.

On that night, how many people in China cried for Su Yuan.

The gods in their hearts so sadly wept.

In the first few days, everyone was still saddened by Su Yuan’s departure.

I think of Su Yuan’s past from time to time.

To recall those videos of him.

But gradually a month passed.

Almost traceability has faded out of people’s lives, and everyone has gradually become accustomed to Su Yuan’s departure.

“I don’t know if Brother Su is doing well over there, is he still suffering all kinds of sad things over there?”

“I feel that Old Brother Su is like that wherever he goes. Maybe the Lord Yan in the hell today is begging for Brother Su to be reincarnated as soon as possible!”

“That stinky boy didn’t have a few days of peace when he was alive, and I didn’t expect to be like this after he left. It’s really unnerving!”

Several netizens who missed Su Yuan very much found a video of Su Yuan and couldn’t help commenting.

This comment caused an uproar again.

It seems that not everyone has forgotten Su Yuan.

It is habitual to suppress this matter.

As long as someone mentions it, countless memories are lit up in an instant.

And that day the principals of the three colleges and universities sat together again.

They didn’t talk about each other at this moment.

Everyone was sad, thinking of the few days spent with Su Yuan.

“This Xiao Su has been gone for more than a month, right? The day after tomorrow will be the Mid-Autumn Festival. How about we go to the Northwest Desert to give Xiao Su a scent?”

President Wu first made this suggestion.

After listening, the other two nodded one after another. This idea is really good.

Su Yuan did so many things for them.

These three colleges and universities have become famous in this month.

Many names have advanced in the rankings of universities throughout the world.

It all relies on Su Yuan’s previous guidance.

“I remember Xiao Su quite likes to eat the food in our canteen. Let him prepare more delicious food for him tomorrow!”

“Forget it, then Xiao Su is not picky about eating. Even the food in your cafeteria dare to show it off. It’s really embarrassing, Lao Wu!”

“Should we take Xiao Ji with him tomorrow? After all, his relationship with Xiao Su is so good!”

“I think it’s better. After all, he is so busy with everything every day, and he finally got out of the shadow of Xiao Su’s departure, and then brought him to the place of sadness and evoked his endless pain. ?”

Principal Li Shen Si said very seriously for a long time.

“I think the same is true. Just let the three old guys visit Xiao Su.”

In this way, the old principals of the three universities made a happy decision.

The three went to prepare for this trip to the Northwest Desert.

During this period of time, various Western countries finally figured out the reason for the nuclear bomb that China officially launched some time ago.

When they figured out this matter, the whole world was a sensation.

China actually landed such a miraculous meteorite.

In fact, the material of that meteorite is 10 points special.

Chinese officials also want to use this meteorite to do some special things.

However, this meteorite is too hard to be used at all.

Many western countries sent spies to find the meteorite.

But they all returned without success, because they couldn’t cut any point from the warrior.

He said that Yuan finally opened his eyes after being closed here for a month.

·· ·····Find flowers 0 ·······

He didn’t make any movement during this night, and he has been practicing this set of boxing techniques with great concentration.

After Su Yuan regained consciousness, he felt that his aura had changed greatly.

He felt as if there was a mighty gravity above his fists.

Now he seems to be able to punch the entire earth through with a single punch.

Although this is his crazy idea.

But he is sure that his punch now is absolutely devastating.

After Su Yuan woke up, he felt his stomach gurgling.

Think about it, I haven’t eaten anything for a month.

Although the energy reserves in the body were sufficient before, this month’s retreat was also very expensive.

Consider that there is a lot of food stored in the kitchen next door.

0 .. 0

Now that he has achieved great success, he should be able to punch through this layer of steel plate.

Su Yuan catted to his waist, came to the steel plate, and shook his fist.

There was no much brewing, a red light suddenly appeared on his fist, and he bombed out with one punch.

With a muffled noise, he directly punched the steel plate with a radius of about a radius.

Looking at the huge hole punched by himself, Su Yuan was a little surprised.

Think about this special steel material.

Even the meteorite before was not completely destroyed.

Now he can punch it easily with one punch.

“Hahaha, Su Yuan has achieved great success. It seems that it is time to go out. I don’t know how much time has passed outside, but it should be a long time!”

“But what’s the situation now? I haven’t been in the sight of the world for so long. Maybe everyone already thinks I’m dead!”

“Forget it, no matter how much it is, it’s important to fill my stomach. After I have enough wine and food, I will go out to find out and give all my brothers and sisters a surprise. They are almost dying of me!”

Su Yuan directly picked up a can of canned beef and opened it, without intending to heat it, so he gobbled it up.

There is a lot of food here.

But those fresh fruits and vegetables have all been rotten and cannot be eaten at all.

Only these cans remain edible.

But for Su Yuan, these are enough. seven.

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