Chapter 273

Su Yuan didn’t wake up in the morning of the second day when he heard his cell phone ringing.

He also wondered for a while, who was calling him this early morning?

It was not someone else who called Su Yuan, it was Xiao Ji, because the results of the negotiation between China and the scp had already come out last night.

China was reluctant to hand over Su Yuan from beginning to end.

The scp also said that if Su Yuan is not handed over.

A series of measures will be taken against China.

This is not an optimistic thing for China as a whole.

The party involved in this matter is Su Yuan.

Xiao Ji feels it is necessary for him to tell Su Yuan all about this matter.

“Brother Su, did you sleep well last night?”

“Fortunately, fortunately, after all, I haven’t slept so peacefully for more than a month.”

“You called me in such a hurry. Could it be that you missed me too much because you haven’t seen me for more than a month?”

“Come on, can you stop being narcissistic, you slept peacefully last night, but we carried a big burden for you.”

“Oh, I just crawled out from under the meteorite, what trouble is coming to the door? Come and listen quickly, my eyelids have been jumping recently.”

Su Yuan deliberately said with a very surprised look.

In fact, he has already guessed one or two, after all, he also has a detailed understanding of the scp information.

He just didn’t expect this scp to come so quickly.

“This matter is more complicated. I can’t say one or two sentences in the phone. I will pick you up directly later.”

“Okay, I really miss you after I haven’t seen you for a long time, come here!”

After the two hung up, Su Yuan also began to pack up.

Only then did he realize that he didn’t even have any clean clothes now.

“It’s really a bit embarrassing at this time. In the capital nowadays, who is going to send me a set of clothes? I really regret not letting those three old things live with me last night.” “! ”

Su Yuan said to himself at this moment and thought about it for a long time.

He finally sowed An Ruoxue’s call.

After all, in this capital, he has the best relationship with him, and there is only this girl.

“Brother Su, you finally thought of me and called me. Do you know how long I have been waiting for your call?”

“Snow girl, now my brother has no intention of joking with you, hurry up and give my brother a whole set of suitable clothes!”

Su Yuan didn’t have any muddle-headedness. To be honest, he missed this girl a little bit.

But after all, it is impossible for two people to have too much intersection?

He simply told An Ruoxue of his position and hung up the phone.

Not long after, An Ruoxue came to the hotel and looked at Su Yuan, who was wrapped in a bath towel.

I couldn’t help but my heart was beating again.

Whenever he saw Su Yuan, he couldn’t help but vent his inner feelings.

“Brother Su, do you know that some time ago you had an unexpected news, which came to my ears, how worried I am?”

“Silly girl, didn’t my brother tell you that he will protect you for the rest of my life? How could an accident happen to my brother? Don’t believe this kind of rumors on the Internet in the future!”


“Snow girl, brother still has some important things to deal with. After he finishes handling this matter, I will definitely spend a few days with you!”


Su Yuan ran away in a hurry after speaking. His behavior is really like a scumbag.

Just lied to An Ruoxue to give him a set of clothes.

An Ruoxue had a thousand words in her heart to say to him, but Su Yuan did not intend to listen to these words.

Su Yuan came outside the hotel just after coming downstairs.

It just so happened that Xiao Ji drove over and drove over.

Su Yuan didn’t hesitate at all, and directly got in the co-pilot.

Seeing this long-awaited reunion, he was also a little excited.

“Brother Su, do you know how many tears I shed for you after your accident last time?”

“Yes, you are so embarrassed to say this. I’m alive and well. You gave me a whole box of eggs and banged me fiercely. I haven’t told you about this yet!”

“Brother Su, this size is one size. I was trying to save you at the time. Who knew that meteorite-like perseverance could not even open a nuclear bomb?”

“Yes, I don’t care about things in the past anymore. After all, I am fine, so I can quickly talk about what is going on!”

“This matter can’t be explained clearly in the car, let me take you to a place first!”

Xiao Ji drove the car on the road is a rush.

Because the car he drove was unusual, no traffic police dared to stop him on the road.

Not long after, Xiao Ji drove the car to the outskirts and drove directly into an abandoned factory.

Su Yuan was also surprised. Isn’t this the venue for general underworld trading in the movie bridge?

But after Xiao Ji drove the car into the abandoned factory, he came to a hall.

A series of operations have been carried out in front of a wall since Xiaoji.

A downward elevator appeared on the ground in the center of the factory building, and the two of them sat in without hesitation.

Su Yuan finally understood that this should be another secret base.

It seems that China has many secret bases in the entire capital.

Maybe this China has already hollowed out the entire huge underground city.

Su Yuan saw many people after entering here.

But these people looked serious, and after seeing Xiao Ji, they just greeted them simply.

Xiao Ji took Su Yuan to a small office.

“¨ 〃 Xiao Ji, you brought me to such a hidden place so mysteriously, what the hell is it, can you tell me now?”

“You kid always makes a lot of troubles wherever you go. Do you know what happened this time!”

“No, I’ve been under the meteorite for so long, what caused you when I came out again?”

Su Yuan said innocently.

“Okay, don’t pretend to be innocent, your kid, you should have heard of some recent things too!”

“You asked me for information about the scp organization before, and now this scp has been eyeing you!”

“Oh, all this comes so fast that I won’t let me rest for a while, it seems that the one who should come will never be dodged!”

Su Yuan said indifferently, as if he had no fear of this scp.

“Xiao Su, this time things are not as simple as that. You must be cautious. If you are taken away by scp, you may never be able to return to China again!”

Xiao Ji worried. .

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