Chapter 333

Su Yuan didn’t believe it very much.

These three guys are so ugly, how could they be aliens.

Don’t think you are an alien wearing a crocodile skin!

Are you kidding me?

Although I, Su Yuan, have never eaten alien meat, haven’t I seen an alien run?

But suddenly, Ye Qiu thought of something.

The system told him that there are indeed three aliens on this island.

It is precisely because of the existence of these three aliens.

They sent back signals to their planet.

Now there are aliens coming to the earth.

“I said the three of you are really aliens? Are there any aliens you look so ugly?”

Although Su Yuan has confirmed that these three guys are the aliens the system said.

But I was still very repulsive in my heart, and I didn’t want to admit that they were.

This makes Su Yuan really unable to accept it.

No way, you three have egg eyes and big heads.

Wearing a crocodile skin with two snail horns on his head, what is going on?

Isn’t this teasing me naked?

“You ignorant earthling, you say that we are ugly, we are the most handsome existence on our planet!”

“Yes, you, an ugly inferior creature, dare to despise us, it’s almost reckless!”

“You are such a ugly creature with low intelligence, so you dare to say that we are ugly, really a arrogant and ignorant native!”

Each of these three aliens speaks eloquently.

Just satirize Su Yuan directly.

After Su Yuan listened to it, he didn’t get angry. It was too much.

“I’m going to your uncle, three ugly guys, your planet regards ugliness as beautiful! To say that Old Brother Su is ugly, it is simply uncle who can bear the gods, he can’t bear it!”

Su Yuan roared angrily.

All the fans saw Su Yuan being ridiculed, and became angry and immediately exploded.

“Hahaha, Brother Su, you have to admit that you are ugly, don’t care too much, after all, you don’t understand the psychology of beautiful people` “!”

“An la An, after all, Brother Su, your appearance is really not flattering. Look at the temperament of the other three, do you compare it?”

“Okay, Brother Su, calm down, Brother Su, you don’t become ugly a day or two. Not everyone is like us and can tolerate your ugliness!”

“Brother Su, calm down and don’t care too much. After all, it is a comparison of three great handsome men from outer planets. How can you refute it, just accept the facts!”


“Hahaha, no, no, some people are finally rejected!”

“Ahahaha, I feel so comfortable in an instant, physically and mentally happy!”

“This kind of feeling shouldn’t be too beautiful, it’s so pleasing, this guy is finally choked by someone else!”

If Su Yuan saw his fans say so again.

Maybe you will have the heart to die directly, there is simply no love!

I really have a clear conscience towards them in normal times!

Is such a positive and optimistic anchor who spreads positive energy really so annoying?

“Ahahaha, Brother Su is really so annoying, why didn’t I help Brother Su speak one by one!”

“Oh, after all, Brother Su is so handsome, and who wouldn’t be envious or jealous? It is obvious that grapes are sour if you can’t eat grapes.”

“That’s right, just the face of Old Brother Su, put it on the earth, and you can make it into the top ten directly!”

“Oh, let me go, your rainbow fart is so polite and so good, it’s a pity that Brother Su can’t hear you now!”

These guys from the Ministry of Defense looked at all this, and they were also talking about it.

They are now like gods.

Looking at all this from the perspective of God.

And Xiao Ji also left.

This is not a good thing for China because of the global openness of mutation.

Because after humans mutate, various indicators will become stronger.

This is not good news for rulers.

Extraordinary China is politically open, and few people are dissatisfied with the government.

And the military is also the first time to control the source of variation.

This simplifies things to the greatest extent.

But this is not the case in other countries in the world.

On the US mainland, the current chaos is very serious.

The military has already begun to be unable to suppress it, because a gangster gang has mutated control of a place.

Now it is rapidly recruiting troops and starting to expand.

The situation in Europe is not optimistic. It is very bad.

Now it seems that only China is a pure land.

This is the reason why China has been passed down for thousands of years!

And Su Yuan on this side is still arguing with the three aliens.

Because the three aliens have been disgusting Su Yuan’s ugliness, this makes Su Yuan really helpless.

Because these three guys are three people, Su Yuan obviously doesn’t have an advantage in the small number!

“¨ 〃 Stupid people on earth, don’t take advantage of us. You can’t beat me. When our reinforcements arrive, this is the end of your earth!”

“You people are really too much. They don’t respect nature at all, and unscrupulously destroy the earth’s ecology. It is simply the biggest mistake for you to master such a planet!”

“After we solve your stupid and ugly natives, we can immigrate over!”

The three aliens said very arrogantly.

“I’ll go, are you really nosy dogs and mice? What do we do on our planet has something to do with you?”

“Just your group of little spicy chickens, still thinking about occupying our earth, do you think you are worthy? It’s really funny!”

“My house used to be worthy of the key (of Zhaohao), don’t you know if the three of you are worthy?”

Su Yuan didn’t get angry, and just uttered a mouthful of fragrance.

The three aliens looked awkward and looked at Su Yuan with surprise.

What kind of thing is this? This guy used to play lol, right?

This guy definitely came from Zuan!

If this guy wasn’t in physical condition that year, he would definitely be a champion in liberal arts.

“Brother Su is really angry, this angry Brother Su is a bit scary, can’t afford to provoke ah Feng!”

“Brother Su may have really come from Zu’an. This posture is really unbearable to look at directly. I can’t offend him. I will not provoke this guy in the future!”

“I think the smartest decision I have ever made is that I didn’t want to follow you and went to spit on Old Brother Su. That would be a dead end!”

“I can endure it, I can’t afford to provoke it, I can’t hide it, I’ll take a detour in the future!”.

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