My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 300: Ghost of the Dark Night

After a while.

All go to the island.

In the night, the sky was full of clouds and it was pitch black.

Most people here can't see their fingers.


In the eyes of the guards, it was just a little dark.

Low-light night vision is the ability that the third-level guards can turn on, and can see things in extremely weak light environments. After level 4, upgrade to active night vision.

In other words, you can see without light.

Reminiscent of the day.

some of.

Of course it’s not because the active reflected light is very strong.


This is not conducive to hiding.

In fact.

The active reflected light is very dark, which is similar to the effect seen by a low-light night vision device.

However, the auxiliary chip has rendering capabilities.


It's ok.

Brighten up!

In the reflection information, there is color light data, as long as you use the highlight rendering according to the data, in this way, the twilight picture can be like the sun.

Then, sync to the guard's vision.

The night is like day.

It's amazing.

. . .

Because of stepping on points in advance, it is easy to bypass the peripheral checkpoints.

In some high places around the island, there are many watch towers, usually a dozen pirates are on duty.

Under the tower closest to the landing point.

An open space was cleared here, surrounded by a wooden fence.

Under the wooden shed.

Light a bonfire.

Most of the pirates are asleep, anyway, there are brothers on the tower watching, it is impossible for anyone to sneak over.

It's so dark, if you use a torch, you will be spotted.

A group of pirates are snoring.


call out!

call out!


There was a sound of breaking through the air. Before a dozen pirates could react, they took the lunch, and at the top of the guard tower, the two did not notice the abnormality below.

Dozing off.


A pirate fell to the ground.

When the companion next to him saw it, he was shocked, and just about to yell, he didn't yell at all.

A blood hole appeared on the forehead.


Follow in the footsteps of companions.

The wooden tower is too high.

The angle is not good, so, just to be on the safe side.

. . .

Solved a sentry tower.

The guards moved on.

It didn't take long to arrive at the core area of ​​the island, where there is a stockade made of rocks, a high wall, an arrow tower, and fire bursts.

Stone wall.

The island at night is very energetic, standing in a row.

no way.

When such a big incident has happened, people are panicked, so be careful, and there are still a large number of slavery on the island. It would be too embarrassing if you overturned the boat in your own home.


Even late at night, the guards are still very strict.

Surrounding the stone walls are some large and small residential houses for the slaves.

Some people selected from slavery were given a certain status by the pirates and they helped their lives.

Became a perimeter line of defense.

. . .

that's all.

Fifty escorts constantly tackled the pirates along the way and touched Shizhai.

the other side.

Merchant shipping.

Shu Fu has come to the second island, and put down a hundred guards.

move on.

According to the plan, six pirate islands will be taken tonight.

The task is heavy.

The preferred targets are some weaker ones.


The black clouds began to roar.

It seems that heavy rain is coming.

Sudden changes in wind direction, but this has no effect on oil-burning ships. On the contrary, under heavy rain conditions, it is more conducive to the mission of the guards.


After a while, the rain fell.

Shu Fu returned to the cabin.

Lie down.

Eyes closed.

Looking at the actual action of the guards, I saw that each enemy was marked and killed.

Such as the first island.

Surrounding high places, there are guards lurking, using night vision capabilities to provide a comprehensive image of the battlefield, and every enemy is marked by the chip.

Share with other guards.

Take this.

The guards sneaked in, very smoothly.

In the dark, the pirates did not know that some eyes were staring at them on the distant mountains.

On the street.

A ten-man patrol team is walking.


At the front and back corners and on the left and right lanes, ten guards appeared, each with one arrow and no false hair. Within a second, one patrol team was taken away.


Pulled into a dark alley.

Dress up.

Soon, ten guards replaced the outer patrol.

In the eyes of the guards at a high place, the patrol team that was originally marked in red turned green.

Walked a street.

Turn left.

There is a sentinel here, and a dozen people are sitting awkwardly.

When the patrol was approaching.

Someone found that the head of the face was about to ask a question, just when the other people looked over at the sentinel.

The guards lined up quickly staggered.

In the next second, this sentinel is no longer a pirate who can stand.

Recover small crossbow arrows and move forward.

Like a dark death god, he went to the next outpost under the mark of the high-level guard, sometimes passing by other patrols, and suddenly started his hand.

One by one, wiped the entire patrol's neck.

. . .

On a merchant ship.

See here.

Shu Fu couldn't help sighing, the combat effectiveness of the escorts was truly overwhelming, especially the coordination ability, silently assigning targets, and then using extremely high military skills.

One hit kill.

Never go wrong.

Where to shoot, the combat efficiency is terrible.

One by one, they are terrible killing machines.

No feelings.

No mercy.

No mercy.

There is only one thing in thinking-to complete the task!


Heavy rain also reached Shizhai, and the pirates' vision became much shorter.

The second phase of combat missions began.

In the silent night, as if feeling murderous, the insects and birds stopped chirping.

Because of the rain, the sound was loud, but it did not arouse the vigilance of the pirates.

It was at this time.

Outside one of the walls, two patrol teams passed by. The pirates on the wall didn't care, but suddenly, the patrol team turned around and looked at them.


In some alleys of the dwellings, people appeared one after another.

"call out!"

"call out!"


The incident happened suddenly, and there was no time to even shout.

More than thirty pirates collectively received a boxed lunch.

As the main defense was outside, the pirates on the other three walls were not found. And it was raining heavily, which concealed the sight of the fire that could not be far away.

Over the wall.

Close the arrow.

Into the village.

There is nothing patrolling inside, but some of the house lights are on.

When the guard passed by, some depressive voices could be heard.


In a big room.


beg for mercy.

Reverberating in the room.

Several girls were full of tears and despair, three were tied to the corner, and one was being pressed by a strong man. The begging for mercy aroused the ferocity of the pirates.

"Ha ha!"

"Scream, louder, or you'll be boring."


Suddenly, the man felt that the voice of the girl **** behind him stopped abruptly, thinking that he had confessed his fate.


The next moment, I felt my mouth covered.

Then, the neck became cold.


Blood spurts wildly.

He widened his eyes in an instant, clearly knowing that such an injury was dead and he wanted to scream, but his trachea was broken, making him lose the basis for screaming.




The screams of several girls did not attract much attention.

The high-level pirates in the surrounding houses couldn't help laughing.

The second master likes this. Once the master is gone, the second master begins to indulge.


The murderer made a booing gesture at several girls.


Going out of the house with a knife, two young pirate brothers, already fallen in the blood, couldn't catch their eyes.

The figure flashed and melted into the darkness.

In the village, black shadows entered and exited each room one by one.


Reap life.

Several girls were in a state of horror. After a while, they mustered up the courage, opened the door, saw two bodies, and almost screamed again.

But experienced the scene just now, and my mentality became stronger.

Looking at the heavy rain outside, it was quiet. There was nothing but the sound of rain. The night was like a monster that devoured people, leaving them at a loss as to what to do.


Suddenly, a few flashes of lightning illuminate the world.

Take this.

She could see pictures from far away places, and only saw a dozen black figures on the wall in the distant village, killing dozens of pirates.

After that, the shadow flew back and disappeared on the wall like a ghost.

Looking at the surrounding city walls, there is not a single pirate standing.

this moment.

They understand that their destiny will be controlled by another group of people.

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