My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 305: Top of the industry

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the other side.

After the young man who fell twice left, he came to a corner.

Seeing no one around, a number was dialed.

"How is it?" the other side hurriedly asked.



"Unexpectedly, that kid was so fast that he fell down twice and pulled me down, and the portrait was intact, and I couldn't help it."

The young man explained.


There was a slight silence on the other side.

If you fall before registration, the museum is not responsible, but now that the registration has been completed, if there is damage, this responsibility cannot be escaped.

The finishing touch will be more difficult.


Even if it is damaged after registration, the liability is limited.

after all.

This is not an antique.

It's crafts.

If one is broken, just do another one.

"What to do?" the young man asked.

"Can't let his works be exhibited." The opposite said.


The young man curled his lips, you said that you could not, you could not, the museum was not opened by your house, but after hearing the other party's overweight, he agreed.

If you have money, you can do it.

. . .

Logistics office.

"This is a visiting card. You can take a special passage tomorrow without queuing."


"Go slow!"

Li Hang sent Shu Fu to the door and waved goodbye.


After seeing Shu Fu in a luxury car, he was slightly taken aback. Although he felt that Shu Fu was not too bad for money, it was unexpected to take a million luxury cars casually.

Audi A8, the level of the museum director can not match.

There is only one A6 in the museum.

All right!

Who is the skill of others!

. . .

After one hour.

Shu Fu came to Tsinghua University.


I met the person who recommended him to participate in the exhibition. He is a professor in the Department of Architecture. Today Friday, although he is a doctoral supervisor, he also brought an undergraduate course.

---History of ancient Chinese architecture.

This is a large classroom, and Shu Fu enters the class from behind.



It is better than the undergraduate in my previous life. In the last few rows, no one is sitting here. Most of the students are sitting in the front, and they are very serious in class.

Wei Jie immediately noticed Shu Fu's entry.


He hadn't seen Shu Fu with his own eyes, he thought he was a student.

I didn't care, anyway, his class was hardly named, just three times a semester.

It would be boring for those who can be admitted here to use a whip to come to class.

Continue to class, but in my heart I want to finish it quickly.

Don't let Shu Fu wait too long.


Shu Fu sat down in the last row and listened to Wei Jie's class.

Don't say it.

The talk is very good, not boring.

I didn't use the textbook to teach the subjects. Most of the time, I used my own personal experience and combined the content of the book to teach.

"That time when I went to a certain county, a Song Dynasty loyal shrine was in this style, but it was not well preserved. Some villagers were still nailing nails on it and drying clothes."

"I and the relevant departments in the county..."


The students in the audience listened with gusto.


Just talking about the history of architecture is indeed boring, but combined with the story, it feels refreshing.

Broaden your horizons, the other party is a professor, and the greatest wealth is his lifetime experience. Perhaps it is impossible for anyone present to experience it again in his lifetime.

Time passed quickly.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, everyone was still enthusiastic.

"get out of class is over."

Wei Jie packed his things quickly and took out his cell phone to make a call.

"Xiaofu, my get out of class is over, where are you?"

Just finished asking.

The voice of the other party hanging up the phone came from my ear, and he was slightly taken aback.


A teenager stood in front of the podium and smiled at him.

"I'm here."


Wei Jie was a little dazed, so suddenly.

. . .

Ten minutes later, I came to the office. General professors, the office is almost full of books, but Wei Jie's office is surrounded by woodcuts on the walls.

Of course, there are books too, not many.


"Drink tea!"

After busying for a while, Wei Jie sat down.



"Be more energetic than imagined."

Wei Jie exclaimed. He thought that Shu Fu was at least a little wooden, but he didn't expect that he was a handsome guy.

Obviously can eat on the face.

Instead, they rely on hand craftsmanship.

very good!

Especially the temperament of the body.




Like its craftsmanship, it doesn't look like a high school teenager at all.

By the way, there are grades, and I skipped directly to the third year of high school, and I got close to perfect scores in the exam again and again.

This talent can be called an evildoer.


A line of woodcuts is a genius.


After seeing Shu Fu carved a portrait of him with his own eyes, Wei Jie's last thought of accepting apprentices disappeared, and he understood that Shu Fu is the pinnacle of the industry.

That's right.

Wei Jie gave such a high evaluation.

The woodcut line, if it really comes to a rating, the highest level: Shu Fu.

It's so exaggerated.



Hand speed.



They all have full marks, and they can't pick the slightest fault, and the overall score can make the second place beyond the dust.

Even if all domestic woodcut masters are invited to evaluate together, it will be the result.

---Shu Fu, the pinnacle of the industry.


Do not.

Perhaps to describe it as a master, it is possible to meet his abilities.

"It's amazing, how did you practice?" Wei Jie couldn't help but said.

"Hands are familiar." Shu Fu replied.


Wei Jie felt like asking an idiot question.


This is something that can be done by familiarity. The speed like flowing water is the talent, the talent that others can't learn, especially the proficient in micro-sculpting.

All-rounder in the industry!

. . .

Talked for an hour.

Wei Jie still has something to say. From the beginning of the exchange to the end, it has become a request for advice.

Because there is really nothing to point out, and his own experience is useless to Shu Fu.

Read it again, people can even learn your skills.

on the contrary.

For many things, I have to ask Shufu for advice.

Wei Jie was not embarrassed at his age but like a student.

The master is the teacher.

Not as good as a human being, but still showing up. This is not the attitude that a craftsman should have. If it weren't for the age gap, Wei Jie would have a little bit of worship.


never mind.

It's not because you can't pull the bottom, but the body can't.

old age.

Poor body.

Woodcutting is not theoretical knowledge, but practical craftsmanship. You can't keep up with your hands, your eyes, and your mind is not as bright as before. What else can you do?


"See you tomorrow."


After arriving at the school gate, Wei Jie looked back at Shufu Park.

I was about to go back and met an acquaintance.

"Old Wei, what is so happy about?"


"What a Wei Jie went back to the office without explaining too much, looking forward to tomorrow.

. . .

After one hour.

Shu Fu came to Chang'an Avenue, and planned to find a place close to the museum tonight, the Jingcheng Hotel, located at the junction of East Chang'an Avenue and Wangfujing.

No expensive room, just a small suite of more than a thousand.

Here, it's average.

Shu Fu is not interested in what the president does.


With this time, think of a way to get a big manor on Alien Star and spend some time thinking about it. Isn't it more comfortable than the presidential suit?

Come here, mainly want to taste the chef's craftsmanship.

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