My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 309: It's cheap!

For a while.

Wei Jie came back to his senses.

A wry smile on his face.

At the price of three million, among the masters in China that are still alive, no one's works can sell so high, because people can copy them if they are alive.


Most of them are more than ten or two hundred thousand, which is already considered a high price.

three million!

In the current capital, you can buy several houses.


Shu Fu once sold two million works, but that was an auction, and it was a special case. It cannot be because of this that one person's works are worth so much.

I heard that Shu Fu opened a shop.

Carved like three thousand.

This is the normal price.

In Wei Jie's view, this Chinese knot can sell for more than 100,000 yuan, and it has reached the top.

Unexpectedly, Shu Fu came up and bid three million, twenty times the 100,000.

All right!

It’s useless to think too much. People’s things are priced at a high price, and it’s hard to say too much. Don’t say three million, even if you ask for thirty million, it’s a matter of others.

. . .

the other side.

In the exhibition hall, one person looks at Shu Fu's work.

"three million?"

"What are you talking about, when I'm stupid!"


The man kept spitting out.

three million.

Grab it!

With this money, he can buy more than ten or twenty of the works of the masters around him. Young people are just too greedy and have no bottom line. They are crazy about money.


The price depends on how you sell it.

Thinking of this, his eyes rolled.


The news that Shu Fu was asking for three million yuan spread.


"This young man is too greedy!"

"that is!"


Some masters in the exhibition hall talked a lot, feeling that Shu Fu was too floating.

And the man also got the desired effect. Just now Shu Fu asked for a price, and he didn't rule out that he didn't want to sell it to him. Now he is revealing the price.

In this way.

If Shu Fu finally sells for less than 3 million, he will be suspected of arbitrarily bidding.

In short, let's put it up first.

By the way.

Give Shuvla a wave of hatred. This price slams all the masters on the scene. It is strange to hear that the price of other people's things is higher than that of yourself.

. . .



Wei Jie also got the news, a little panicked.

"Xiao Fu."

"Three million things have been spread."

"Public opinion is not good for you."

The people who spread it obviously have bad intentions, but they can't say that they are wrong. After all, this is Shu Fu's own price, it is a fact, and it is not a secret.

In this way.

Very offensive.

A young man, a wooden carved object, why sell so high?

Other masters inevitably have ideas.

Hear the words.

Shu Fu didn't panic and smiled slightly.


"What shall we eat at noon?"

The conversation turned around and didn't care too much.

This kind of little trick is like the young man yesterday, at best, let him have a good time and can't take any interest in it.


If you have time to pay attention to this matter, it is better to look forward to what you eat for lunch, which is more practical. A major pain in life is to care too much about other people's opinions.

you are sick.

you are dead.

You are bankrupt.

You divorced.

You are disabled.


People's life is still going on, one day is joking, eating, drinking and having fun.

Care about the opinions of these people, idle!

With this time, what's wrong with it?

Life is boring.

It is to be nice to people who don't care about yourself, but to ignore to people who care about yourself. Chatting with friends is endless, and talking to parents is annoying.

This is not normal!


Seeing Shu Fu's indifferent expression, Wei Jie was helpless.

Your heart is so big!

It's this time, don't you care?


Young, so good! Not tired of fame and fortune relations.

Clean up your mood.

"I'll know by noon. My wife is already preparing home-cooked food. Just don't dislike it." Wei Jie smiled. Yesterday, an appointment was made for him to entertain him at noon.

Invite to eat at home.

"I love to eat home-cooked food, which tastes good." Shu Fu smiled.

"Haha, that's good."

Wei Jie said happily.

Then, he said goodbye and said that he would go to the exhibition hall again.

In fact, it was to help Shu Fu speak.

After all, he is the best junior in the woodcut group. If you don't explain it, it will be bad for Shu Fu's reputation.

However, Wei Jie also knows that the effect of the explanation is limited. Whatever is said, the spilled water is difficult to recover from ancient times to the present.

Even if the other party says it’s okay, it’s hard to get rid of the grudge.

In the future, Shu Fu wants to get involved in the art industry, the relationship in the industry is very important.

As for the identity of Shu Fu as a master? Wei Jie didn't care too much.

What about good grades? In the future, when I come out to find a job, there is no way to make money as a woodcutting line.

If you don't say far away, just say now.

Shu Fu carved wood with a monthly income of tens of thousands, and later studied other majors, and found that he had not carved wood for a month to make money, and most of them would turn back to rely on woodcarving for a living.


The network and reputation of this industry must be maintained.

Shu Fu was young, and he might not be able to hold back. As a referrer, he would take a little effort!


"Children, it's normal."


Wei Jie's noodles, on the surface, everyone is pretty good.

However, only you know what you think in your heart.

. . .

It was at this time.

An old man came to the sculpture, with a man and a woman beside him.

"Woodcut red knot?"

"Good craftsmanship!"


There was a burst of admiration in his mouth, and then he looked at the name.

"Shu Yi?"

There was a slight surprise in his tone.


When Wei Jie was chatting, he couldn't help asking, "Do you know?"

"I don't know, I just saw his carved portrait. By the way, is this for sale?" the old man asked.


Wei Jie nodded.


The woodcarver who carved the tiger smiled and said, "It's just a bit expensive, three million."

This price makes him very happy, and Shu Fu's bid is very hateful!

Look, Wei Jie has come out to wash the floor.


The old man couldn't help being surprised.

The opposite thought the price was too expensive.

"You heard it right, three million yuan." The person who engraved the tiger repeated it, thinking that the other party was surprised that the number was too big.

"Renminbi?" the old man asked carefully.


"I thought it was Euros!"


There was a silence around, and they all looked over, with a weird face, this is China, of course, it is RMB, but I think the other party is ridiculing the price.

However, the next moment, the old man asked:

"Does he have a phone call?"


"Do you really want to buy?" Wei Jie asked in surprise.

"That's you accept this price?" Wei Jie asked again.


The old man nodded with a smile.

"Why? This is a piece of wood." The tiger carver said hurriedly, very unbelievable. Why, Shu Fu carve a Chinese knot and it can sell for 3 million.

The other party seemed to think it was reasonable.

This unscientific!


The old man slowly explained:

"I saw Shu Yi's portrait at an old friend's house in France before. He said it was worth five million. This one is obviously more delicate than the portrait."

"Three million yuan, it's okay, it's cheap!"

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