My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 315: an examination

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Pirate Islands, Quarter City, Island Lord's Mansion.

"Island owner."

"New news came that Shanyuan and Dongyang gangs of pirates were wiped out."

"It's the same, don't keep one."


After listening.

The island owner was shocked again. From the time when he returned to the present, more than ten days have passed. In these ten days, several pirate forces have been wiped out within a few short intervals.


The other party didn't plan to grow for a while.


Prepare to push it all the way.

Until now.

The entire pirate archipelago, in a simple calculation, 80% of the pirate forces have been wiped out, which is a real wipe out, because the other side never provokes peace.

As long as it is a pirate.

And for evil.

Just one word---kill, no forgiveness at all.


The remaining pirate forces are less than ten, and they are getting closer and closer to becoming the overlord of this sea area.

"Next, it should be more stable, focusing on difficulties." The island owner's subordinates analyzed.

After all, the rest are hard bones, especially the first three pirate groups.

Occupies the largest island in the archipelago.

The three parties co-exist on the same island.

Because the area is a bit large, it can even be self-sufficient.

Even if the sea is blocked, people can eat, drink and live leisurely.

The defense on the island was tight, and a lot of defensive projects were done specifically to avoid the navy from the Nanyu Empire.

Night attack?

This method, the island owner thinks, is unreliable.

At this time, people are extremely vigilant.

Therefore, the final battle will definitely be a frontal battle.

. . .

the other side.

Main island.

The three major pirate forces have been twisted into a single rope. There is no way. They used to fight against each other. Now they are facing an unprecedented crisis, how dare you be careless.

Only by uniting can we cope.

At the beginning.

There are more than twenty pirate forces that can communicate with each other using messenger birds.

But after that.

Fewer and fewer.

Up to now, there are still contacts, but there are not enough hands.

A strong sense of crisis has arisen spontaneously. This feeling of continual loss of allies is scary, but so many years of defense construction has provided some confidence.

"Master, the third batch of ships sent to contact has been detained again."


"The master, their fleet has blocked the waters of the main channel. Many of our brothers who came back were intercepted, and none of them went out to report."


Bad news came one by one.

The lack of information is the biggest worry,

The most annoying thing is that if you want to contact the other party, the person is directly detained, and there is no plan to negotiate. As much as you go, they are eaten by others, and your teeth are itchy.

"Don't worry, we will definitely be able to survive this crisis."

The head of the first pirate regiment comforted him, but only he knew the truth.

While preparing to fight.

They are also preparing to retreat. They are pirates, but they don't have foreign aid.

. . .

On the ocean.

A dozen big ships are floating.

On the deck of the main ship.

A group of pirates basked leisurely, the front was exposed to the outside, and the back was exposed. There was so much space on the ship, and most of the day, it was idle to let the number of fingers count.

"I'm finally getting home. I hope to go to Baicheng next time. It's not fun for Dayan."


"The dozens of girls below can only watch, but can't move. They are all suffocating their labor and capital."


A few words about men's topics are inseparable from women.

These are all bought and spent a lot of money. It is not a looted business without capital. Even if you want to play, you have to get the big shots first.

Then it was their turn.

The trade of pirates is not only in the Nanyu Empire, Hundred Cities and Dayan Empire also have their presence, and the navy on either side will not take care of it.

There are many reasons.


There is filial piety, and the protection fee is obtained from the merchant ship, and part of it will be given to the navy on both sides.


Political reasons.

For the two major forces, the existence of pirates is a cancer of the Nanyu Empire, and it has nothing to do with the two parties. They even like to see the Nanyu Empire chaotic.

The forces of the Quartet show peace.


It's not a one-pointed mind. If others are weak, it is equal to one's own strength.


Within the Nanyu Empire, there was a laissez-faire attitude towards pirates, because the uprisings in the two states made the locals uncontrollable and wanted to suppress them with pirates.


The existence of pirates is so unscrupulous.

. . . .

Inside the cabin.

The place was small, the air was dirty, and there was a smell, and dozens of girls were curled up in a pile.




They know what they will face if they arrive at the pirate island. Some people may think that it's all the same. Why don't they die without suffering?


It's easy to say.

Which is so easy to choose between life and death.


People are poor.

People are sick.


According to this logic, is there no need to live? Can be solved by death? According to this logic, should the oppressed people commit suicide?


This is not a normal logic.

At least.

They have not yet faced the dilemma of life and death, and courage.

In the crowd.

A pair of sisters, leaning on each other, the sister's eyes are firm, and the younger sister's face is scared, both of them were caught by the teeth, and then sold to the pirates at a high price.

Because it looks pretty.

The person in charge of this small team intends to offer his boss.

She decided that, in any case, even if she committed herself to the pirates, she had to protect her sister. If it was impossible, there was only one last way---suicide.



"I just dreamed of my mother, she made a lot of delicious food."


Qiu Han hugged his sister tightly, tears could not stop flowing, here is far away from the Dayan Empire, wanting to go back, the journey is more than a thousand miles, and there is also a vast sea.

. . .

After one hour.

Lookout pole.

A pirate shouted below:

"There is a boat in the distance."


"It's coming to us."


The pirates stood up immediately.

Sure enough, dozens of ships were surrounding them, but they didn't care too much. There were already many pirate observation ships active here.

As an early warning.


Why is it a bit too much this time? Could it be that something happened on the island?

Well, maybe the fleet was killed inexplicably before, which raised the level of vigilance.


The fleet approached, and when I saw that there were various pirate flags hanging on it, I was puzzled.

"Stop the boat!"

On the opposite ship, only a roar was heard.

"we are......"

The captain called back quickly.

The other side was not let go.

"No matter who you are, stop the ship immediately. Now, all incoming ships must be thoroughly inspected to prevent dangerous people from getting in."


After hesitating, the captain nodded.


The matter of the expedition fleet before, made him not much doubt about everything in front of him.

The joint inspection is only, there has been one before.


The two ships were close to each other, and only six people came from the opposite side. Seeing this, the captain of the ship also let go of the last point of vigilance. There were only six people. What's the fear?

The two inspected the cargo on the deck and made routine inquiries.

"How many people are there?"


"What is being shipped? Specific to each ship."


Faced with the question, the person in charge answered honestly. It is not a secret. Even if it is prohibited by the Quartet, it is legal here.

The two asked on the deck.

The remaining four got off the cabin.

level one.

This is the place where the pirates live. There is no one at this time. Generally speaking, the pirates are rarely below, which is too boring.

Only three pirates are resting now.

The two slept deeply.

"You are?"

A semi-conscious pirate asked and continued.

Seeing that the opponent didn't change his color, he walked up to him.

Then he shot in an instant, before he could react.



The pirate's eyes rounded.

His neck was twisted directly behind him, and in his eyes, you could see that several other pirate companions had their throat bones shattered in their sleep.

I want to scream for warning, but I can't do it anymore.

Consciousness dissipated.

Do not look down.

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