My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 321: 1 piece of dumbfounded

It's the same as a general important conference.

at this time.






Many video sites have broadcast live here. Of course, it must have cost money. The homepage cover recommendation, huge title, is very eye-catching.


"Esports mobile phone conference live broadcast? Oh, the title is quite exaggerated, redefining smartphones."

"It's interesting, but I have to see, why is it so arrogant."


With curiosity, some netizens clicked in.

Suddenly, the melodious singing rang.

"New song? It's so nice."

"Another divine comedy, this company should make music."


I was amazed that the MV was once again switched to the screen of the mobile phone. Suddenly, many people were surprised by the appearance.

"This is... the pilot phone?"

"Depend on!"


"How can it be so good-looking."


In an instant, I couldn't look away. With the singing and the screen switching, many people didn't watch enough, so they switched the webpage and searched the Espier mobile phone.

Next second.

An official website of Espier Mobile appears.


Official website?

Live today?

should be.

I immediately clicked in. This is a huge publicity interface. A cell phone with a burst of appearance occupies half of the screen. Under rendering, the appearance increases.

"so beautiful!"

"Begin to believe that sentence: redefine the smartphone."


I moved the mouse and found that it could be viewed at 360 degrees.



Zoom out.

Just turn the mouse.

Many people give full marks to this webpage function, which is a bit like a technology company. If a dry floor plan is posted on it, it would be too dirty.

At this time.

The music on another page stopped.

"Next, I would like to invite the general manager of Linghang Technology."

One listen.

Quickly switch web pages, here only the appearance and some basic configurations, not much can be seen. Switch to the release site and turn on the full screen mode.

There is no barrage.

The inability to interact is tickling.

As for the message area?

Yes, there are, but the webpage needs to be refreshed to see the latest messages, which is not at the point of simultaneous interaction. They can only call friends in the penguin group.


There is a website different.

"Go to Bilibili, you can send barrage directly instead of watching it dryly."




Many people immediately switch web pages when they look at it.

Although many people are not fans of the second dimension, they have also heard of this website. The previous one looked for your sister and brushed a lot of presence outside the circle.

Go in and beep.

It is also recommended on the homepage.

Click in.


The barrage flew up on the screen, um, it was so interesting to look at it like this.

at this time.

The general manager’s self-introduction is completed, and the product introduction is formally entered.

"Leader, I believe everyone has seen it. This is our smart phone. In terms of basic configuration, it is absolutely high-end in the current mobile phone market."

"8G, 16G, 32G, these three main configurations are enough for everyone's daily use."



The reporters nodded.


This storage space is a bit exaggerated. Now the mainstream is only one or two gigabytes, which is increased so many times at once. I don't worry about not using it, but worrying about it.

Will it be a bit wasteful!

And the barrage has flew up.

"The memory is too big, right?"

"that is."

"Give me 4G and I can't use it up. The minimum configuration of this mobile phone is 8G, which is a waste!"

"However, it's better if it's bigger, it can be used as a USB flash drive."


Netizens have spoken one after another, saying: I can't use it up.

In the era when the purchase traffic is per megabyte, tens of gigabytes of storage is more than a luxury. It is simply testing the imagination of many people. In this era.

It will take several days to buy a 100M data package!

What are you doing, can you use up so much storage space?

Too impractical!

A bit ungrounded.

. . .

In the live screen, the introduction continues.





"Leading mobile phones use the current industry's top technology."


"The operating system, based on Android, is deeply customized, and you will know how good it is. You can go to the flagship store to experience it."


Hearing this, some netizens pouted their lips and exaggerated too much.

However, I have the idea to experience it, and some people are not far away anyway.

. . .

"In terms of mobile phone security, we have made great improvements."

"First of all, the mobile phone is bound to the phone number. After the screen is off, if you want to start the screen, you must enter the password. Even if someone finds it, it won't be used at all."

"Some people say that you can refresh the phone."

"What I want to talk about here is the second security technology, which is system binding. Every pilot system that enters the network illegally will be restricted in function."

"The system is bound to the user's identity information and hardware information."


"The third security technology, that is, cloud backup, can be understood as a mailbox, according to the user's authorization, you can temporarily store mobile phone number text messages and the like."

"Once the phone is lost or the card is damaged, you can use your account to retrieve this information, to the greatest extent possible to avoid accidental data loss."


"The application market APP will be open to major Internet companies, and you can contact our company after the press conference for specific APP standards."


With the interpretation of each function, the eyes of the people on the scene are getting brighter and brighter.

Can't wait to do it right away.

It didn't take long.

A new feature makes reporters shine again, especially female reporters.

"The two cameras at the front and rear can be used for selfies and video calls. The most important thing has a beautifying function, just like this."


"It's a big change."



This feature is a bit powerful. Nowadays, mobile phones don’t have any beauties, and they can’t be seen clearly if they can take pictures. This alone has to attract a large number of female fans.

No need to edit pictures for taking pictures, what a great tool!

. . .


"This feature is awesome!"

"Beauty, such an appropriate name."

"Suddenly interest came."


This beauty function brightened the eyes of many people, and it was simply prepared for taking pictures. However, many people saw this and made a drum in their hearts.

"The more I look at it, the more I feel that I can't afford it."


"Same feeling!"

"I hope the price is not too scary."


So configured.

Such a function.


There is a feeling of being tall. Looking at the thousands of mobile phones on the market, they are not as good as the ones in front of them. They all feel a little trembling in their wallets.

One after another began to guess the price.

Three thousand.

Five thousand.

Outrageous 10,000 came out.

. . .


In the exclamation time and time again.

The conference is coming to an end.

"Leading mobile phone, a total of four colors."

"Black, white, gray, gold."

"There are three versions of each color. When everyone buys them, there will be these kinds of accessories."


"Since battery removal is not supported, the location of the mobile phone card and the memory card is on the side. This is the card pin for the installation of the two cards."


"Mobile phone film, the screen is big, nails and rubbing, there are pits and scratches, so give a mobile phone film, you can paste it yourself or go to the flagship store to paste it."


"Mobile phone case, for the same reason, in addition to the standard plastic case, you can buy other mobile phone cases in various styles on our official website."


"Finally, it is the price that everyone cares about most."

Hear the words.

The scene fell silent.

Everyone guessed, how could such a mobile phone be cheap? Don't even think about it. When the price was announced, everyone felt like it was true.


The average price is more than four thousand.

The cheapest is three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, and the most expensive one is five thousand six hundred and seventy-eight.

It's really...smooth!


The barrage froze the pan.

"Sure enough, it's a price I can't afford."

"So expensive!"

"If I don't have money, I said: I can't afford it."


"It would be nice if it were a thousand."

"Why don't you grab it upstairs?"


For this price, people have complained about it. It is too expensive. A mobile phone costs more than four thousand, which is more expensive than a computer. With this money, how cool is it to buy a computer and watch TV?

The computer can also run a business.

Therefore, a large number of netizens chanted that they could not afford it, but suddenly they felt that it was worth the price when they saw the value.

so tangled!

What to do, my hands are itchy, I want to place an order!

. . .

Mingshan City.

at home.

Shu Fu watched the press conference.

Participate in person? Forget it, free! It's okay to show off his face, even though he soon estimated that he would have to be in the news, but he didn't plan to take the initiative to brush his face.

While watching.

While paying attention to the live broadcast situation.


The total number of people watching live broadcasts on major platforms has exceeded one million, and they may not necessarily be bought because the price is there, and the same was true for Fruit 4 that year.

Is defined as a luxury.


The price of the pilot is similar.

Shu Fu hadn't planned to sell it cheaply.

Said it all.

He has to do both high, middle and low end, leading position is high-end, middle and low-end other companies do it.

Many people who buy apples are not necessarily really easy to use, because the price is high and there is face. Since there is such a demand, why don't you make money if you have money?

According to feedback, Linghang is successful in terms of appearance.

. . .

"You can go to Linghang's official website to make reservations. The first batch is limited. The next batch may have to wait until June. So, if you are interested, place an order as soon as possible."

"After the order is successfully placed, we will arrange the delivery as soon as possible."

"You can also go to Linghang direct-operated stores to make reservations. We have 100 direct-operated stores across the country."


"Leading Technology, I am here for the first time, please take care of me in the future."

One bow.

The conference officially ended.


The reporters were applauded with thunderous applause, congratulations, expectations, and curiosity. The chairman of this company did not show up so much, only a general manager appeared.

Be aware that the information found shows that the real major shareholder is someone else.

. . .


The product release is over, but there is still a link for reporters to interview.

"Mr. Zheng, the founder of your company, didn't he come today?" Sina reporter asked.



So simple, so direct, without an explanation?

"He has something else." The other party added another sentence.

See here.

The reporters didn't ask too much about other things, maybe there is any privacy, but they have made up their minds that they must dig out the chairman after returning.

The company's products are destined to become the focus.

Its founder, its philosophy, its identity, its past... countless people are interested.

As a media person, of course you have an obligation to let the public know the truth.

"Mr. Zheng, what is the monthly output of Linghang?"

"There are only a few hundred thousand, but in the future, based on sales, we will increase the supply."


"Have you considered exporting?"

"Of course it will. Our products have already begun the listing process in various countries. It will not be long before they will be listed in various countries."


This interview is also being broadcast live.


"Isn't he the founder?" Many netizens found out.

"Depend on!"

"The boss is too salty, he doesn't show up."

"Is it shameful."

"Curious, who the founder of such a company will be, I guess it may be the trumpet of a certain Internet or technology giant."

"Hmm, the probability is very high."

"Indeed, it has only been established for more than half a year, and it is definitely not a novice to come up with such a finished product."


Soon, netizens reached a consensus that this company is definitely a trumpet.

I just don't know which big brother's trumpet is.






Netizens guessed for a long time, all of them guessed again, but there was no result, but at this moment a barrage came out, saying that they knew the name of the chairman.

"Shu Fu?"

One search, there is no relevant information on the Internet.

Just want to keep asking.

"Haha, I booked one."

"Me too."

"Said you can go to the flagship store in the afternoon to get it, haha, in Yangcheng, it's great!"

"Damn, mine will be three days later."


Seeing the big dog shows, netizens were immediately diverted to their attention, and found that a large number of people had booked successfully, and they could get the goods today in Yangcheng.

In an instant, some people thought.

Just now.

Another news came.

"CCTV's pilot advertising has been updated, from a brand film to a mobile phone advertisement."

"The ads on major websites have also changed."

. . .

After the news was released, the waves in the field of Huaxia mobile phones were huge. Looking at the whole process of the mobile phone release, a sense of absurdity surged.

---I want one too.

This idea shocked them.


There is no doubt about the excellence of this phone.

Especially the appearance, it is so bright.

"Can it be acquired?"


"The price can also be very high."

All parties have come to similar conclusions. This mobile phone company is not short of money, and the amount of money invested by the pilot alone is more than one billion yuan. The source of funds has been checked.

---Zhu Xianming.

It is impossible for a wealthy overseas Chinese to pick up a leak by himself.


"We also make similar ones."


After finding that it was difficult to acquire, they made similar decisions. Anyway, they used other people's parts to assemble, and they could assemble one by themselves.


Copy a little bit of various kinds.


It's not Android, just use it directly, and it saves development costs.

It’s just a bit long.

If you start the whole thing now, it will be possible to go public only four or five months later, because the three-month mock test of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is basically indispensable.

A minimum of three months is a hard and fast rule.

"The information of its founder, I want to be more detailed."


. . .

the other side.


Apple headquarters.

After watching the press conference, Qiao's office was quiet, and everyone's faces were dumbfounded.

I didn't expect it to be like this at all.

I thought it was a ‘Tucao Conference’. It was the expectation that the other party’s mobile phone was useless compared to my own Apple’s phone, and it was instantly shattered.

on the contrary.

There was a terrible idea that "one's own machine is not as good as a person's" came out.

So the result.

It's bewildering.

The other party's mobile phone feels like he wants to hang his own product.


Some configurations are slightly inferior.

But in terms of appearance, it is entirely about rubbing your own mobile phone on the ground. It should be understood that whether a mobile phone looks good or not can sometimes account for half of the reason for purchase.

In this piece, Apple lost.

The only hope is that the system is excellent and it has been tested.

But now that there is no other party's mobile phone, it is too early to really compare.

"Buy, buy some back right away." After a long time, Qiao helped the master to speak.

at this time.

He was in a terrible mood.

There are two major tragedies in life.

Now I have a deep feeling that Apple 4 has placed great hopes on it and feels that once it is launched, it will become a milestone product.

He is confident.

But this time Snap!

I slapped me with a slap, and my mobile phone was released ahead of time. In many ways, I slapped my product, just like beauty, I didn't have it at all.

In an instant, the mood fell to the bottom.

From one tragedy to another tragedy.

I even wonder if the launch of my own mobile phone will cause complaints and become a joke.

Beads and jade are in front.

Once compared, it is obvious that the product released first with the same function has the highest recognition, and most similar products released later will be regarded as plagiarism.

His pride made him unable to accept being thought of as imitating other products.

Apple has always been the leader! ! ! ! !

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