My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 324: The world knows

In fact.

The current Toutiao today is just a news app. No algorithm recommendation was added at all. Shu Fu didn't plan to get it out all at once.

Get the shell first.

After some time, the full version will be released when the sales of mobile phones increase.


This is on the cusp of the storm, and it will be opened as soon as it comes up, and it will be plagiarized.

With only a few hundred thousand sales of mobile phones, talking about market share is a joke. Therefore, within this year, headlines will only be news.

Go ahead for a while.

After the smartphone market has a certain scale, the full version will be opened.

. . .

Linghang's release caught many people by surprise.


There are some big venture capital institutions.

Some understanding.

Very helpless.

Usually companies look for venture capital, mostly because of lack of money, and the profit model has not yet started, and they can take this opportunity to buy the bottom and wait for the harvest to reap the rewards.


There are always some companies that directly start the game.

Leading is one.

At the time of discovery, they had already made outstanding achievements to the point of speechlessness, selling more than one billion a day. This was due to insufficient supply.

And it is only the China market.

Such an achievement.

Go talk about investment.


What is the reason for agreeing?

Relying on this mobile phone, people can make a lot of money, not bad at all, not to mention, there is a gold master Ba Ba behind the scenes.

---Zhu Xianming.

Public information shows that its assets are also hundreds of millions of euros.

But in front of them, the real assets are easy to find.

---Billions of Euros.

Depend on!

So how do you talk about the local tyrants behind the pilot?


Such a goal is the most helpless. You don't have what others want. Talk about it. Even if they are willing to accept investment, how expensive is that?

"Have you figured it out?"

The president of an investment company in the United States asked a subordinate.


"How many?"

"Our team's unanimous valuation of Linghang Technology is...10 billion U.S. dollars."


Hearing this number, even though I was prepared, I was still very depressed.



This kind of valuation is already a number after many rounds of financing by many Internet giants. Even if they buy 10% of the shares, it will cost one billion U.S. dollars.

Although investment companies are rich, they cannot be made in this way.

As for moisture?

It should be very few.

after all.

On the first day of sales, the problem can already be seen. A simple estimate is that if the sales volume is 10 million, the sales will be about 50 billion yuan.

Such an enterprise is valued at 10 billion U.S. dollars, which is not an exaggeration.



What are you talking about?

Generally, start-up companies have various conditions.

But in the face of piloting, obviously, none of these apply.

What growth rate.

What amount of users.

How long does it take to be listed.

What voting rights.


Don't even think about it at all.

All people have the initiative, even if they talk about it, they are led by others. Want to make a decision? It's impossible, but I really can't bear to miss the opportunity.


Some large-scale venture capitalists have begun to come into contact with Linghang Technology.

. . .

The news quickly reached Shu Fu.

at this time.

He has already arrived in Yangcheng and came by plane in the morning. He has no resistance to venture capital. If the price is right, it is not impossible to talk about it.

for example:

Let's talk about it at a valuation of 50 billion U.S. dollars.

No matter how low it is.

Shu Fu had no interest. He didn't start a company for others.

By next year, this psychological price will have to be doubled, otherwise it will not be discussed.

In short.

If the price is right, I don’t mind getting some capital ahead of time, with a valuation of 50 billion US dollars and selling for 10%, which is more than 30 billion yuan.

At this current stage, it is not small.


It is impossible to agree with the ‘stinginess’ of major venture capitalists.

Because even the current Big Penguin has a market value of less than 50 billion U.S. dollars. This valuation is already at the current level of Internet giants.


Contact belongs to contact, but the probability of being ‘taken’ is very small.

Shu Fu was not in a hurry anyway.

If you sell it, you will speed up your development. If you don’t sell it, you will proceed step by step. If someone really ‘seems’ themselves so much, then don’t mind taking him to make some money.

Say it.

He was still looking forward to it, whether there would be such a ‘courageous’ guy appearing.

. . .


The news soon passed back to the major venture capitalists.


"50 billion dollars? Are you crazy?"

"This is robbery!"


One by one, they tried hard to complain, with a valuation of 50 billion U.S. dollars, why not grab it? Do you know how big this is? Do you know how many companies in the world exceed it?


Microsoft has a market capitalization of just over $200 billion.

Gu Ge is about 150 billion U.S. dollars.

A new company is crazy.

Directly ask for 50 billion, but one more: non-negotiable, lowest price.

I go!

Acknowledge that you are a little capable, but you shouldn't be so erratic. If you agree to this figure, the funder will have to scold them to death, and then roll over.

"Too greedy."

"This number, the fool agreed."


After spitting out, I still don't get mad.

"Exposure to him, such an enterprise without self-awareness should be condemned by public opinion."

that's all.

Linghang Technology is on fire again.

. . .

Major media have reported that the valuation of 50 billion US dollars is a frenzied figure. However, the imaginary wave of condemnation has not appeared.

"Obviously, they don't plan to sell, so they set a sky-high price."

"that is."

"It must be the venture capitalists who want to buy at a low price, and they are still pestering other people. They are so upset that they directly offer a sky-high price, so that those who want to buy the bargain will retreat."

"It makes sense."



As soon as the news was released, there were countless comments.

In the comments of netizens, there is not much condemnation.

If you call 10 billion US dollars, you may feel exaggerated, but if you call 50 billion, or even one trillion, you are not overwhelmed, but you really don’t want to sell.

Or it may be asking prices all over the place, waiting for you to sit down and increase the money, which makes sense.

Free time.

Regarding your VC circle, we still need us to help create public opinion to influence and force people to lower prices.

One word.


You want to take advantage of it, you are crazy, and you don’t see anyone, okay?

Countless netizens ‘speak up righteously’ and anger all venture capitalists.

"People's valuation is based on others, don't buy it if you can't afford it."


"I don't want to pay much, but I still want good things, dreams."

"The venture capitalists are crazy about picking up leaks. They have to be valued at tens of millions to meet your investment value?"

"Support Pilot!"


Such remarks began to spread on a large scale.

one look.

The major venture capitalists are speechless, what and what, when have these netizens been so rational? It is said that the brain damage is different from the script.

Who will explain!

. . .

This is of course the result of Shu Fu's guidance.

Public opinion is a weapon.

The words are terrible, and the mouths are full of gold.

Experienced the era of information explosion in the next two decades.

Shu Fu is well aware of the power of this thing. Therefore, it is impossible to lead, but it is still possible to influence it, such as specially developing related software.

Specially brush comments with rhythm.

At least.

Don't be overwhelmed.

It has been developed for so long, and now it is the first time it has been used.

Who wants to push me to the cusp of the storm, then...I will give you a good wave, not only in China, but also in places where there is an Internet in the world, there will be a corresponding version.

Shu Fu didn't like the feeling of being swayed by public opinion.

Then, learn to control public opinion.

. . .


A new message appears.

"Breaking the news! Sequoia Capital estimated that Linghang was valued at 10 billion U.S. dollars and wanted to buy 5% of the shares for 500 million U.S. dollars, but it was rejected by Linghang Technology. 》

This look.

Countless people were shocked.

Netizens often regarded the 50 billion US dollars as a joke.

But now, there is really a venture capital valued at 10 billion U.S. dollars, and they are still willing to buy. That is completely different.

Ten billion.


The combination of the two words has a powerful attraction.

"real or fake?"

"Is that much?"

"It should be true. Linghang can sell more than 1 billion on the first day. According to this heat, it is not difficult to sell 10 million mobile phones. In that case, the valuation of 10 billion US dollars is fairly conservative."


"Niu Bian!"

"China will have another technology giant to appear."


In addition to shock, it is envy, how big is this huge sum of money? Anyway, many are.

And this tens of billions of valuation shocked netizens and spread around the world.

The media of various countries have reported.

Generally foreign company rarely pays attention to it.

However, the pilot is different.

A month ago, the national versions of the MV were almost refreshed, and the popularity has not decreased much until now, because it is too brainwashed, the melody is beautiful, and it is catchy.

Brushed countless sense of existence.

I'm all curious about what this company does and what the product looks like, which has brought a sense of expectation.


The product went on the market, and it was excellent, and got a valuation of tens of billions of dollars.

What a good story chain?


Must report!

In this way, Linghang Technology became famous all over the world!

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