My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 345: Speed ​​up

This night.

Many people do not sleep well.

There is excitement.

There are concerns.

There is confusion.

Of course, it is the employees of the three companies that are excited, and the worry is that the major video sites suddenly have an adversary to enter the market, and they are still the owner of not bad money.

Who can not worry?


No matter how worries you are, you have to live your life.


In any case, have a fight, if you really can't beat it... just hug your thighs!


It's a shame if you die or go bankrupt. In order to survive, holding your thigh is a normal operation, but you don't know if the other party wants it or not. This is a headache.

Same night.

A large number of newly established mobile phone R&D departments have employees working all night long.

Test the hardware.

Design appearance.

Study Android.


One person, one pilot, when there is no inspiration, just brush it. Since there is mature experience to learn from, it is natural to refer to it when starting.

The fool did it all over again.


Do not!

That's called borrowing, and if you modify it, it's not copying.

But the more you play, the more you feel headaches. It's not difficult to fake one, but they don't have a clue if they want to make a breakthrough.

Linghang is too good, and it is full of innovation in every place.

But there is no way, you can only bite the bullet, you can't eat the meat, so you can drink some soup, right?


There are also many people who are pessimistic. The smart phones on the market now lead the world. It seems that there is not much competition. Can you look at your family?

You can imagine how many teams like them are busy with similar projects tonight.

And so on its own products on the market.

The first question we face may be: holding grass, how come dozens of competing companies are suddenly added?


Once caught in that kind of competition.

make money? dream.

One of China's most favorite things is the price war. Once it starts, there will be almost no winners. This point, it believes that the management can see it.

Why do you still do this? Stimulated by the pilot!

Established for half a year.

Ten billion a week.

How many companies see the green light in their eyes, and they all take a moment of luck and feel that they can follow suit. If they are lucky, they may take off.

Everything, look to the money!

. . .

The next day.

early morning.

The new news dominated the headlines.


It must be said that it is also related to piloting.

"Leading's successful sales has driven the number of routers installed, and at the same time, it has also increased users' demand for broadband network speeds, the editor understands."

"The three major operators are planning to upgrade the existing basic network."

"Increase bandwidth."

"Reduce traffic charges."


Watching the news, many people think it is necessary. For example, those who have bought the pilot mobile phone, if they only use data, the cost is really a bit expensive.

Even for home broadband, the mainstream eight megabits still feels insufficient.

To know.

Many people have experienced it in the flagship store of Linghang, and the network speed is leveraged, and there is almost no delay.


The poor, it can only be your own broadband.

The emergence of Linghang has made them less and less tolerant of network delays. Especially rich people can open high broadband, but most people can't afford it.

As a result, the voice of a network speeding up is high.

. . .

Have requests.

The three major operators will naturally find ways to satisfy them. It is foreseeable that the next development of smart phones will usher in an explosion, and the pressure on operators is not small.

The bandwidth of the 3G base station is really poor.


Since there is no 4G license, it is impossible to access 4G base stations. Therefore, the traffic consumption of mobile devices with routers as terminals will become the focus.

In short: increase the internet speed of your home.

Fiber to the home!

Only this thing can be satisfied.

. . .

For a time.

The major communication equipment manufacturers began to take action.

Turned into.





They are all preparing to bid in countries around the world, and the demand is forcing equipment upgrades. This is nothing new. For the China market, Huawei is very confident.

Of course, it is impossible to eat it all.

Although the products are complete, Huawei can produce almost all communication infrastructure equipment.


In this world, there is a thing called: insurance!

Just like some monitoring networks, most important data lines will be made by three operators together, instead of using only one operator.

Mainly for safety.

One disconnected.

It won't really be broken.

The same is true.

In an Internet infrastructure equipment cluster, if one brand is used, the management is simplified, but who can guarantee that there will be no problems at all?

A class of equipment.

If there is a kind of loophole, all of them have to kneel in an instant, the kind of knee bleeding.


At the time of bidding, the operations of mainstream countries are combined with the equipment of major manufacturers, which can not only avoid an accident, but also finish the game.

It can also reduce procurement costs through competition.

. . .



A warehouse of Huawei is under intensive loading. Dozens of trucks are parked outside, and the staff carefully move the boxes into the trucks.

These things are precious!

The few tens of thousands, the more expensive hundreds of thousands.

"Which company? Such a big deal?" The person in charge of the cargo yard curiously asked. Today's delivery volume is a bit large.

"You must have never heard of it."

The person in charge of receiving the goods smiled. At first, he thought it was which operator, but later found out that it was not, and guessed it was an Internet giant, and guessed it wrong.

The buyer turned out to be a ‘small’ company.

Say small.

Is the establishment time is short.

But quite rich.

He actually invested in the construction of a data center. Although it is not too big for the time being, he has been to one of them and found that the other party is not small. This is only a phase.

Sufficient land is left for the second and third phases.

Even the second phase has already started.

The facilities of the first phase are basically completed, just waiting for the equipment to settle in.

Hurry up.





After a series of procedures, the data center can be put into operation at the beginning of next month.

Looking at its plan, in the future, the three data centers may add up to tens of billions.


If you want to break your head, you can't think of this company's money to burn this thing. But also with excitement, tens of billions of customers are definitely not small for Huawei.

It is true that the other party does not purchase all Huawei equipment.

But over 70% of the main meat was eaten by Huawei.


Such a large customer, Huawei, attaches great importance to the fastest transfer of goods, the best installation workers, and the later data center operations also require Huawei personnel.

There are ten in total.

All senior technicians are very familiar with the equipment.

In the way of stationing, the treatment of Huawei is also part of the after-sales service.


Dozens of trucks were full. The person in charge hurriedly got on the truck and sent the cargo to the nearest data center. It was in the province and could arrive at normal speed tonight.

. . .

It was at this time.

Not far away.

The Foxconn factory's production line has been debugged, various parts are in place, and the output of the pilot has started to soar. The parts enter and the packaged pilot comes out.

Outside the factory.

Trucks line up, and as soon as they are produced, they are transported to where they should go.

Half are domestic and half go overseas.

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