It was the next day.

early morning.

The imperial capital of Nanyu Empire.

Go to the hall.

Ban Xian's transfer of troops into Shanzhou without the authorization of the Ministry of War caused a sensation.

"Your Majesty, Ban Xian has no military system. He knows the law and breaks the law. Such behavior must be severely punished. He should be stripped of his position as a general soldier, sent back to the imperial court, and sent to hell!"


"Ban Xian's move is a capital crime."

"It's time to cut!"


Each minister said, demanding strict handling.

Deploy troops privately.

Empire taboo.

Although he was attacking the rebels, he still exceeded his authority, a serious crime.

Regarding this, even if some classmates made a good deal, they couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Too reckless!

Called death!


Although there was no evidence for that assassination, it was possible to guess a little through some information. There was also a little guess about Ban Xian's current behavior.

But even so, it shouldn't be done.

Martial law in Zhongzhou.

State animal husbandry filed a complaint.

The Bingwei prefecture and animal husbandry had not yet been suppressed, but he transferred his troops privately.

Even if Shanzhou was finally recovered, Ban Xian, the general soldier, would not even want to be a soldier.

The civilian officials were verbal, and the military officers naturally couldn't boo all of them.

This is a question of position.

An old man stood up:

"Your Majesty, although Ban Xian has violated the military system, there is a reason for it. The bold Shanzhou rebels dared to sneak into Zhongzhou and attack and kill a state general soldier by night."

"Blood debts are paid for by blood, and Ban Xian's heart for revenge for his subordinates is understandable."

"If it is really annihilating the rebels and taking back Shanzhou, it would be considered a great achievement. If he is removed from his post now, there is a risk of change, your Majesty, please think twice."

Words fall.

There was a cold snort.

"What can happen? The big deal is to withdraw." A civil minister shouted.

"Withdraw, Shanzhou is no longer?"

The military commander gave him a faint look, then counterattacked.

"I didn't say no, but he Ban Xian can definitely regain Shanzhou?" Wen Chen said.

"If it can't be done, it won't be too late to recall."


The violent language confrontation between the two parties made the Emperor Nanyu, who was only a teenager on the stage, amused. He glanced at the Queen Mother and waited for her to make a decision.

He almost endorsed major events in the empire, and all mothers and queens were in charge.



If it's not for the ancestral system, I don't want to come.

Looking forward to the end a little bit sooner, looking for a waiter to play, this is the point.


Seeing that the voices of both sides are getting louder and louder.


The voice of the Queen Mother sounded.

In an instant, the court fell silent.

Although it is noisy and loud, what is this place? The power center of the Nanyu Empire must pay attention to the mother and son on the high platform at all times.

Even if you move your mouth and don't hear a sound, everyone has to boo.

See here.

The queen mother laughed, this kind of power made her addicted.

"This matter, Ban Xian is guilty." She conclusively said.


"In a special period, temporarily suppress it. Once the situation in Shanzhou is stable, we will determine the responsibility based on merits and demerits."


Speaking of which.

The empress dowager smiled, and finally there was a righteous manager who made the Ban family completely fall away. Although the power was in the hands, some old guys were still very difficult to deal with.

Now, Ban Xian handed over the handle, how could he be worthy of the other party's impulse if he didn't use it.



When the situation subsides, it is not the final decision.

She hadn't forgotten that the Ban family knew that she had killed his sister in the first place. If the Ban family hadn't been honest in these years, otherwise, they would have been killed.

This time, the catastrophe of the Ban's house cannot be escaped.

Even if Shanzhou is pacified, she will dismiss all of Ban Xian's official posts and will never use it.

. . .

at this time.

the other side.


Zhou Mu was already a little flustered, news from various parties came, and Ban Xian made a move on Shanzhou. Once successful, then there will be an imperial fishbone in Jinzhou.

Mountain state.


It was also the place of the Nanyu Empire uprising.

Although Jinju was recruited, it has always been just plain.

If the ‘wild alliance’ of Shanju is lost, Jinju will attract all the attention, and the Nanyu Empire will most likely not tolerate any more actions against Jinju.


How is it good?


How did the situation change so fast, especially after the beginning of the year, there is no good news.

Qufu was occupied.

Gathered money and disappeared.

The pirates said that they were lost in the sea, but they didn't appear.


The situation changed again, and Ban Xian seemed to be determined to take down Shanzhou. This point, the state shepherd was very sure. Ban Xian transferred his troops privately, and he would die if he couldn't take down Shanzhou.

The sudden turn of the situation made Zhou Mu feel dizzy.

big head!

At this moment, he had to start thinking about the future.

If it really develops to that point, it will definitely not work.

Take out the map.

one look.

Actually, there is no need to look, because there are only two directions, Qucheng in the south goes to the sea, and the east goes into Dayan. Obviously, the Dayan Empire definitely cannot go.

Quartet balance.

For the rebels, it has always been an attitude---kill!

Of course, the premise is to be caught, and the household registration management of the Dayan Empire is really strict.


Only if you go south, go to sea, and go to a hundred cities, the population flow in that area is much higher than that of the other three forces. As long as you stay incognito, you can live on.


You can start planning in this direction.

Wealth staying in Jinju is no longer safe. We will first transfer some of them to Baicheng to make a proper settlement. Once there is a change, we can settle down quickly after the past.

After thinking about it, I can only send my son.

For others, Zhou Mu was completely worried.

. . .

After the night talk.

The next day.

A team secretly left the state city and headed south.

The next day.

Enter Qufu.


After crossing the checkpoint, Han Shaomu was slightly surprised. The official roads on both sides seemed to be completely at a different level. The official roads on the site previously controlled by him were messy.

In Qufu, the official road is flat and the trees on both sides are neatly trimmed.

The horses are moving faster.

I have heard that after Qufu was occupied, an official road renovation was started. I didn't expect the effect to be so good. Many places have been widened and road signs have been set up.

Even at intervals, all the places where the cards were originally set up have become tea stalls, snack shops, and the like.


As for the level soldiers?


But as long as you don't enter the official roads and only follow the official roads of Palace Qu, you don't need to be checked. Such a setting, Han Shaomu feels very humane.

Thinking back to my own land boundary, even if I pass by a small town, I have to check it.

Of course, although I feel good, Han Shaomu is not ready to study.

Own land boundary.

Be strict.

So as not to take advantage of some malicious people.

The pastries are good, I bought some.


At this time, a heavy-duty carriage galloped past, at an astounding speed, directly in a rushing posture.

The official road here is hardened and it is sprinkled with water stains, not dusty.

Han Shaomu couldn't help sighing.

In the past, this was something that I didn't even dare to think about.

But now it is very common.

Produced by Zhengyuan Company.



For the entire transportation industry, it is almost a revolutionary improvement, but I don't know when the four forces will be unable to bear it and begin to share their food with that big fat sheep.

At this point, there is no need to doubt the possibility of occurrence.

Just a matter of time.

Carrying treasures, but without the power to match them, there is always only one result-being slaughtered!

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