My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 362: 1 piece of envy

At this moment.

For his own chairman, there is more admiration.





In all aspects, it exceeded expectations time and time again. Just like at the beginning, I thought the company would be difficult to operate, but I didn't expect that it would be tens of millions of capital injections at every turn.

Later, the company split up, thinking it would raise funds.

However, I found that I thought too much.

Soon he waited for the pilot to fly into the sky.


Suddenly told them: At the end of last year, when the prospects of various businesses were unclear, the chairman invested a lot of money to build three data centers across the country.

On the surface, it's still the same as a okay person.

Only after it was completely built did they know about it.

It's staggering.

This layout, this forward-looking, is awesome!

"Never worry about server problems anymore."

The employees of the three companies are cheering. The self-built data center of this scale is the first in China, and it can be far behind the second place.

Ha ha!


This is called a trench!

BAT and so on, all stand aside, well, it's just the data center aspect.

Although excited, I haven't floated to the point of forgetting my last name.

BAT, the three big mountains, even if the leader's performance bursts, it is the ranks of technology hardware. In the Internet software industry, it is still far from the three giants.

The user mass is there.

. . .

the other side.

When the news came out, China's major Internet companies were also surprised, the data center, directly three.

We are just planning, you just do it.

In fact.

Previously, I checked the company under Shufu, but I only found a company that had a named data service. Just by looking at the name, I couldn't see the specific business at all.

Now I finally know.




Such as Youku Video.

At this time, many employees are looking eagerly, and there seems to be a data center.

As the video industry, there is a real shortage of servers. Even if Ali + Penguin + Baidu, the data processing of the three companies combined, there is not as much data processing as Youku.



How much traffic does it account for?

The video is the big head.

As for the various penguin games? Please, the game runs mainly on the terminal, that is, on the computer. Otherwise, why does a game break G at every turn?

The game company server is mainly for data exchange.

Run the graph.


Equipment information.

Battle data.


These game data, taken together, can't take up much bandwidth. It is nothing more than a high latency requirement, but it is a network speed issue, not a server.


Video data is what really consumes the server.


Three data centers suddenly appeared in a company. The plan was huge. How could it not be enviable. Anyway, youku and other video sites are all eyes red.

However, envy is envy, no money!

Youku has been burning money, just waiting for the New York Stock Exchange to go public at the end of this year, to get back to blood.

Even so, it is still hanging, and the money to be financed will eventually have to be burned in.

. . .

Except Youku.


56 nets.

Sohu video.


There are a lot of video websites, I don’t know what the sourness is, but the data center, which feels taller than the computer rooms in my own headquarters.


This is the gap!

at the same time.

Sigh again, that person's ability to lay out.


Linghang was not listed, and Bilibili was not popular, but they started the data center in a daze. They can only say that they are too optimistic about the prospects of Linghang.

Know that you can make money, and make a lot of money.

Otherwise, how dare you bet at that time?

I really don't know if there will be another surprise next time.

. . .



The president is a bit speechless, so fast? I thought we would be the fastest.

Three years ago, Penguin was planning to build a large data center by itself.

Prior to this, although there was a data center, a factory building was rented for renovation.

Later, due to business needs, the Binhai Data Center project was established, but because it was completed in one step rather than in several phases, it has not been repaired until now.

It will not be completed until the end of this year.


Shufu's three data centers landed, although it was only the first phase, but its ambitions can be seen.

Every data center will not be smaller than its own in the future.

Only a long sigh.

Who makes people rich?

At the same time, I was wary of that company again in my heart, always feeling like something was going on.

. . .

Soon, the news spread to the Internet.

"Grass! What did I see? The data center? Built in the mountains?"

"Niu Bian!"

"It's no wonder that when I watched videos on Bilibili recently, I felt a lot smoother. I thought it was because my internet speed was fast. I didn't expect this to be the reason."

"The landlord's house is really extraordinary."


"This is an amazing company with an amazing boss."

"Don't worry about Bilibili crashing anymore, happy!"

"God layout!"


Netizens are very smacking, while related users are excited. In this way, they can enjoy higher-quality services, such as Bilibili users.

this morning.

The website update, the biggest change is the image quality classification.



Blu-ray (VIP exclusive)

This year.

The server and bandwidth costs of most video websites are already high. It is good to be able to provide high-definition (720P), but there is no Blu-ray (1080P).


Not to mention that they were the first to eat crabs, but they were almost the same.

However, there is a charge at a glance.

"What? Want money?"

"Satisfaction, non-VIP can watch high-definition, which is already very good."

"that is!"

"People's servers are also costly."


After voicing, some people think about it, HD bit rate is basically enough, Blu-ray is originally a luxury bit rate, and then some people have experienced it personally.

Found: The gap is really not small.

720 and 1080 are really a contrast, full of gaps.

"It's not less than a few dozen yuan, go ahead, the gap is real."


In short, many people have a sense of superiority.

. . .

There are disturbances on the Internet.

Mingshan City.

Shu Fu continued his ‘leisure’ life. Today is June 1st, and it’s the January opening season. Many people queued up early and waited for the door to open.

Looking at Shu Fu, I can only lament that I am old!

People are better than people.

It's really dead.

At a young age, works can be shot in millions.


After receiving today's orders, none of them left because they were all small orders.

Thousands of things, even if you like it, you can't give it all up.

Therefore, they are all aside, waiting for completion.



Sealing grease.



In less than half an hour, one was completed.


"Thank you little brother."


The first customer left happily. Just watching the entire engraving process, he felt that it was worth the price.

. . .

It was at this time.

Not far from the shop.

Yan Yue took a blank look at and then smiled bitterly. Sure enough, Shu Fu's true love for woodcuts, such a big stall, as if it didn't exist at all.

What to do.

What do you want to do.


Could this be the right posture to make big money?



If this is the correct posture, the rich will have to run all over the place.

It can only be said that Shu Fu is an anomaly, and most of the other bosses started to fly after they became famous.

Like the one who whizzes.

Where's Shu Fu?

Flying all the way!

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