Finish eating.

Cheng Shengjun returned home.


A large water tank was moved into the hall, which contained a lot of seafood.

"Huh! So heavy!"

"Really generous, gave us so many things."


Father Cheng wiped away his sweat.

Shu Fu sent a few boxes of ingredients, and by the way wrote a recipe, and the oven also gave it to him, saying that he was practicing his hands and couldn't get rid of it, so Cheng Fu had to accept it.

Take the recipe.

If you get the treasure.

Put away carefully.

This is my own hope of getting rich. I am planning to start the experiment tomorrow. Today, the materials are not enough.

Turn on the TV and prepare to watch it for a while.

It's still early, in summer, and there is no air conditioner in the house, and it's hard to fall asleep in the middle of the night.


Father Cheng gave a surprise.




I saw Shu Fu on the city stage. This is not the point. The point is the wording below: Outstanding traditional craftsmen in our city take the college entrance examination and aspire to go to Tsinghua University.

. . .

In Mingshan City.

A lot of people saw this news. At first, everyone only noticed the interview, but suddenly they took a glance at the wording and were slightly taken aback. Could it be that the TV station made a mistake?


"Traditional craftsman?"

"The college entrance examination?"


No matter how you look at it, the combination is very strange.


But there are some people who know Shu Fu, such as classmates.


"Artisan? Isn't this our number one in the third year of high school?"

"Shu Yi?"


With curiosity, qualified families checked the name and were shocked. Not only did Xueba learn well, but the works could sell so expensive.

Millions at every turn.

It costs five thousand to carve a portrait.

Depend on!

Do you want to be so good?

Feelings, going to school is a side job.

. . .

the next day.


The news spread through the school.

"Have you heard that Shu Fu is Shu Yi."

"Is this a new dumb riddle?"

"No, our Xueba has a stage name called Shu Yi. He carved the wood carvings that sold two million in the city before, and the Provincial Museum has his works."


"You mean, that silly cat and silly dog, Shu Fu Ke's?"


"so amazing."


"This is not the most powerful. A few months ago, Shu Fu's work was exhibited in the National Museum, and one work was sold for a sky-high price of 3 million."



One by one news shocked the students.

Two million.

three million.

That adds up to five million, which is an unimaginable huge sum of money for them who are still in high school, looking forward to graduation in the future, and earning more than 10,000 a month.

It is equivalent to a lottery ticket.

It is equal to whether there is financial freedom.

It means there is no need to struggle.


Five million, there are too many things that can be done.

Local tyrant, a proper local tyrant.

. . .

Nine o'clock.

When Shu Fu came to the school, not all provinces had to submit their scores first and then fill in their volunteers. Instead, they had to report their volunteers before the scores came out.

Therefore, there is an additional process of scoring.


Looking at him around, he looked strange.





The results haven’t come out yet, don’t you need to? But I am not too surprised to know the reason very quickly.

When one day, his identity as the pilot controller is exposed, everyone will be a buffer.

Walk into the classroom.


A pair of eyes looked.


"Student Shu, how did you study well and your craftsmanship is equally good?"



What can everyone say.

The next month's test was close to full marks, which may not be achieved by hard work alone. Now he still has the aura of a woodcut master, except for his talent, it is impossible to explain at all.


Rich again.


It always feels like it's here to hit mortals.

"Student Shu, why are you still going to school if you are so rich?" a classmate asked curiously.

"Learning is a lifelong matter, it has nothing to do with wealth."


This level is high, nothing wrong.

"What major are you going to choose?" another student asked.

"industrial design."




"What do you think is the best prospect for studying now?"

"nice! You love it."


For a time, Shu Fu became the center of the class. After all, this was the first time that he had said so much to his "classmates", perhaps this time.

It's not too annoying.

They didn't stop until the head teacher came.

Looking at Shu Fu.

The head teacher was also glaring, but he didn't expect that his own Xueba still had such an identity.

As long as it is not crooked, it is very likely to go to the school wall. Millionaires are not new now, but a juvenile millionaire is rare.

This is not by inheritance, but by yourself.

. . .

"This is the answer. Everyone will estimate it."

The answer book was passed from the front row to the back, and the students returned to reality.


"The answer turned out to be this."


"Haha, I did it right."


"Fortunately, fortunately, the math test failed."


Some are happy, some are sad.

After getting the volunteer card, Shu Fu filled it out.

Tsinghua, majoring in industrial design, the head teacher happily took it, and sent it directly to the principal’s office. As for the other students, the scores were still not finished.

"Which one should I choose?" Shan Wei was very distressed.

Look at Shu Fu.


I hit my girlfriend with my arm.

"What do you want? Do you still want to be a major with Shu Fu? You have no opinion and are easily looked down upon. Besides, industrial design, do you really like it?"


After hesitating, Shan Yan nodded.


As for not being in a major, will Shu Fu be seduced by other girls?


That is a piece of wood.

Even if she was alone in a room, Shu Fu estimated that she wouldn't take advantage of her at all.

. . .

After estimating the score, the head teacher made a statistics and was very satisfied.

This year’s bonus is stable.

Afterwards, they started to send out graduation photos, and then after school, everyone went back to consider where to report, and the report formally started after three days. Shu Fu was considered a special case.

Mainly too lazy to run.

Holding his graduation photo, Shu Fu came to a cemetery in the eastern suburbs.

Entrance to university can be regarded as fulfilling the last wish of his parents.

The next day.


Shu Fu returned to his hometown, a small village, where his parents walked out, and his grandparents were buried here. There was not much change in the village.

It's about the same as ten years ago.

Dirt road.

Old house.

The small river that originally flowed has turned into a stream, and it is unknown whether it was diverted from the upstream or was blocked.

In the fields, many people are inserting late rice picture of busy farmers in a small village. When passing by some houses, you can vaguely hear pigs hum and ducks.


As a regular species in the village, there are many Wang Xingren.


As soon as a Wang Xingren yelled at Shu Fu twice, he retreated with his tail between them.


Don't dare to yell again.

Strengthening the fifth level is a watershed. At the fourth level, it has already broken the limit of ordinary people. At the fifth level, you will be exposed to a new thing.

---Cell energy.

The current role is mainly to strengthen the body.

If it is released, it does not have the offensive power, but it can deter some small animals.

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