My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 386: Don't be ashamed here

There is no impermeable wall in the world.


The news reached the penguin's ears.


Many people can't help but feel tight, as the leader of the sky, in the current Chinese business community, it has become an existence that cannot be ignored, and it is very dazzling!

Every move.

All affect the hearts of many people.



The US$50 billion valuation shocked the industry. For more than half a year of development, Penguin has struggled for more than ten years. Even if the valuation is high, its profits are also terrible.

Hundreds of billions in sales, less profit than 20 billion+.

The point is, it's only more than two months before the release.

It's robbing money!

To build an industrial park and spend 50 billion madly, even Penguin, one of the three Internet giants, seems to have a bit of a burst of mentality.

Lemon picked up a basket.

One word.


Currently, Penguin does not regard Linghang as an opponent.

Because there is not much overlap between the two parties, there is business overlap in the field of games and music, but geometric games are mainly mobile and leisure.

Inside, it seems that there is no plan to get involved in PC games at all.

As for music?

Still so, Linghang didn't mean to make PC-side music at all.

The only problem is copyright, but I don't think it has much impact.


Film and television.



Penguins have not set foot, so, on the whole, the two sides currently have no competitive relationship. Relatively speaking, Ali and Baidu are rivals.







These are the opponents, because there has always been competition.

In my heart, Penguin really doesn't want to have one more enemy like a pilot.

An existence that casually smashed 50 billion in anger, the onlookers trembled when they saw it.

. . .

It didn't take long for the evaluation results of WeChat to come out.




"Comprehensive analysis, and the name is nicer, WeChat, um, it sounds pretty good."

After drawing a conclusion.

The seniors breathed a sigh of relief.


It seems that it is indeed for the internal communication of the enterprise, otherwise, this thing is not a threat at all, whether it is Penguin or the mature Fetion.

They are two unshakable mountains.

"All right."


"Most companies have this delusion of persecution."

The CEO nodded, no longer tangled.

. . .


He paid attention to another thing, and that was the next step of Penguin's strategy---safety!


social contact.


In these items, Penguin has done a very mature job.

Next step.

It is preparing to enter the field of security software.

Last month, Computer Manager went online, covering functions such as cloud checking and killing, cleaning plug-ins, and directly involved in all the mainstream functions of 360 Security Guard.

Step into the field of anti-virus, and are now in a fierce battle.

From the CEO's point of view, Penguin has a great chance of winning.



Too weak.

It's not our opponent at all. With its huge size, the Penguin is invincible. The opponent can only be exhausted in defense, and even be defeated by himself in the end.

The fate of the opponent has been arranged clearly.

. . .

Penguin doesn't care.


Other Internet companies couldn't help but get excited.

I even look forward to the pilot to do something out.

Rely on penguins.

Grab food everywhere.

The grievances spread.


Everyone can only shout a few times.

If the pilot intervenes, the situation may be very different. It is not that it can be overcome, but that it can be disgusting for the penguin.

To be honest, I really don’t think anyone can challenge the penguin’s social empire.

The pilot is rich.

so what?

People have become accustomed to one thing, it is difficult to change.


Seeing what Linghang meant, it didn't intend to do anything, it was just a means of perfecting the internal confidentiality mechanism of the enterprise.

That function has no combat effectiveness at all.

It's not as good as the penguins ten years ago.

A college student can easily write it.


Don't count on it!

Let's watch the show. Penguin and 360's pinch each other, it's lively here.

. . .

Mingshan City.

In the shop.

The same lively and conformity mentality keeps the shop always idle and visitors come in and out.

"Huh? Five hundred for a piece of wood, five thousand for a big one? Robbery!"

There are always people who know that Shu Yi's guests are passing by, and they can't help but make complaints at this sight.

"The hype, it must be hype."


Those in the same group echoed one after another.

at this time.

A voice rang from the side.

"People's works are excellent, they have been exhibited in the National Museum, and they have been sold for millions of dollars at a astronomical price more than once, five hundred each, it's very cheap, okay?"


"That is."

"Hype, it must be hype." Tourists are even more certain that this is a bubble.


The man was speechless.

have to.

Preconceived and lazy to explain, he took the carved portrait and left happily.

The engraved on it is a girl.

The champion! This was just early in the line, and I wanted to touch Shu Fu's talent.

Go back and put it on the granddaughter's desk.

"I'm right, maybe it's all trust."

Seeing that the man didn't continue to argue, the tourist said proudly, thinking that he had won.

"It feels well carved, why not do it?"

One of his companions just glanced at the sculpture in the hands of the old man and found it was really good, so he thought about it.

"You are silly, you can sell wood for a few dollars for five hundred, I don't think it is too much for one hundred."


In the end, a few people left, but that person felt like missing something inexplicably.

. . .

Two hours later.


The crowd dispersed reluctantly. For some reason, seeing Shu Fu Ke, there is always a feeling of relief.

Later, I thought about it carefully, because it was carved too fast.

It's like a painting.

A little bit of painting is really anxious.

But if you replay it several times faster, or even ten times faster, it makes people have a great visual conflict. Shu Fu's craftsmanship is like this, the blade falls, and the water flows smoothly.

brush! brush! brush!

A few times.


A few more clicks.

The details are now.

It's as if it's been played ten times faster, and it's refreshing to look at. Because of the different people who engraved it, you won't get tired of it.



This is the real professional level.

. . .

In the shop, most people left.

At this time.

Come up alone.

"Student Shu, hello, I am..."

"No answer."

"Just show your face and take a picture." The man didn't expect Shu Fu to refuse. You must know that the price he offered was 80,000 yuan.

Just go to the restaurant to cut the ribbon, take a photo, no need to do anything else.

"No answer."

"Student Shu, we are very sincere."

And at this time.

Another person came over.

"Student Shu, I belong to Hongtian Real Estate. I didn’t get your contact information, so I can only come here in person. Our chairman said, you have won glory for our Mingshan City and intend to give you a house worth 400,000 yuan. you..."

"do not want."


The sales manager of the real estate company was taken aback.

This is 400,000, which is much more than 80,000, so I don't even want it?

I know that you have money, but there is no need to treat money as dung, right? Five hundred yuan of carvings, you make all of them. Let's have four hundred thousand.


Possessed and persuaded.

As for the restaurant, I couldn't talk directly.

" go out."

As he was persuading, a voice came from behind.

The sales manager turned his head, his face changed.

"President Shi."

I hurriedly said hello. Shi Lei's real estate company ranked first in Mingshan City, and Hongtian was third. As for what I just said, I don't think it was him.

Looking at him, Shi Lei said:

"What about you, hundreds of thousands of things, don't emphasize it again and again here."

Then, leaning close to the sales manager's ear, his voice fell a little bit lower.

"Your entire Hongtian real estate is given to others, and they won't take a second look. Don't be ashamed here and go back."

Sales Manager:"..."

Mr. Shi, are you kidding me!

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