My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 389: How much do I still don’t know?

Lu Tian noticed that the word ‘change’ was pronounced very strongly.

What do you mean?

Could it be...

Is there a way for General Ban Xianbing to overcome difficulties? Or is there any deal reached with Dynasty that will not be held accountable? For a time, many possibilities emerged in Lu Tian's mind.

"How to change?" Lu Tian asked curiously.

Next second.

A terrifying answer came.



Involuntarily put his hand on the knife.

Lu Tian looked around abruptly, and found that the surrounding soldiers were a little apart. They couldn't hear the voice just now, because the commander of the prison army had already left.

if not.

Just this sentence, you have to finish it yourself!

Not only that, but also affects Ban Xian.


capital offense.

If you get a little bit, you have to peel off the skin.

"Are you crazy? How could you say such a thing?" Lu Tian lowered his voice and rebuked.

I saw each other smile.

"What will happen to you in this win? How will General Bing Xianbing? You and I know that facing the power of the court, it is already a great blessing to survive."

"For the second half of your life, good fortune and misfortune are hard to predict."

"So, why not give it a go?"


Lu Tian shook his head vigorously after listening.



Do you want me to be so clear?

Let's not talk about the distant ones, let's talk about the strength.

How can it be successful? He even suspected that the other party was a spy from the Nanyu Empire trying to test him, and once he agreed, he was immediately taken as credit.


That's right.

The secret envoy has betrayed Lord Ban Xian.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the Night Killing team was almost exhausted in this series of big victories.

Because of this, he immediately switched to the empire.

Just when his brain is making up.


The secret agent handed a letter.

Lu Tian hesitated.


one look.

Lu Tian's eyes are getting bigger and bigger because the content is too horrified.

It was a book written by Ban Xian, who wanted him to join the rebellion empire. It explained in detail the reason for the ambush. Lu Tian didn't expect it to be done by himself.

It's not Shanzhou rebels at all.

But Ban Xian pretended not to know, and turned to use Shanzhou to operate, and while diverting his attention, he procrastinated.

Also borrowed the power of the state army to quell the chaos in Shanzhou.

at the same time.

Sitting in Zhongzhou, military alert.


Once it's up.

Will directly control the two states, and now, it has reached the deciding game.

"All the following matters, I hope to cooperate with the secret agent to complete." The letter said at the end.

Finished reading.

Lu Tian couldn't calm down for a long time, the amount of information was too great, and he needed to slow down.

It turned out that Lord Ban Xian had long wanted to go against it, as to whether it was forged by a secret envoy.

The probability is very small.

These days, many things happen weirdly, and I am fascinated by it.

But now, if the explanation is based on the content of the letter, it can be answered.

all of these.

It's all a plan.

There are secret notes in the letter that only He Ban Xian knows, and it is almost impossible to have falsehoods because of the existence of too many words.

Unless Ban Xian is arrested.


If caught.

Why would I need this letter to harm him?

At this moment, his thoughts were fiercely clashing. It is the same thing to think that it is reversed, but it is really reversed, which means that his wealth and life are overwhelming, and there is no turning back at all.

a long time.

Lu Tian sighed and asked the secret agent:

"How do I need to cooperate?"

It's all like this, can I still quit? It's a big deal.

He was also fed up with the empire's anger, as the chief general of the state army promoted step by step by Ban Xian.

The label on the body cannot be washed off at all.


The secret envoy smiled faintly.

Lu Tian: "Waiting for what?"



What dumb riddles are you playing?

. . .

It was in the afternoon.


A piece of news shocked all forces.


"That newly emerging power is attacking us? Has it even been under nearly ten counties?"


In this decisive game, the forces of all parties have already broken the boat.

The main force was concentrated on the front line, and I didn't expect that the power of the main villages and towns that rose to the south would attack them one by one at this time.

This is still the message from the early morning, and it is only now coming.

All parties are very clear about what this means.

---Being enemy.


The major forces of all parties mainly occupy the hinterland of the mountain state. That force rises from the south, and then engulfed the small forces in the surrounding villages and towns.

Presenting a semi-encircled situation.


The state army is calling from the north.

It can be said that this is where the enemy is in the back, it is the enemy in all directions.

"Report, Hexian was breached."

"Report, Yongxian was breached."


The bad news came one by one, and the forces of all parties were out of anger and did not ask for help. Now they have fallen into trouble, and they have not been able to go back to support them for the time being.

Is this to play their rhythm?


"This group of people must be in the same group as the state army, or be bought off."


"The sudden and rapid rise is likely to be Nan Yu's layout. Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill us all at once."

"It's careless."

"I knew it, it should be killed in its budding state."


I regret that I didn't pay enough attention to it.

Up to now, there have been irreversible consequences.

Scolded scolded.

Trouble will not be scolded away.

"How to do?"

"Now, there are all enemies around. The key is that they have broken through to the hinterland. This is the plain. The situation is completely different from the previous uprising."

"The most important thing is that we lost the mountain war, and it was miserable."


One by one couldn't help but feel weak.

The situation changes suddenly.

Such a situation has never been encountered before, so maybe everyone has to finish it.

Zhao An?

Do not.

no way!

Because it is impossible to obtain the same privileges as Jinju, Jinju was unable to attack for a long time, and now he is beaten like this, and surrendering has no good results at all.

Even if you die, don't vote.

. . .

The next day.

early morning.

Flags fluttered on the city wall.


Lu Tian's eyes were almost staring out, saying, what happened last night? Why did the other party surrender? You know, the secret servants are all dead.

How could it be possible to attack at night, could it be fraud?

"Ha ha."

"The royal family, the royal family!" The commander of the supervising army laughed, and when he woke up, there was such a surprise that the enemy unexpectedly surrendered.

good news!


Although I don't know the specific situation, I just need to win.

"Go and see if there is any fraud."


Although happy, but still not fainted, a ten-man ban army stepped away.

Then... gone forever.

"Fraud surrender, it must be trespass."

The commander of the prison army was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he wanted the ban army to go over and grab the first shot, but he didn't expect to capsize.

"Vice Commander Lu, sent troops to avenge the Forbidden Army, dare to play us."

The commander of the supervisory army shouted angrily.

Hearing that Lu Tian also gradually recovered, and he had just learned what was going on from the secret envoy.

In retrospect, my heart was shocked.

"How did you do it?" he asked.

"Night attack."

"Aren't your people almost dead?"

"Who said that."


Lu Tian just remembered now.

The battle damage of that force was told to him by the secret envoy. People obviously have the ability to make false claims, and the battle damages are false, and even the total number of people may be false.


How much do I still don’t know?

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