My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 391: Not calm anymore

Latest URL: At this time.

The most confused was the commander of the prison army who was stabbed.


A mouthful of blood spurted out and dripped onto the knife.




There were countless questions in his mind. The little secret agent in front of him dared to treat him as a dynasty supervising army.

There is no scruples at all.


It means that there are three sentences left.


Another bite of old blood.

At this moment, his thinking was clearer than ever.

Secret agent.

Ban Xian.

Mountain state.


Some things that hadn't been thought about before flashed in front of his eyes instantly. When everything was connected, the commander of the supervising army felt as if he had caught something.

"Ban Xian... want to turn back?" His eyes widened in vain, looking at the person in front of him.


When the words fall, draw your sword.


The blade is re-sheathed.


"Avenge your lord."


Only then did the imperial soldiers recover from their shock, the captain roared and rushed up, but soon really realized the fear in the eyes of the surrendering coach.

Two hundred forbidden troops, the last time they wanted to go out to looting, they lost half of them.

Twenty people have just died, and there are only eighty left.

Eighty to ten.

The advantages are obvious.


Under the close combat and distant archers' joint attack, in just one minute, all reimbursements were made on the spot.

At this moment, the school lieutenant suddenly thought of something.

"It's you!"

He exclaimed.

When I wanted to go out and looting, thousands of people went out, but were ambushed and killed and wounded. At that time, I thought it was Shanzhou rebels, but now it suddenly became clear.

Not a rebel.

It's them.

The school lieutenant couldn't help suspecting that the battle of Shanzhou was a bureau set up by Ban Xian.


A knife in the heart let him know that he was going to finish it.

Even knowing this ‘secret’ is useless. People have already beheaded the prison army and the imprisoned army in front of so many people.

Obviously, there is no intention to hide it.

This secret is useless.


Fell to the ground.


At this moment, the commander of the supervising army was not dead, lying on the ground, venting more and less air.

The glasses were round, staring at the secret agent and Lu Tian who was standing not far away.

Insurgents and thieves!

Insurgents and thieves!

One day, the empire will avenge him.

After a while, with unwillingness, he died.

. . .

Around, the state army was a little at a loss. It was reasonable to say that they should go up and catch the murderer, but the owner of the house did not speak, which is very strange.

Could it be...


Wouldn't your own master also participate, right?

Oh my!

The amount of information is a bit big, so dizzy.

"Secretary, why did you suddenly do it?"

Lu Tian couldn't help asking, this was not in line with the plan. The scene just now appeared suddenly without any preparation in advance.

Even if it was him, his heart trembled.

"Shanzhou, it has been decided." The secret envoy said lightly.



After listening to the explanation, Lu Tian was speechless.

All right.

You bull.

It turns out that we are not one side fighting, and there is an assisting brother. In the original plan, it was step by step, but suddenly there was a significant result.

Overestimated the courage of all parties.

Attacked last night.

The news is sent back.

Some packed things overnight and prepared to break through to the south, which brought a chain reaction. The head families of the major forces were obviously unwilling to admit defeat in this way.


Contradictions broke out within it, which quickly escalated into conflict.


Of course it's cheaper for the brothers who play assists.

As the task progress soared, this ended so suddenly.

"Well, what do you do next?" Lu Tian asked.

"All state troops, withdraw to Zhongzhou."

The secret agent looked at the distance.

"Everything here, our people will take over as soon as possible and integrate useful forces. Once the dynasty learns that we have reversed, the Beizhou State Army will go south."

"Master Ban Xian in Zhongzhou will inevitably face tremendous pressure."

"The natural danger line of defense can be rebuilt in the northern part of Shanzhou, so there is no need to worry."


After listening to the deployment, Lu Tian nodded.


The beheading of the imprisoned army and the prison army in public will surely make the court furious.

The most important thing is to assist Ban Xian to grasp Zhongzhou.

Shanzhou is as the secret envoy in front of him said.

Surrounded by natural risks.

Easy to defend and hard to attack.

Repairing the original defense line can be of great use.

It can be said that the defeat of Shanzhou also laid a retreat.

Even if Zhongzhou can't defend it, he can retreat without destroying the regiment.

No wonder the Commander-in-Chief came up to start at Shanzhou, he must have considered this aspect too, this is to find a way for everyone.

"That lieutenant can be killed." The secret envoy said again.


A hint of coldness flashed in Lu Tian's eyes. Even though many people in the rebels became ‘owners’, the betrayal of military deployment at the beginning was a tangible existence.


To make the current state army jump back, it needs a reason.


That lieutenant is a very good chess piece.

. . .

Soon, a lot of news spread among the state army.

"What? It wasn't the Shanzhou rebels who attacked Master General?"


"Damn it, the families of the dynasty, for the sake of power, actually took this evil hand."


"Hi! The leader of the prison army was killed? The forbidden army is dead?"


"The lieutenant betrayed the deployment and attack plan?"


The melons spread among the state army, and at the same time they were shocked, aroused anger. Most of them are descendants of Ban Xian, and Ban Xian's ancestral home is in Zhongzhou.

Therefore, there is natural intimacy.

Now, his own general soldier was so designed that he almost died.

And there are inner ghosts, betraying news.

In addition, the ordinary prison army and the imperial army didn't take them too seriously, and they were always on the top, as if looking down at someone, and suddenly became angry.


"that is."

"The empire is unkind, so don't blame us for being unrighteous."

"Follow the Commander-in-Chief to the death."


The reason for such a ‘sloppy’ decision was that he knew one thing---Ban Xian had a plan.

if not.

Everyone's family members were in Zhongzhou, and suddenly jumped back. They were playing with fire. During the capture of Shanzhou, General Ban Xianbian showed extraordinary ability to deploy.

A series of victories made them trust Ban Xian.

It's not a mindless jump.

And to win Shanzhou is equivalent to having a rear.


There is no retreat for the first category.

There is a retreat in the first category.

As long as there are enough reasons to support it, the mind will change quickly. Of course, there are also some other elements hidden deep in my heart.

For example: Ban Xian is in Zhongzhou, so does it mean that his family is also under Ban Xian's control?

Perhaps Ban Xian did not do this.

But it does not prevent them from thinking so.


A large number of factors were combined, and the thinking of the state army changed quickly, rather than blindly following.

When the confined lieutenant was pressed onto the guillotine, he didn't know what had happened, and he was in a different place, and the state army shouted a few times to kill.

strike camp.


Pack light and bring enough dry food.

. . .

Lu Tian rode on the horse for an unbelievable moment. He didn't expect that this Shanzhou battle would end in this way. When he came, he was a minister and when he came back, he was a rebel.


The secret envoy is on the horse beside him.

"Once the Dynasty learns, Nanyu Navy will be the enemy." Lu Tian asked.

It should be understood that Nanyu Marine Division is very strong, with more than 200,000 people, and is not stationed on the coast of Zhongzhou, but an island several dozen miles away from Zhongzhou.

The deterrence scope is very wide, and it does not belong to the state army sequence.

Once the war started, Zhongzhou suffered from the enemy.

Jinju was recruited for security. Although it was in harmony with the Nanyu Dynasty, it was also a factor of instability.

Thinking of the next situation, Lu Tian had a headache, mainly because he had no experience in rebellion.

Hear the words.

The secret agent couldn't help but I wonder if you have heard of it. Recently, pirates in the southern waters are not as rampant as before. "

"A little."

Lu Tian nodded, because he had heard that during this period of time, it seemed that there was a change in nature, and plundering rarely happened. He thought it was the deterrent power of the Nanyu Navy.

But when I heard it now, it didn't seem to be the case.

I haven't finished digesting the news yet.

"I don't know if the adults have heard that Jinju has an extra thorn in the flesh."

Lu Tian was taken aback.

Then his face changed drastically, and he was not calm at all.

"Qu Mansion!"

He exclaimed a name in a low voice.

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