My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 395: Northward plan

On the third day, Jinju South.

early morning.

The border between Qu Mansion and a mansion in the north is not far away. Some vegetable farmers are pushing their cars to the nearby town. This is their daily routine.

There are a lot of people going to the market.

Along the way, you can see some people heading south from time to time.

Tow the family with one's mouth, with the dishes on the face.

Everyone knows that some places were hit recently, floods raged, and homes were destroyed.

No livelihood.

South to Qufu.

I heard that there will be jobs for the refugees so that they will not starve to death.

In fact.

Many people living in the border zone want to go to Qufu for a simple reason: across a river, people on the opposite side can enjoy extremely cheap first-class salt.

What about yourself?

Eat expensive third-class salt.

Want to buy.

Don't let it.

The big local salt business owners have been severely cracking down on this behavior.

Once you dare to buy, you are breaking the law.


I can only envy people, but I'm actually holding a breath in my heart. Why?

. . .

Is walking.

Step on!

The sound of intensive horseshoes gradually sounded, and the ground vibrated.

Looked one by one, and then immediately yielded to the middle of the road. Soon, he was stunned by the scene before his eyes, and saw a large number of cavalry from Qufu appear in the field of vision.

Densely packed.

Can't see the head.

"Why did the soldiers of Qu Mansion appear here?"


"Are you going to mess up again?"


The people couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

what's going on?

Don't you want to fight here again? The cowardly one retreated directly to the dense forest next to him and hid him.

I have experienced military chaos and know it is terrible.

Although the soldiers in Qufu heard that they were very friendly, they had only heard of it and never met them.


It was soon discovered that the other party ignored them at all.

Step on!

The horse goes all the way north.


After waiting for a long time, I saw the end of the cavalry, the heartbeat speeding up one by one, and the mobilization of tens of thousands of cavalry would be impossible if it were not for war.

Where is the fight again?

With doubts.

Continue to the market.

As soon as I arrived in town, I heard another shocking news.


"The state army is also heading north?"


The people were completely confused. It was the border between Jinju and Jungju. There were many people stationed on both sides, and now they are collectively moving north.

Is it not defensive?

Or... Jinju returns to imperial rule?

Except for this explanation, the others don't make sense.

. . .


All of Jinju, the various government soldiers, and the state army that had been secretly confronting Zhongju for a long time, all of a sudden, collectively marched northward, leaving many people at a loss.

There are too many contradictions.

First, if there is a war with the Empire, why abandon the defense of the west?

Second, if you submit, it doesn't make sense, just surrender on the spot, and you don't need to travel so far north to be reorganized.


You can't always be "king", right?

For example, the state city is besieged? Everyone go to save the state animal husbandry?

For a time.

The rumors are flying all over the sky, becoming more and more outrageous, directly confuse the imperial spies in Jinju, they are more inclined to have problems within Jinju.

Because there was no information about the empire going south.

It may well be so.

For example: Seeing that the situation in Shanzhou is irreversible, the provinces want to capture the state and animal husbandry and show their merits to the empire.


This logic is rigorous and impeccable.

The biggest event in the empire in recent times is the battle to regain Shanju. Successive victories have made everyone feel that Jinju will be the next goal.

Thinking of this, the hidden spies felt triumphant.

Victory is here.

Rebellious officials and thieves will eventually be tried by the empire.

. . .

On the other side, Jinju City.

Inside the yamen.

A large amount of gold, silver and jewellery arrived, and Shu Fu continued to work hard to harvest the fruits of victory. After the main leaders of Jinju were controlled, the family property could not escape and be confiscated.

these years.

Fish and meat people.

Too many to read.

Although not as blatant as the chaos of Shanzhou.

But secretly, it is not inferior at all.

For the sake of the people, these people will not end well.

While collecting treasures, Shu Fu heard from time to time the progress of all parties, mainly military dispatch, Chen Bing went to Jinzhou North.

As planned.

On the day of the showdown, it was still the time to attack north.

At present, the Nanyu Empire did not have any preparations, thinking that Shanzhou would be restored and Jinzhou was not far away. Therefore, the entire defense was still in a lax state.

With such an opportunity, it is natural to take the opportunity to expand the result.

The previous plan was to take the three states and head north by surprise.

Before the main forces of the northern mansions of the Nanyu Empire pressed forward, half of the country was found.


Once jumped back.

The Nanyu Empire will surely be the nation's soldiers going south, and the pressure is not small. Therefore, the goal of this stage of combat is not the tri-state rebellion, but half of the country.


I have a headache, and there is not enough manpower, so I can only see it first.

Looking back in front of him, the dazzling array of treasures washed away a little sadness.

Copy home!

Copy more and try to upgrade as soon as possible.

. . .

It was at this time.



Hundreds of ships drifted in groups, with mighty momentum.

The people on the boat dressed in uniform. This was the fourth day from Qingping Island, and they looked very complicated.

Near nostalgia!

Although you may not be able to go ashore, you can hardly see tomorrow compared to being in a pirate den. It is already a luxury to be closer to your homeland now.

I don't know what the mission content this time is.

On such a scale, it almost came out.

It's certainly not simple.


Only in battle will the cabin be full of weapons and almost overloaded.

After months of training, many people have improved their mental outlook by more than one level, with self-confidence in their eyes. Not to mention pirates, even Nanyu navy dared to go.


Thinking of this, some people jumped in their hearts, and then shook their heads.


That was a rebellion, this time the target should be a general opponent.

Conflict of interests at sea is very common.

It’s just a little strange. In addition to the combatants, there are many non-combatants on board, as if to receive something instead of fighting.

Who goes out to fight and drags the family away?

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know."

Living together and chatting, the other party doesn't know what to do.

Many are still very reluctant.

To know.

More than 90% of them have already held certain management positions on various islands. Recently, they have been forced to bring their hands out quickly and then hand over work.


There is a little bit of reluctance to go to a new place and do unknown things.

But since it was a transfer from above, it could only be obeyed.

. . .

It was in the afternoon of the same day.


Lu Tian's team arrived at the state army camp.


"Thanks all the way."

When Ban Xian saw his confidant, a smile appeared on his face. Most of the state army had been sent to Shanzhou before, and his direct lineages were lacking in strength. Now they are all back.

You can close the net!

"Master Soldier, what should I do next?" Lu Tian asked.

"Tonight, take down the state city." Ban Xian said with a faint smile.

"Then Jinju..."

While in, Lu Tian heard from the secret envoy that Jinju would change ownership before he returned. This shouldn’t be a problem. Once the Jinju strategy is blocked.

One more defensive side.

Hear the words.

Ban Xian smiled.

"Don't worry, Jinju has basically been taken over, and most of the troops have been transferred to the north. When we take the state city, the day after tomorrow, the three states will move north."


Lu Tian was stunned, but the secret agent had never said this.

Win three states, not digest it?

In general rebellion, most of them have a fixed income, but they like to push all the way, too... jump!

My own thoughts are a bit unable to keep up with the rhythm.

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