On this day, for countless netizens who love melons, it is considered a big melon, or the kind that is still unfinished, and there is still too much curiosity.

1. Why?

A junior in high school with no professional background.




I didn't see the potential of being the richest man in every aspect. As for the champion? It can only prove that learning is good.


2. Why?

Why do you want to make a mobile phone if you can’t learn well?



It's still a whim and decided with a slap in the head.


3. Where does the money come from?

The money needed to make a mobile phone is not a small amount, it can be hundreds of millions, or even more. Shufu, a senior high school student, where did the money come from?

Even financing.

Why do others believe him? Questions lingered in my mind.

"All doubts can only be revealed by him."


"It would be great if it was on TV, you can find out more."

"Strongly ask Shu Fu to show up."



Other bigwigs who become famous will often be on the show, and their voices are immediately loud.

They had too many doubts about Shu Fu's road to success, and they were eager to find out.

Perhaps, through summing up, can you achieve soaring sky?

Just think about it.

Xixi in the world, all for profit, success and fame, how many don't you like?

. . .

And this time.

Shu Fu also received the invitation. In fact, this is not the first time, but he has refused it before. It can be said that he has not given an interview.

But he was not worried.

After all.

You can't tie people away.


The media has already exposed, so let's step on the stage! However, it is limited to ‘brushing a face’, occasionally showing up, too lazy to engage in too many activities.





Each item is promised at most once a year, otherwise it would be quite annoying.

I'm busy!

. . .

the other side.

After getting the answer, the TV station was relieved.


I didn't refuse this time. Although I didn't agree to it before, it was enough for Shu Fu's first TV show to be on the TV station. The other things were trivial matters.


"Invite other guests as quickly as possible."

"Put out the talk as soon as possible."


The TV station is going to take advantage of the heat, and it will be broadcast this Saturday.

Today is Tuesday.

The scheduled recording time is Friday. If the editing is stepped up, there is still time. With the current popularity of Shufu, the audience ratings by then will definitely be good.

It is estimated that just to see that face, many girls are paying attention.

. . .

In the evening.

Mingshan City.

After the simulcast, the city news was broadcast, and then almost all were fried in front of the TV.


"We have the richest man in Mingshan City?"

"Only nineteen years old?"

"Or this year's college entrance examination science champion?"


Seeing the content of the report, the audience boiled and rubbed their eyes, unable to believe it.

Some people who have a computer at home directly checked the Internet, saw the results, and fell silent.


The news turned out to be true!

In the daytime, the news has actually spread, but after all, there is no broadcast effect like that of the market station. Such a burst of news suddenly appeared in front of us.

Smashed many people's heads buzzing.

Depend on!

Is that boy so good?

Excitement followed.


Mingshan City has the richest man, it is too powerful, not to mention the city, to say that their province has never been the richest man in China, it can be regarded as the face of the mayor of Mingshan.


"A miracle!"

"Mingshan City also has legends."

"It's not easy to live alone at a young age, independent and independent."

"Poor boy, finally dawned."


"Regret, I didn't engrave one when I opened the store."


"Five hundred yuan a piece, it's really cheap."

I used to think that a piece of wood is five hundred, just like grabbing money.

But the current point of view is completely different.

Five hundred, five thousand, is it expensive?

Think about the hundreds of billions worth of people, and only charge you five hundred, which is so cheap that they can earn hundreds of millions a day, and they can earn more than two thousand yuan per breath.

How many people regret that they didn't carve one at the time.

It's all right now, the store is closed, there is no place to engrave.


Shu Fu's life experience drew a look of sympathy. From a young age, he was frail and had bad news from the sky. He carried the burden of life alone and went out to set up a street stall every day.

Later, I opened a shop and everything was so inspirational.

The people in Mingshan City are talking about it and want to know more.

Ask around.

Many people even hold a ray of hope, maybe...a bit of relatives can be involved.

It doesn't matter if it is farther away, as long as it can be connected.

That's 200 billion fortunes. A little bit of it would be enough for a lifetime, but unfortunately, after asking about it for a long time from relatives, I couldn't get half a dime in a daze.


. . .

The original site of Happiness Lane.


The neighbor interviewed this morning sat stupidly in front of the TV, watching the news, with an expression of seeing a ghost, and when the smoke burned his hand, he suddenly recovered.

"Shu Fu, the richest man?"

"More than two thousand... billion?"


Muttering in his mouth, countless emotions surged into my heart.




Why! A formerly poor neighbor, even if he had some money, he made a few million, and he could bear it. Now he tells him that he is worth hundreds of billions.

The mentality burst directly.


No matter how good things are, let one take it alone.

But soon, like a frustrated ball, what about dissatisfaction? This has become an established fact, people have already left, it is too late to hold the thigh.

Thinking back to the morning interview, it is no wonder that the reporter was not happy.

People weren't here to listen to him making complaints.

He also saw Father Cheng on TV.

I called Shu Fu, and it took a minute and a half of the shot. At the end, I took a picture of the name of the barbecue restaurant.


What am I...missing~www.readwn.com~Barbecue restaurant.



The oily charcoal has a rich fragrance. With good taste, the business of the barbecue shop has been good. Cheng Shengjun came to the shop to help as usual after work.

There are many repeat customers. As soon as it gets dark, the attendance rate exceeds 80%.

It's roasting.

I saw many people come to the store.

"That's it!"

"Yes, it's here."

"Boss, hello, I am..."


Facing the sudden enthusiasm, Cheng's father was a little dazed. In any case, with such enthusiasm, some people still want to take a photo with him, and don't care about the oiliness on his body.

One by one.

Some even asked about Shu Fu.

? ? ?

Cheng's father was confused.

"Sorry, I'm a bit busy, I'm neglecting it." Hastened to courteously.

Seeing this, everyone knows that it disturbs people's business a bit, so find a place to sit.

I ordered a lot and invited Father Cheng to sit down and drink.

It's not over yet, there are more people outside the barbecue restaurant, almost surrounding the door.

Saw the news.

Many people remembered that this specialty barbecue restaurant was not far from home. After eating, they walked around. It's not that they wanted to build relationships, just join in the fun.

five minutes later.

Some explanation.

Cheng Shengjun understood the reason, and was stunned.

This morning, I was thinking about checking out why Shu Fu was red after get off work, but he was too busy and delayed.

Unexpectedly, this is more than just making some noise, it is simply... the sky has exploded!

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