See the ministers' expressions of relief.

The anger in Prince He's heart, what are the pillars of the empire, what are the ministers of the arm, what is the best, all are nonsense, all of them are unreliable.

Infighting inside.

Outside the layman.


I really want to order all of them to be killed, not one left.

But I knew it was impossible.


The ministers began to discuss the matter of moving to the north. After all, it was not abandoning the imperial capital. There was still a defense here. Therefore, some people would definitely not be able to leave.

Imperial army.


Ministry of War.

A large number must be left behind.

Near noon, the entire northward migration plan was almost completed.

In the past, to make such a large-scale plan, the ministries said it would take ten days or even longer. Anyway, don't worry, do a little a day, and you can do it slowly.

And now, all have exerted their greatest intelligence.

The last item to be discussed is the left-behind command.

"I come!"

Prince He's voice sounded.


The ministers were surprised.


"Secondly, you can't take the risk personally."



The ministers persuaded them, but no one volunteered. Prince He felt helpless when he saw this. These are really the backbone of the empire!

Is there any one that can be straightened?

The empire is really going to die, these people absolutely must bear the primary responsibility.

However, he was not in the mood to scold him.

In fact, when Prince He proposed to move north, he planned to stay by himself. After all, it was the royal capital, and the royal family had to leave a heavyweight.

Otherwise, count on those ministers and generals?

It's noisy!

People of foreign surnames, there is no determination to stay to the end.

In addition, the empire's recent failures are hard to shirk. Although not entirely his own responsibility, it happened during his time in power after all.

Inside the royal house, he was also criticized.

Therefore, he intends to stay and fight the rebels.

It's really won't be too late to escape!

Are you kidding me, funeral? Prince He admitted that he was not so enlightened yet.

Squeezing his hand, the court fell silent.

"All right!"

"I have decided, no need to say more."

"Sanchao! Let's go separately."

Now that Prince He said so, the ministers did not persuade him again, lest Prince He suddenly said: "Since you are so loyal, you can stay."

If so, it would be too wrong.


After speaking, the civil servants and generals withdrew from the main hall. Compared to when they came, they walked with wind.

. . .

Main hall.

On stage.

The little emperor, who had been holding back for a long time, stood up and moved his muscles and bones.

With a grin on his face, he clapped his hands and said:

"Mother, are we leaving the imperial city? Great."


The queen mother hurriedly covered the little emperor's mouth, because Prince He, who was not far away, had a gloomy face. At this moment, Prince He couldn't wait to slap up.

Although Tong Yan is unscrupulous, but the little emperor is at the age of Na Fei.

Still young?

Then he glared at the Queen Mother again.

If it weren't for the Queen Mother for many years and fear that the power in her hands would be cut off, the little emperor had hardly cultivated the consciousness of how many kings he was.

Let him play with some of his peers all day, only to have fun.

Really want to subdue the country, he was the first to kill this wrong country.

at this time.

The queen mother has lost her former demeanor and dare not say much.

Immediately took the little emperor back to the harem, packed up his things, and the entire palace became busy. According to the plan, most of the palace ladies and eunuchs had to be together.

But there was no fire to the palace.

After all, this is not defeat.

If it is really going to burn, it will probably burn the courage of the left-behind army.


"Don't fudge, be quicker."

"This, and that, are all loaded into the car, this is the empress dowager's favorite..."


At the beginning, I wanted to install everything, but soon discovered that there were too many things and the carriage was not enough.

Some concubines have to take away even the screens and tables.

Finally, we can only give up the unimportant.

All the antique vases are removed, and only the gold and silver are soft.

. . .

Outside the palace.

The Minister of War returned to his residence.

"Clean up immediately and leave with the family."


His wife was surprised and wanted to run away?

"The court decided to move the capital!"

In the eyes of ministers, this is no different from relocation. Compared with the palace, the ministers' homes are not so flustered, but very calm.

Because many people and valuables have been transferred before.

The home has been prepared long ago, and the valuables have been packed.

"Father, will we come back?"




Knowing the battle situation on the front line, they are very unoptimistic. The rebels are fighting against the empire. Although there are no soldiers to encircle the imperial capital, they are constantly gaining results.

After the two southern states are digested, they will inevitably go north.

What if the emperor holds it by then?

The geographical position is too poor. Once the two states fall, the imperial capital will be the front line.

No matter what, it is impossible to move back.

"The long can it last?"

"I don't know."

The delayed nature of the frontline battle report made it difficult for the empire's Ministry of War to judge the current situation. All the news received was at least a day ago.

. . .

According to the plan, the move to the north will begin tomorrow. However, since many people were already prepared, as soon as the empire decided to move the capital, he immediately took his family and left.

On the main road of the imperial city.

Step on!

Step on!


The motorcades, like a long dragon, almost occupied the road. Before, a large number of large families in the inner city did not leave, fearing that the empire would say they were unfaithful.

It is very dangerous to be labeled at this time.

But now, with a resolution to move north, the political risks are gone. Compared with the royal family, they are more flexible and naturally respond immediately and directly block the way.

The people felt a chill.

"Rebels are coming?"

"No, the empire decided to move north."

"Moving the capital?"

"Shhh! You can't say that is moving north, not moving the capital."


It's not the same, it's just a matter of face.

"Are we leaving?" a commoner coolie asked his companion.

"Can you go?"


A very realistic question, big families can leave, but small families and small families, where can they go if they leave the imperial capital? Can other places survive?


Therefore, we can only watch the evacuation of large families.

Until the evening, there are endless motorcades out of town.


Too many rich and powerful, who dares to control? Among them, there are many relatives and relatives of the emperor, who can only let them go.

. . .

The next day.

early morning.

A large number of forbidden troops entered the city and blocked the road from the palace to the north gate. The northward movement of the palace began, and the blockade was removed until noon.

The palace was deserted like never before.

Not alone, some palace ladies and eunuchs stayed for cleaning and maintenance.

Main hall.

Step on!

Prince He stepped up the steps and sat on the little emperor's chair. He was full of emotions. It is impossible to say that he is not interested in this position.

But I didn't expect to sit in this way.

The empire is at stake, and the frontline is losing ground.

Just this morning.

Several more battle reports came, and the three cities were lost, and King Qin's army was knocked out directly by the rebels in several ways.

It feels that it is not far from the final battle, and the place is the imperial capital. As for Beilin? If the imperial capital falls, Bei Lin can only be regarded as a finishing touch, not a decisive battle.

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