all in all.

On the day of WeChat’s launch, it didn’t cause much disturbance. Everyone just watched it with joy. Penguin Communication was too powerful to be shaken at all.

Active users have long been at the level of 100 million.

Feature machine.



With the spread of tentacles, where can WeChat provoke?

In the eyes of many professionals, even if users complain now, they are very forgetful.

After the turmoil, Penguin has not been honest and practical, and user habits have not changed so well. Even if there are tens of millions of users, it is not an opponent of Penguin.


Sooner or later, WeChat will be cool, and its future and its ending have been clearly arranged.

. . .

The next day.

The turmoil of choosing one of the two continued, and the noise became more and more serious. The Internet was boiling. This alarmed the higher-level ministries and commissions to directly contact the two companies to discuss the matter.

It was a brake for this emergency.


In the market where the tide is receding, there is an extra WeChat.

And, it's still running wildly.

"Leader has released a new software, go to support it, it is an instant messaging app."

"easy to use?"

"It's okay, normal communication is fine."

"Then give it a try."


Netizens forget about sex, but this time it is indeed a bit annoying, how can it be quickly dissipated, anyway, the next software is not a big deal, simply support it.

The main download yesterday was Esplanade users.

Today, it began to spread.

Is there a non-navigation smartphone application store? Not in the way.

Under the computer.

Bluetooth transmission.

There is always a way to directly increase the installed capacity of WeChat. At night, the number of registrations exceeded 5 million, but there are not many active users.

After downloading and registering, just add one or two friends to chat.

Because the function is really single.

These days, in a person's social circle, feature phones are the mainstream.

Most people in the address book can only chat via Penguin. WeChat based on mobile phone number + smartphone is really inconvenient.


That's why Penguin doesn't worry at all.

Quandang watched a lively scene, and waited for the pilot to retire by himself.

. . .

It was at this time.


Beilin City was in a panic.

Four days have passed since the imperial capital broke the city, and the last thing I don't want to see is still happening. The rebels have been pushed all the way northward and have been pushed 30 miles away from Beilin.

How can this be good? They looked at the tripartite missions one after another.

The missions were also helpless.

Because of the distance, I don't know anything about the outcome of the negotiations in Zhongzhou. The frontline generals have a rib, and they only know how to execute the order. What can they do?

Blame me!


All this is not what Nanyu Empire asked for itself.

Originally living well, he had to force Ban Xian to rebel.

it's good now.

The rebellion was successful.

The Nanyu Dynasty is about to be pushed to the brink of destruction.

"If you wait like this, it's easy to change. First, withdraw from Beisai. Once there is a change, you can respond quickly." The old emperor uncle suggested, feeling sad.

The huge century-old dynasty.

It collapses too fast, and it will end in less than half a year.

Seeing his opening, some members of the royal family and ministers agreed.

"It can only be this way, Bei Lin is really not suitable for defense."



It is only a few dozen miles away, and Beilin is not large in scale. Even if he does not attack the city today, it is very likely that Beilin will be surrounded directly and he will not be able to run.

North Sai.

That is, the level separated from Yuancheng by a river.

As for why not directly withdraw Yuancheng, because that is the last ‘land of dignity’ of the empire, and the imperial family at least stands on top of the country in Beisai.

Once crossed.

It means complete exile, which has a completely different meaning.

. . .


Prepare overnight.

The Nanyu Dynasty began its second northward move. This time there were more people, as well as the family members of the army, mainly to avoid the recurrence of the last time Qin Wangjun.

There is also the Forbidden Army, all orphans, adopted by the empire, and loyal.

Otherwise, if the war is fought to this extent, internal problems can completely collapse it.


In the morning of the next day, we arrived in Beisai.

The eyes of the people are complicated, and the royal family has been rushed here. What is the difference from the dying country? Once the royal family crosses the river, do they have to embrace the new dynasty?

It's exciting!

In just six months, the dynasty will become history.

"Why don't you withdraw to Yuancheng?" Some people were puzzled when they saw the stop in Beisai.

"I heard that I was waiting."


"When the three parties mediate, the dynasty will be saved."


Upon hearing this, the people curled their lips.

It's not that it's not feasible, but that it's embarrassing.

Suddenly, the last trace of awe to Nanyu Dynasty disappeared.

What destiny.

What orthodoxy.

It's all nonsense.

The imperial power? Does it mean that God has changed his mind and is going to grant the rebels? An empire where the royal family is going to be beaten abroad is ashamed!

Of course, I thought it all in my heart and wouldn't say it.

However, the people of Yuancheng didn't have so many worries and opened up the discussion.

. . .

Came to Beisai and settled down.

"Transfer most of the property to Yuancheng as soon as possible." The old emperor uncle suggested.


"Just in case, if Ban Xian's Zhi Ge Ling is delayed, Beisai is in danger, and there will not be so many roads if we retreat. We must prepare for the worst."



The members of the royal family recognized it.


This is different from Beilin.

There is only one bridge from Beisai to Yuancheng, coming and going, it is crowded every day, it is really irreversible, and it is not a big problem for people and horses to run over.

But the property is in danger, so you have to save it early.

At this moment, a good news came.

"The tripartite sent tens of thousands of iron knights, UU reading Zhennan Road Main Road."

"Very good!"

"Finally waited."


Tens of thousands of cavalry can't help much, but they represent the three parties.

Lu Tian could attack Nanyu imperial capital without any scruples, but he could not ignore the soldiers of the three parties. Once he did it, he would provoke and declare war.

Therefore, even if he will be out, Lu Tian has to consider this crop.

I didn't know what Lu Tian was like before, otherwise he would have brought the army with him when he went to the imperial capital.

Only mobilized until now.

It's just a little helpless, there is no time, otherwise, Beilin City will not necessarily be lost.

. . .

With reinforcements.

Although not much.

However, the Nanyu imperial family was still relieved. This time, the last dignity of the Nanyu imperial family was finally preserved, and there should be no need to move in the short term.

Unfortunately, I haven't been happy for too long.

at dusk.

The royal family hosted a dinner for the missions and supporting generals.


A Dayan soldier came in, handed a rush order, opened it, and the general jumped up, his face was shocked, and he couldn't believe it.

"What's the matter?" The envoy of Dayan next to him couldn't help asking.


The general did not speak, and handed over the letter.

At this sight, the envoy directly jumped up, frightened by the content.

The emperor died.

The new emperor was assassinated.

For the throne, the imperial capital has already smashed his eyes, and blood is flowing into a river.

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