My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 481: upgrade! Level 6 bank!

It was at this time.


State city.

Seeing the brigade of soldiers and horses rushing, the guard at the gate was taken aback. The chief guard seemed to have thought of something, his face changed, and he roared, causing the gate to be closed immediately.

"Quick! Close it!"

"Don't even go in." Drive away the crowd who want to enter the city.



The people were also taken aback and ran away.

"It's easy..."

The roaring voice of the chief guard stopped abruptly in the next second.

Because there was a blade on his neck, he looked like a civilian who was out of the city, and quickly subdued him, and the guards around him were also dumbfounded.

"Stop it!"

"Stand aside!"


When the guards hesitated, the cavalry had already approached.

"Very good, take them all!" The headed General A man smiled.

The cavalry from behind stepped forward.

The gate guards were directly disarmed one by one, and they were still stunned.


The guard was helpless for a while.

He is from the state shepherd and learned some news during dinner last night.

Such as the chaos in the imperial capital, and the worries of the state and animal husbandry on the side of the vassal.

Therefore, I clearly told him to be careful from now on. If there is something unusual, you can call the shots and close the city gate immediately, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Looking at the size of the cavalry rushing in, the whole person is not good.

one thousand.

two thousand.

Three thousand.

With more than 6,000 cavalry entering the city, can this matter be trivial?

After the six thousand cavalry broke through the city gate, one team went to the state animal husbandry and the other went to the city guard station. They belonged to the city guard order and did not live in the state barracks outside the city.

. . .

Half an hour later, the prefectural animal husbandry.

Qizhou State Shepherd has been under control. Seeing the cavalry enter the mansion, there is not much resistance. He is only the State Shepherd, and he has not clearly fallen to whom before.

Encounter the general trend of the empire.

It is best to choose neutral.

But if someone hits the door, how can you still have the right to resist?

After all, he was just a courtier, so until now, he thought it was the prince or feudal prince that the state army had taken refuge in to take the opportunity to control Qizhou City.

Look at the cavalry.

"Who did you take refuge in?" Zhou Mu asked.


No one answered him.

But there was a trace of joking in his eyes, and his heart was cheerful.

these days.

So funny.

It was almost a smooth journey, completely different from the **** battle once thought, and now they have reached the state city of Qizhou, not far from occupying the land of a state.


"Call your sir to come and see me."


Faced with the silent ‘Zhou Army’, Zhou Mu had to retreat and drank stuffed tea.

. . .

Take down Qizhou City.

Qizhou's mission is considered to be more than half completed. At this time, many vassals sent teams to the south in an attempt to seize the opportunity in the land of the three states.

Especially those who are close, move a lot.

But because of the distance, he has not yet arrived in Qizhou.

Just as the Qizhou plan was underway.

Boxes of looted gold and silver were dug out from the ground, taken up from the river, and then transported to the Nanyu Imperial Capital. The gold in Shu Fu's hands continued to increase.




Boxes of gold disappeared, and the progress bar kept moving forward.


After the progress bar was full, the long-lost voice rang.

"Eligible, upgrading!"





"The bank upgrade is complete!"

The process was as fast as ever, without waiting three or five days.

Hearing the prompt, Shu Fu quickly looked at the interface.


Bank level: level six.

Currency: 724.1 billion.


These days, nearly 300 billion has been spent.

There are more than 700 billion banknotes in money, but there are many places to spend money, especially the equipment and equipment sold in the mall, all of which are very expensive.

In the next stage, if you want to build a complete industrial system, hundreds of billions will cause a wave.


Shu Fu looked at the progress bar.

wry smile.

Cover your eyes, can't bear to look straight.

Unsurprisingly, the upper limit of the next level of gold is ten times that of the previous level of gold.

---20,000 tons.

If you want to make up enough, in addition to unifying the aliens, it is estimated that you have to dig some from various gold mines to complete.

Shu Fu took a deep breath.


Not too difficult.

But if the next level is 200,000 tons... then it can only fight, if the next level is 2 million, 20 million... It's a big deal to go to an alien planet to mine.

If you can go,

. . .


Shu Fu saw other changes.

As always, the number of bank bindings doubled, and there were 16 in the previous level. At that time, I felt that there were more, but as the site expanded, many new projects were opened.

Gradually, I became nervous again.


The number becomes thirty-two, which can solve many problems.

At least all the states and cities on the hand can be covered, and there can be a margin. In this way, after the satellite has explored the complete map of the planet.

Maps can be opened on other large areas of land.

. . .

The second change is the upper limit of additional summoning.

---Ten thousand!

Seeing this message, Shu Fu smiled on his face. It was great. During this time, the biggest headache for him was not the gold and silver, but the lack of people.

Rudong Island.

Forcing myself to arrange only ten people to manage a huge area.

Because it can't be taken out.

In Nanyu, all the way to the north, the number of soldiers skyrocketed and people were needed, and the various sites that were laid down needed to be managed, but how many guards were there in total?

In the early 2000s, only one thousand can be assigned to Nan Yu.





There are other plans lurking, and I can’t wait to use one person for ten, but that’s not enough.

Cultivate aliens?


However, it takes time that short-term training can take up the job only some simple jobs. Then, the new dynasty is established, and various jobs are in a state of lack of people.

it's good now.

Ten thousand places.

It can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need.

As planned.

It is the plan to first establish a complete and powerful township management system. If someone else is used, Shu Fu is always worried, but the guards are different.

It's not a question of loyalty.

It's ability and thought, and most people can't keep up.

A qualified grassroots management can never be trained in a few days.

The easiest.

Want to take a personal survey, and expect those people to take a pen and go to the village to record one by one? Is the chip record of the guard not fragrant? No one can impostor.

This is about the next step in the division of land and the implementation of various village and town policies.

Nanyu has two thousand towns.

One town dispatched two.

On top of that.

Five in a county seat.

Ten in a city.

Thirty state cities are equivalent to one province after all.

As for the core management center, according to the 200-year plan, this is still government affairs, state-owned enterprises and project management, and the gun cannot be relaxed.

That's it.

Shu Fu: "..."

All right!

Ten thousand places can only be used to solve the urgent need, and still have to be used eagerly.

As for the exchange of this ten thousand, it would cost almost 50 billion yuan. Shu Fu didn't feel distressed. He even hoped that there would be a few more opportunities to spend 50 billion yuan.

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