My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 502: I dare not write that in the script

Rush to fight, two-on-one, or desperate kind.

Suddenly, the second prince felt a little stressed.

"Damn it!"


"Which betrayed me?"


While thinking of a way, he cursed at the betrayer. If he hadn't been betrayed, he would still be able to lie at home comfortably and watch the play happily.

it's good now.

After being exposed, the situation changed from watching a play offstage to being forced to perform on stage.

what! what! what!

So angry!


He didn't have no chance of winning at all. After all, he had planned for many years and had a lot of dark moves, otherwise he would not ‘easy’ exit out of the city instead of fleeing wildly.

It's just that he hasn't waited long for him to be happy.

"Report! Lin will be anti-ambushed and suffered heavy losses."


"Report! Xie Xiaowei's concealed spot along the way was taken."


"Subordinates suspect... our deployment details have already been known by the two princes." The aides analyzed.

Suddenly, the second prince felt a little dizzy.

"Someone hurt me!"

His heart yelled, and his heart was depressed.

. . .

The situation in the Emperor's Capital of Dayan was seen by outsiders as treacherous.

And this time.


The news of Nanqing's occupation of Yanqizhou also reached here.

"Really? Qizhou? Isn't that the only exit to the sea in the southeast of Dayan?"


"Oh my God!"

"Is Nan Qing crazy? I don't want to pass the day?"


The people in Yuancheng were all dumbfounded. Dayan’s melons were being eaten, and another dessert came up. It was almost impossible. Nanqing was too good at messing up.

Provoking Dayan?

How courageous! I really don't understand this wave of operations.


There are still people who have better channels.

"There was a reason for what happened. In order to save Nan Yu, the three parties came forward to mediate, and Dayan deployed troops in Qizhou to prepare for deterrence. Nan Yu had to fight back."

"That's it!"

"It's not an active invasion."

"In that case, Dayan is taking the blame."


Upon hearing this, the people were stunned.

It turns out that when mediating, Dayan was prepared to deter Nanqing by force, but it didn't make the deterrence, but was smashed into a piece of meat.

It happened that the emperor died, and the new emperor knelt down.


I dare not write that in the script.

Most of course think this is a ‘misunderstanding’ and it will definitely end quickly. Dayan has already withdrawn from mediation, and Nanqing has no reason to occupy Qizhou.


Properly, it will be withdrawn soon.

. . .

South of Yuancheng.

Royal residence.

As a dynasty in exile, one by one is now bleak, and there are already signs of collapse. For example, some ministers have left the station and never returned.

Nan Yu's ship can no longer carry them, so he can make a living.

Finding a place to enjoy your old age is better than staying in a resident.

At this time.

Suddenly the news came, and the royal family was directly excited.

"Ha ha!"

"Death, occupy Qizhou, the big extension will stop?"

"God helps me wait."

"Ancestors bless, the restoration of the country is hopeful!"


Unlike the people of Yuancheng who thought Nanqing would ‘retreat from the whole body’, the royal family was more willing to think about Nanqing’s misfortune. The more they thought, the more excited they became.


The best news this month.

Ha ha!

Call you arrogant.

If Baicheng and Qianzhai intervened, how could Nanqing fight.

As for how long the internal chaos in Dayan will end, I think it will come soon.


It must be so.

My Nanyu's return to the country is expected...

. . .

Looking at the royal family who is almost in illusion, Prince He's mouth twitches. What, are these pig teammates? Can you please bring your mind to the question first.

Dayan can't take care of himself.

Nanqing is flourishing.

Hundred cities?


The two parties seem to have strong overall strength, but their forces are scattered.

The big delay is not over for a day, and the two sides can only cater to it.

Even if it ends.

It will take some time to recuperate. If Nanqing leaves Qizhou and the contradiction disappears, and at most compensate a little, Dayan may not be held accountable.

What's more, Dayan has now become a mess.

The princes have already started, they are sending troops out of sight, not infiltration.

That is to say, the best result is that the separatism of the kings becomes a reality.

Once this is the case, it will be even more difficult to unify the mind to deal with Nanqing.


Seeing the imperial family falling into longing, Prince He didn't say much.

never mind!

Go crazy!

The restoration of the country is almost hopeless, can't let people think about it?


Back to the house.

Looked at Nan Yu's intelligence.

After cracking down on violations of law and discipline, population registration began. This is not surprising. Almost all of them have been doing this in all dynasties. The key is to divide the land.

"Two in a family."


"No food tax."


"Survival dignity."


The more I look at it, the more my heart sinks.

Although he is in a high position, he also knows what ordinary people need.




Because this is the foundation of survival.

The Nanqing New Dynasty aimed at this area as soon as it came up. It threatened that farmers had their own land and abolished almost all miscellaneous taxes. In this way, farmers who planted less than two fields would not have to pay any taxes in the future.

If so, what kind of country will Nan Yu return to?

The people would only appreciate Nanqing's goodness and denounce Nan Yu's badness.


How much he hopes that the landlord class will jump out and oppose the new dynasty.

But you can only think about it. Every town has soldiers. The policy is that the guards go to the village to interpret. The landlord can't do it if they want to distort their favor.

When the decree is smooth and there is no distortion in the middle, if you want to stir the wind and the rain, you can only stir the loneliness in the end.

. . .

And learned about Qizhou.

Baicheng and Qianzhai were also dumbfounded, but they didn't know what to do, because even if you were looking for Dayan, who could you call? Several princes in the imperial capital are still killing, there is no emperor.



It is equivalent to saying that in this matter, Baicheng and Qianzhai could not even find a place to go.


How annoying the situation is!

. . .

The southernmost part of Yuancheng.

A large group of laborers are busy nervously. This bridge, which has been broken for almost a month, only started construction today, and many people are looking forward to it.

Now, I can do business with the other side again.

These days can only travel by boat, which is very troublesome.

North wall.

Lu Tian looked at the river with a hint of expectation.

Once it gets through.

The constant supply of products from the Zhengyuan Company will go south. Now that the new dynasty has begun, many things are in short supply, such as the horse-drawn carriages and wheelbarrows of the Zhengyuan Company.

Directly booked a daily order.

Just like now.

The cargo on the opposite bank has been stacked like a hill.

He couldn't help but smile when he thought that Hezhengyuan was one family. Every time he thought about it, he was very comfortable, and secretly grabbing the wealth of all parties, it was really cool.

Looked for a while.

come back to the office.

Although I have been busy for a month, there is still a lot of work on hand!

After the establishment of the new dynasty, he was not transferred back to Zhongzhou.

Instead, he continued to stay in the city of North Seychelles, which was regarded as a border guard.


The level is definitely different. In the past, in Zhongzhou, he was just a deputy commander. In the entire Nanyu Dynasty 16-level military commander system, it belonged to the seventh level.

now what?


He also serves as the second seat of the Military Affairs Academy, in charge of military affairs in the northern three states.

If you rise again.

It is the chief of the Military Academy. As for the highest-level military commander's position, it is mainly symbolic. It is held by Ban Xian and usually does not participate in the management of military affairs.

It can be said.

He can be regarded as a step up to the sky.

As for being promoted to chief of the Military Academy? Lu Tian wasn't very interested, because theoretically, the Chief of the Military Academy had no soldiers and took charge of the overall situation.


Lu Tian is very satisfied with his current position.

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