My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 489: It seems...Xin Dynasty is not bad!

The latest website: Nanyuyuan Imperial Capital.

at this time.

A large group of ‘gifted scholars’ gathered together and talked to each other.

"It's too much. The New Dynasty doesn't value talents at all."

"that is!"

"Don't take scholars seriously, accountant? Clerical? They can't figure it out."


The grievances in each heart are quite heavy.

It stands to reason.

These people have both ability and political integrity, and they are talents. Even if the new dynasty does not necessarily reuse them, they will not be used as coolies, so they all hold hope.


In reality, he slapped his face without mercy.

Set the capital Zhongzhou.

The fourth hospital was established.

A large number of people have quickly taken up positions everywhere.

It is equivalent to saying that not only did he not enter the central department, but even the local core department did not enter. When he recommended himself, he only had low-level positions.



Street staff?


Isn't it just burying people? Resolutely refuse to agree!

The more I think about it, the less it feels.

"Oh, now I can't even find a song singer."

"It's boring!"

"The new dynasty is a bit too wide. What's wrong with the brothel? It must be banned."


When I talked about this, I was even more worried. I could still go to the brothel to watch the Oiran dance music before, but now only a bunch of big men gather to see each other.

Brothel is all closed.

Said to be Yongfeng.

Not only that, many old bustards were arrested and sentenced to heavy sentences.

To this.

Not surprisingly, who can open a brothel, who has clean hands?

The gambling shops were also blocked one by one. Many of them were run by gangs. They thought they could continue to be chic, but they were uprooted by the army of the new dynasty.

Heavy decapitation.

Light labor reforms repaired the city walls that were bombed down.

"Why don't we work as a cashier first? If you wait, the position of the cashier will disappear."

Some people are slightly more awake.


How can everyone be willing.


"Resolutely can't compromise, we all have our fame and fame, how can we do such a lowly job."

The fame of the previous dynasty is also fame.


"Once you compromise, how can you explain it to your family?"


Make up your mind one by one, wait and see first, we only learn in this body, that is to do big things, how can we do this kind of work, it is simply a shame.

. . .

There are only a few people who have this idea, and they mainly stay here with a purpose.

Most scholars don't have so much thought and just want to find an errand. Although they are not so rich in learning, clerical and accounting are competent.

Yamen registration.

And was admitted.

In the Imperial City Hall, hundreds of people were gathered together after admission.

"Go to town as a clerk? This..."

After hearing what Shangguan said, many people hesitated.


In the end, I agreed, it was not easy to find a job.

In the past, it was possible to go to large households to find an errand, but now almost all the large households ran away, the property was confiscated, and the new dynasty became the largest employer.

"Very well, don't worry, it's not that there will be no chance to be transferred back in the future."


They all smiled bitterly and began to receive training.

The first content: familiar with the new dynasty code.

. . .

at this time.

The people of the former Nanyu imperial capital also returned to normal life.

It's time to eat.

It's time to drink.

Although a large number of rich and powerful fled, leading to the closure of shops, they reopened after being taken over by the new dynasty. Many people have jobs again and can earn money to support their families.

Not only that.

More posts.

The Department of Engineering and Construction is recruiting almost unlimited people. As long as you have the strength, you won't be hungry.

In addition, tax exemption is provided, and miscellaneous taxes are almost exempted, and the burden is reduced.

The sun is setting.

Looking at the horizon.

It seems...Xin Dynasty is not bad!

. . .

The other end.

After a busy day, Shu Fu came to the last destination of this time. It is evening on the mainland, but it is morning in the mainland in front of him.

The morning sun is rising.

Break out of Xiayun.

Very beautiful.

Behind him, a simple house was erected, and Shu Fu walked over.



A large amount of materials, personnel, and machinery have arrived. The total area of ​​this continent exceeds 30 million square kilometers, which is about the same as the African continent on earth.

The second place is 26 million.

The third place is 21 million, which is the mainland (where the forces of the Quartet are located).

The fourth and fifth are polar regions, located in the north and south poles.


It is a lot of scattered land.

. . .

An hour later, the huge warehouse stood up, bound again, and continued to transmit, preparing to build some permanent buildings to be used as a scientific research base.

The mission of the Qihengshan base was completed. The location was good, but it was a bit small.

After a while.

It became lively here.






A large number of them are shipped out of the warehouse. In addition to the scientific research base, this is also the second industrial base.

power plant.

Cement factory.

Steel Plant.


All of them will be launched, and there was really no one before.

Shu Fu even had to build the steel plant himself. Now the personnel problem has been alleviated, and he doesn't need to be so anxious, so he is not ready to take on this job.

Let your subordinates take your time, the industrial system of the East Island is sufficient.

These things are still left to the guards to build.

If it were not for the high cost of transmission, there would be no need to build a cement plant here.

The plan for the scientific research base is very large. If the cement is transported, ten cement plants can be built, so if you are not in a hurry, it is better to save some transport costs.

After the delivery of the first batch of materials.

Shu Fu returned to Niuzhou.

It was already dark here, and there was a chill in the wind.

One minute later.


Shu Fu got on the aircraft and headed towards the destination.

It's not the three-billion-dollar one, but a newly bought one. It only used fifty million, and it was used for small reconnaissance and attack purposes.

It can only take a dozen people.


Accelerated for a while.

But in five minutes I came to a snow-capped mountain not far from the volcano.

Due to the high altitude, it is still snowing here.

A place with a different color can be seen on the mountainside, the aircraft slowly stopped, Shu Fu landed steadily, and a hot spring appeared in front of him.

The area is four to five hundred square meters, and the deepest part is more than two meters.

Under the light of the aircraft, the bottom was clearly visible, and the hot springs flowed all the way down the mountain.

White steam is blowing.

The guards had come to investigate before. The water quality was clean, free of harmful substances, and the water temperature was suitable, higher than that in the bathhouse, but it was just right for Shu Fu.

Needless to say, I took off my clothes.


Shu Fu plunged in and dived for ten minutes before returning to the

So cold!

This place is located on the mountainside, and the wind is not small, but it is winter again. Just coming out of the hot spring, the feeling is especially obvious, even Shu Fu can't help but shrink immediately.

Bury your head in the hot spring all at once.



You have to come often in the future.

After the construction of the basin is completed, the binding building can be located not far from here, and there is a place just to the east, which is also the place where the aircraft stops.

Then just build a small house there.

I want to take a hot bath in the future and come here directly.


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