Latest URL: After the excitement.

The employees of ByteDance are just a little worried.

Yes, although the annual award is not high, it is not too small. 20,000 to 30,000 per person is a surprise in a company that has been losing money since its establishment.

But it has to be a little bit pursued, isn't it?

With the boss’s money, at least some value must be created.

Moreover, the same boss, other employees' annual awards of more than 100,000 to 200,000 yuan, really seem to be a collapse of mentality.

In fact.

Since the establishment of ByteDance, employees have responded to the leadership of expanding new business many times, at least receiving advertisements to increase the revenue of Toutiao.

But none of them got a definite reply.

I recently received a task.

---Everyone makes a popular science video.







According to the type of news they are responsible for, one video starts, if there is more than one, and the quality is up to the standard, there will be business points rewards, and there is no ceiling.

Everyone has a headache about this.

It is not difficult, on the contrary it is very simple.

Everyone is already doing news, and there is no shortage of copywriting, pictures, and video materials.

However, I am worried about the company's future. Is the company to be a popular science website?

Except for this explanation, I can't figure it out!

But at last it was a bit of a ‘change’, and everyone was very active. Anyway, there are business points earned, and it’s not difficult to earn two hours of free time.

"Since there is no cap, there are points that can be used to determine the annual award. Fight for it!"

Many employees have such thoughts.

No performance.

It is difficult to like points.

Now there is a project for scoring points, of course you have to seize it.

Two hours a day, if it's fast, even two short videos that meet the standard can be produced. After all, they are related practitioners, and they are very good at editing and dubbing.

I don't know how much the company will charge, and if it takes time, I must pay more.

. . .

On the other side, Sina headquarters.

"Still fixing? Popular science videos...can make money?"

Today’s Toutiao is a news portal. Therefore, all relevant Internet companies have been paying attention. This opponent is not strong, but who calls it a good father.

Leaning on the pilot behind.

In terms of mobile news and video, we are singing all the way.

Have to guard.

Recently learned that it was doing this internally, I was a little nervous and discussed it overnight, but I still couldn't think of a news portal that could make money from popular science videos.

Finally came to the conclusion: this is just an attempt, not a cause for concern.

Every Internet giant will have many tentative projects, maybe ten can incubate a useful one.

News + popular science?

Even if you want to break your head, you can't think of any bonus effects of such a combination.

. . .






Major companies with news portals have also come to similar conclusions. There are many popular science videos on Youku, Tudou, and 56.

There is no blue ocean.

And there is no threshold.

Not urgent.

Look first.

Toutiao has nothing to do these days. It only crushes them on mobile phone downloads and does not pay attention to web news at all.

Compared with other companies under Shufu's triumphant advancement, Toutiao hasn't had much action. Everyone just assumes that Shufu is just positioning Toutiao on the mobile news portal, and is not prepared to compete with them on the PC side.


Also considered interesting.

Anyway, there is not much benefit on the mobile phone. After all, the screen is limited. If an advertisement continues, it will affect the user experience.

Unlike a computer, the screen is large and there is plenty of space. Adding some advertisements will not take up the space that is offensive to users.

If you don’t hit headline ads, what else do you make?

. . .


This is Shu Fu's strategy, let's talk about it first.


Toutiao is not only installed on the Espier mobile phone, but also bought a lot of other brand resources, pre-installed it, and relying on a good experience, has won many new users, leaving other mobile phones such as Sina Swoosh a long distance away. Since the other party can't see much profit, it will naturally slack off.

As a result, once the time is right.

New version update.

At that time.

The entire market will be quickly occupied. After winning the first one, the difficulty of catching up with the second one can be called hell-level.

. . .

Penguin, headquarters.

The employees also began to discuss what they were most concerned about at the end of the year.

"How much do we have this year-end bonus?"

"I don't know."

"No amount can be compared to the pilot. The total annual bonus is almost catching up with our annual profit. It is almost a hundred thousand per capita, which is a lot more than one million."

"Yes, a friend of mine is from the technical department over there. I heard that many of the pioneers who participated in the research and development of the first generation aircraft have annual awards of more than one million."

"Depend on!"

"I want to quit."

"Yeah! Our annual revenue is less than 20 billion yuan, and we are leading 360 billion yuan, which is not in the same level at all."

"Our profit rate is high, nearly eight billion."

"You are teasing me, people are hundreds of billions."


Penguin's employees are sour.

Last year, the annual award was still at the forefront of the industry, and this year was also the top ranking, but in a strong contrast, the psychological gap was a bit big.

Five billion!

What company can get 5 billion yuan a year as a year-end bonus, even if it is Huawei’s equity dividend, there is not so much, it is simply, should it be so generous?

All of China's enterprises above designated size will be targeted.

. . .

"Decided, I agree to pilot's invitation."

Seeing the news, some people made up their minds.

The recruitment of scientific research personnel in Linghang Industrial Park has already been underway.

The 30,000 school recruits fresh graduates.

Thirty thousand tricks are experienced.


There must be digging behavior. Many of the technical backbones on the job have received invitations from the pilot, but many are hesitant. Now, when they look at it, they find that they are really good.

Why not come out to work just to make money?

Leading this big tree is growing luxuriantly, and it is easier to get in now than when it became a towering tree.

. . .

This wave of operations.

It continues to bombard the nerves of many people.

Want to quit!

"Unfortunately, we are not scientific researchers."



Linghang is in full swing, but most of them are rational. Linghang is not an Internet company, but a technology company, and there is not much demand for software technical talents.

Last school recruitment.

Sixty thousand places.

Almost all are related to scientific research.


The profession is not right!

. . .

Watching pilot dividends.

The major institutions that invested in it were a bit helpless at the time. Generally, companies that invested in it had to get their approval for the year-end bonus before it was possible.

after all.

Many companies are burning money.

Annual award?

Isn't that using their money? Of course, it needs to be supervised, and more use is not allowed, just send it away.

As for Linghang, all investment institutions can only watch from side to side.

First, the annual award money is used for company profits, not for financing.


These investors have no right to make irresponsible remarks about the normal operation of Linghang. They said when they first bought shares and must not interfere with the company's operations.

As long as it is not playing bankruptcy and eating his family's rice, Shu Fu can toss casually.



But in order to make money, bear with it, all of them are waiting for the pilot to go public, so that their investment will have a huge return, the performance will be enriched, and it seems to be a safe and secure profit.


You are an uncle, what do you like to do, as long as it doesn't delay me making money.


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