The latest website: The outside world is lively and lively.

In the villa of Mingshan City, Shu Fu is reunited with his uncle's family.

"Haha, learned to enjoy."

"pretty good."

"There is an orchard, and the oranges are already edible, so sweet."


This was the first gathering of Shu Fu after his'famous'. The last time was during the Chinese New Year. Now it is the Spring Festival again, but it is no longer what it used to be.

The boy in front of him has become the richest man in China.

A few days ago, five billion yuan was issued as a year-end bonus.

Be good.

This is a lot of money, I don't dare to think about it, anyway, it is a figure he can't earn in his life, and now, for the boy in front of him, it is only a small amount.

There is an amazing person from the Shu family!

. . .

Two days later.

Willow village.

The village road sponsored by Shu Fu has long been repaired and has been talked about.

"There is a big man in our village."

"The richest man!"

"The richest man in China!"

"Assets are hundreds of billions. He paid for this road to repair."


Many people say it with pride.

In the beginning, everyone thought that a good man had come from the Shu family to help repair the road, but he didn't expect that this man was not only a good man, but also had money to have no friends.

It feels so incredible.

The Shu family has always been inconspicuous, and such a character suddenly appeared.

Many villagers regret that they did not have a good relationship before.

at the same time.

Some distant relatives were upset that they didn't even have contact information. In fact, they had Shu Fu's parents before, but they were cut off as soon as they passed away. Xingfu Lane has been demolished.

I wanted to find Shu Fu for a relationship or something, but I couldn't get in touch at all.

As for Shu Zheng?

After he went abroad, he had no contact for a long time, and many people were worried.

Just today.

"There is a car coming into the village."

"They are all good cars."


Three luxury cars entered the village, causing a sensation. Looking at the direction they were driving, many people's guesses were confirmed.

"Go, go and see."

"Shu Fu must be back."



Just after Shu Fu and his uncle's family burned some paper for grandparents and grandparents, and after a brief worship, they were surrounded by villagers with eager eyes.

"It's from the Shu family."


"And Shu Fu's uncle."


After all, Shu Zheng was a generation older than Shu Fu.

I grew up in the village and knew a lot of people. Although I have forgotten almost, I can remember a few words. After a while, there is a lot of lively here.

Chat over.

Chat now.

However, few people approach Shu Fu.

No way, unfamiliar.

I don't even have a memory. Although there is Shu Fu's "black history" of wearing open pants, it is obviously not suitable for chatting with this, it is too unreasonable.

The village head is relatively familiar, after all, Shu Fu called him the last time he built the road.

"I'm home!"


"Stay for lunch at noon."



Shu Fu is not too comfortable with the local people in the village, but after all, his grandparents’ tombs are here. Although they can be moved, it’s really not a good idea.

Falling leaves return to their roots, don't toss.

"I'll make arrangements right away." The village chief said happily.

Now, you can have a good chat.

Right now is the richest man in China, a little bit of leakage, the village can usher in great development.

. . .

In the afternoon, Shu Fu and his party left.

The villagers are very satisfied.

Dozens of tables were set for this meal, and I had a good time, because Shu Fu said that he would invest and start a company in the county, and the villagers can go to work if they meet the conditions.

But only for that company.

Into the pilot?

Or its other companies must undergo interviews.

In this regard, the villagers also accepted that they were not going to go anyway. Most of them were actually looking for a position for future generations, and they also wanted to get closer and not to go too far.

The relationship in the village is complicated and complicated, and simple and simple.

With money, everything is easy to say.

Raising for nothing?

How could it be possible.

In the New Year, there were many new industrial layouts, one of which was agriculture. In four months, the 13 industrial parks of Linghang Technology will be built.

Leading Technology.

Byte beating.

Geometric entertainment.


Many of its companies will settle in.

The total staff properly exceeded 100,000.

A day’s food and drink is no small demand. Buying from outside is also worried about food safety, so I am ready to build my own farm like other large companies.

not much.

Only thirty-six, scattered all over China.


Aquatic products.




Naturally, including poultry, most of them are produced by our own company.

Therefore, one of the farms was built in the county where Liucun was located, and it was just a matter of taking care of the villagers.

Anyway, for raising people, Shu Fu also does it in Alien Star.

Once unified, it will raise more than 600 million people, and the hundred and eighty in the village will not even count the drizzle.

. . .

Back to Mingshan City.

Instead of returning to the villa, I came to a park. Compared with the 13 main scientific research industrial parks, the headquarters park was built earlier and the planning was not that big.

Therefore, it has now been put into use.

Security services.

Corporate Services.

asset Management.

Agricultural company.

The headquarters of the four industries are all here. As for the headquarters of Linghang Technology, once the industrial park in Yangcheng is completed, it will move in, and it will remain on the side of Yangcheng.

The others are the same, using the nearest arrangement.

Only some service companies are in Mingshan City.

"really big!"

"Even football stadiums."

"shopping mall?"


When he walked into the headquarters park, Shu Zheng opened his eyes. It is a place where office, life and leisure are integrated, and I don't have to go out and can live in it.

Swimming pool.


Indoor basketball court.



Shu Zheng can't believe it, much!


Shu Fu smiled slightly.

"All industrial parks have the same configuration, which can basically meet the life and entertainment needs of employees internally."

On this point, Shu Fu was not stingy.

How big, how complete, how come.


Numbers only, flowers!

Now in 2010, with an investment of RMB 50 billion and the support of the local government, the land price is cheap, the area is sufficient, and there is a lot of room for development.

Thirteen industrial parks.

Such as thirteen small cities.

It was also due to his own new ideas in the later period, the 50 billion yuan budget could not be beaten, and it was getting closer to 60 billion, but Shu Fu didn't care.

Spend if you have money.

It is not thrown into the water, but becomes a real asset.


Knowing that 50 billion can't be beaten, it will cost 60 billion, Shu Zheng didn't know what to say.


It's as easy as five or six hundred yuan.

"Are you sure to lead the next generation of aircraft?" Shu Zheng couldn't help asking.

It is now the end of January.

In another four months, the pilot launch will be a full It is impossible to sell the old models all the time, and whether the new models can be popular, Shu Zheng is a little drummed.

Hear the words.

Shu Fu smiled freely.



Shu Zheng's heart jumped, saying that, you are sure that you are not joking.

"Who can predict the future? It's useless to be sure. It has to be recognized by the market." Shu Fu added that when he should be modest, he should be modest.

I just added another sentence in my heart: The market must give me the money I want to make!


It's so arrogant.


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