Latest website: In the living room, the two chatted.

Most of the parents are short, and Shu Zheng is also by the side. Zhuang Xi has been here today, very good at coming, and the chat atmosphere is very well controlled.

In just a few words, Shu Zheng's family can be found out clearly.

Shu Zheng was still very happy and didn't realize this.

See here.

Shu Fu didn't even mention anything. He knew a lot of things as soon as he checked. Shu Zheng didn't even know any news about him that was of confidential value.

Chatting started and had lunch.

Before leaving.

"This is tea from someone else, and I can't finish it." Zhuang Xi asked the secretary to bring a box of tea from the back of the car.

"Thank you then."

Shu Fu was unceremonious and took it quickly.

Zhuang Xi: "..."

A little silly.

When visiting other homes, most people gave him gifts, but in Shu Fu's place, he brought things. According to the script, Shu Fu should refuse immediately.

Say it again: The first time I met Shu Zheng, it was given to him.

Then, come and say something to me, Shu Zheng still accepted the tea.

Unexpectedly, the script was not developed in this way, and Shu Fu accepted it on the spot.

All right!

It’s good if you don’t follow the script.

Visit Shu Fu, trunk tea -1.

Zhuang Xi is not without gain, and by the way, he has attracted hundreds of millions of investment.

There are three items in total.

theme park.


There is also an agricultural investment project. This sale is a good deal!

Shu Zheng was stunned, and Shu Fu really dared to take it.

But if you think about it carefully, that's a few hundred million dollars, so Zhuang Xi will pay a little tea, and Shu Fu's blood loss is good.

But when it comes to Shufu's level, it shouldn't be possible to do that. In other words, Shufu doesn't want to do it at all. He will lead a day's profit by a few hundred million yuan.

It's hard to make him feel distressed.


The wealth that he holds on the face of the earth, even if it accounts for the earth, is constantly declining.

The total assets of the Fez family slapped themselves in all directions.

There is also the second heir to the top of Europe who is rich enough to be used as firewood. With other layouts, piloting is really nothing.

as far as I can tell.

It only accounts for one-eighth of the total wealth of one's own planet, and it will soon be reduced to one-tenth, or even less.

If you add an alien?

never mind.

That is the wealth of a planet. There will still be 600 million people in the future, as well as the inestimable advanced technology in their hands, leading them.

...It's not on the same level at all, it's extremely small.

Not to mention hundreds of millions, in Shu Fu's eyes, billions are no different from the psychological fluctuation of spending dozens of dollars.

. . .

The news of Shu Fu's return began to spread in Mingshan City.

Lin Sen's house.

"Make a dinner? Invite Shu Fu? Uh, look, I will try my best."



After hung up the phone, Lin Sen curled his lips and set up a game, which was so beautiful.

He didn't have that much face, and Shu Fu's level of play had long surpassed the small pond in Mingshan City, but an existence that could surge in the sea.

What can I do after introducing you?

They are high-tech companies, and their businesses do not overlap.

When you had dinner, you looked down on others.

Want to save it now?


Who do people think you are? Besides, if you have such a relationship, why do you introduce it to you? Stupid me.

"Husband, Shu Fu sent a text message just now, inviting him to be a guest at his home on the third day of the new year."

At this moment, Zhou Qian came up and said, with a hint of joy in her tone.

This kid, did not forget them.

"Really, great." Lin Sen's eyes were happy.

I was looking forward to it, and now I dare not call Shu Fu casually. The aura of the richest man made Lin Sen inevitably cautious and lost his usual heart.

. . .

Getting closer and closer to the Spring Festival.

End of the day's work at the headquarters of Linghang Technology.


"Bye, see you next year."


The company has a three-day holiday in advance, which makes many people shout long live. Not only that, they can report one day later than the legal holiday, which is eleven days away.

Do not.

If you add that someone still takes annual leave.

There are 15 or 20 days.

The vacation is too long, which affects work?

It is true that there will be such a thing, but the company has corresponding arrangements. It is impossible for everyone to have a holiday. There must be someone on duty and enjoy the treatment of directly operated stores.

One day's salary is four days.

Annual leave is discounted for overtime days.

And because it is the Spring Festival, the percentage of discounted annual leave is as high as one to two.

To be honest, happiness is so dizzy.

I always feel that the boss is thinking of a way to give them a holiday. If the Spring Festival is on a seven-day shift, and the paid annual leave is added for 14 days, all of them don’t know what to say.

Many people called on duty.


Many people calculate, if they are on duty, they can save a little after the New Year and take a month off.

In comparison, returning home during the Spring Festival requires a delay of at least two days, or three more days.

Come in a hurry, return in a hurry.

It is better to save for a long vacation. Not only can you go home and have a look, but you can also take your family out for a trip. It is enough for your wedding and honeymoon, rather than a short stay.

As a result, there are a lot of registrations on duty.

Unfortunately, the number of places is limited, and the final decision is drawn, and everyone who is drawn feels lucky.

Not only get one more month's basic salary, but also seven days off. This is simply a benefit!

Those who didn't get it were unwilling.

Can only carry a salute home for the New Year.

This mood makes many people feel absurd.

I used to be on duty during the Spring Festival, and I was absolutely yelling, but in the pilot, I was rushing for it. In the final analysis, there was only one reason: the boss was too big.

There is no one of the best treatment in the country.

Even the transportation back and forth is reimbursed by the company.

In other words, does the chairman really care about money? The transportation expenses for so many employees during the Chinese New Year alone add up to nearly 100 million.

. . .


Passed out, countless envy.


"It makes me autistic. There is no harm without comparison."


"The crit effect is max."


Envy companies that work overtime more than statutory, envy you can get one to two annual leave, envy round-trip air ticket reimbursement, envy...

When I look at the company where I work, I always feel like I am in a fake shift.

low wage.

Welfare is poor.

annual leave?

What is that? Many people have never seen it.

There are also multiple times of wages during holidays, so I can only think about it, and I suddenly felt in my heart.

For a time.

Linghang has once again become the company that graduates most want to go to. There is no one. Although it is not listed, it has no obligation to publish financial reports.

However, Linghang took the initiative to announce the total revenue of last year, which directly stimulated too many people. Many scientific researchers who wanted to dig in Linghang were breathing in a hurry.


The key to thighs that are thicker than imagined is that the boss is generous.

. . .

In the face of Shu Fu's atmosphere, many private enterprise bosses did not see it, because they really couldn't learn. If they did this, how would they change their cars next year?





They are also silent collectively.

Did not follow suit.

Because they really couldn't fight, the year-end awards made them very big before, and the five billion pilots made the entire industry can only put their necks on their knees.

It's incomparable at all.

Less trenches are one aspect, and there are also shareholder restrictions.

You know, after a round of financing, too much equity was sold.

Although through various methods, the management of the company is in their hands, the equity is not. The founder team can be considered as high as 10 to 20%.

Even worse, less than 10%.

Therefore, the interests of shareholders must be taken care of.

The year-end bonus is to spend the company's money to win the existing number for employees within the limit, which is already good, and it is impossible to pay more.

It's not like pilot.

It was extremely strong when it came to financing. Although there are a lot of equity transfers, there is almost no need to consider other shareholders, nor does it give other shareholders too many rights.

Do not.

It gives almost no rights to other shareholders.


It's a pity not to be envious.

History cannot be repeated, it can only be this way.

Even if you start again, you will still choose financing.

It's very simple. If you don't agree to financing, those capital will invest in your competitors. Even if you are forward-looking, you can hardly be surprised.

An accident may cause the building to fall.

The introduction of investment is also the introduction of insurance.

And they all like to bring in foreign investors, there is really no way investment philosophy is different.

Foreign countries want you to go public, increase equity value step by step, and play financial games. Those rich domestic bosses like to keep a close eye on company management.

When you grow up, one wants your money, but the other wants to seize your power.

May I ask, as the founder team, how to choose?

Linghang is an enviable special case, not short of money at the beginning, and it is crazy to make money.

In this way, it is not that so much financing has been introduced. In the eyes of major companies, this is also buying insurance and reducing the amount of funds flowing to competitors.

The difference is that Linghang is a little too profitable.

In this way, it belongs to the strong side, and Shu Fu has a higher autonomy, almost to an unrestricted level.


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