My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 534: It's a big deal!

Latest URL: Nothing to say.


How could the prince finally be willing to spit out the victory that was finally won, no matter what the second prince, let alone not ascended to the throne, even if he was ascended to the throne, he would still use it.

For today.

Everyone has been preparing for many years.

Never allow the reversal of history.


That's what it means.

"Father, I have to tell the other princes quickly."


"The second prince wants to suppress the prince, and must not let him ascend to the throne."


Listening to a bunch of suggestions, the prince nodded involuntarily.

It's right to think about it, you have to quickly notify the various vassal kings nearby to fight together. As a frontier army, the Duhu Mansion is not weak, but it is better to be safe.

Quickly repair a few books and hand them to the letter soldiers.

"Send it to the princes."


The subordinates hurriedly took their orders and walked quickly.

Messenger bird?

Yes, but generally prepared with both hands, and wrote some brief similar content. When a few messenger birds flew up into the sky, the prince relaxed.

There was a sneer on his face.

Humph, come on, we are not vegetarian either.

. . .

The other end.

With the army marching westward, Xiang Liang paid attention to front-line information. He used to have to go to the scene. Now he is thousands of miles away and he can obtain first-hand information on the battlefield in real time.

Mobilize the soldiers like an arm.

"Report, Lord Meng will soon arrive in Xiancheng."


"Report, everything is normal in Xiancheng, and the personnel are in place."


News keeps coming.

Looking at the three cities on the map, Xiang Liangxin smiled.

Over the past year, the layout of the Lord is far more than just a small protective mansion.

There is no suspense in the first battle.

. . .


The gate of the city is normal as usual.

Suddenly, the soldier on a tower was taken aback.

"what is that?"


"No, there are circumstances."


Immediately notify the city chief below.

The ground shook and horses galloped.

Soon, everyone saw the distant situation clearly.

"Oh, so many cavalry."

"At least tens of thousands."

"Four soldiers?"

"No, it's like the military uniform of the Togo Mansion."


The city guards on the city wall were frightened, the densely packed iron hoofs could not see the sides, and they were all armors of the Imperial Palace. Obviously, this was an illegal move.

The frontier army has no emperor's order and cannot leave the jurisdiction, and now the emperor has no emperor.


The scene before him represents a change, or a huge change.

"Close the city gate!"



The castle chief of the east city shouted.

At this moment, there was a sound of fighting from the rear.

"Enemy attack!"

"There are enemies behind, kill!"


In less than five minutes, a group of people slammed on the city wall, then turned their heads and watched the cavalry close at hand entering the city, the city guard only felt dim for a while.

I cursed loudly in my heart:

"Do scouts eat shit?"

This battle was too sudden and completely unprepared.

After one hour.

The city is broken.

When the soldiers stationed more than ten miles away arrived.


Everyone is dumbfounded, we are here to prepare to defend the city, this is to... let us become a siege? The difficulty of the two is not the same level at all.

At this moment.

"My lord, it's not good, the camp has lost its tent, and a large number of cavalrymen of the Imperial Guard are on their way."


After the surprise, I looked at the scout in front of me, wishing to slash it, and looked at the dense shadows in the distance, and cursed: Is this on the road?

It's covered up! Hey!

Seeing the arrival of a larger army of the Protectorate, the soldiers panicked for a while.

There is a city standing firmly in front of it.

After that, a large army flanked.

How long has this happened, how can the situation develop into this way, who can explain, so under the crush of the number of people, more than 30,000 soldiers laid down their weapons.


The opponent has twice as many people as his own, and if he goes down, there is a dead end.

Here is the plain, the opposing side is full of cavalry, only one thousand on one's side, and the rest are all two legs.

This is also a series, a charge, everyone has to go to heaven.

Say it.

There shouldn't be so many cavalry in the Duhu Mansion, where did they come from?

. . .

In fact.

Of course, it is impossible for the Duhu Mansion to have so many cavalry, but don't forget that there are still many small forces in the eastern part of Dayan, which have been almost unified these days.


It's not difficult to hide soldiers and horses, just like playing.

This time.

Not only the soldiers of the three major protective palaces, but also the reinforcements of various forces in the east, the total number is even more than the combined soldiers of the three major protective palaces.

. . .

The gate of the second city is closed.

"Check the weapon."

"Ready to fight."

Unlike before, news has been received here that a large number of soldiers have been arranged outside the city, including soldiers from the palace and soldiers from the prince.

"Don't worry, even if a hundred thousand troops come, they can defend for many days." Fu Yin looked confident.

After one hour.

The city is broken.

"You traitor." The prince's people looked at the commander of the palace soldiers, with anger.


"You are rebellious."

The chief soldier sneered.

He is the man of the second prince.

He used to be a prince and used his identity to cultivate a large number of dark chess, and he is one of them.

Originally it was in a latent state, but now there are other ‘dark chess’ jumping out, naturally they have to follow in their footsteps.

The second prince is in the imperial capital, and the battle for the throne has begun. He was worried before. It can be seen that the Duhu Mansion has taken refuge, and he has jumped out to suppress the prince.

Obviously, in the battle for the throne, the second prince is already confident.

That being the case, of course you can make a name for yourself and make contributions.



But there are only a few who know his identity, including the second prince.


The other party came to the door, and he had clearly grasped his identity.

Some people are curious: Isn't it a fake?




The fake... can only be recognized, because the news that it is a dark game is top secret.

Therefore, even if the opponent is impersonating, he still has a bargaining chip that can make him die.

In that case, is there a difference between impersonation and not impersonation?

And the other party also gave out a lot of extremely secret information. If the other party really pretended to be, it would represent the exposure of the second prince's hole cards, and the second prince might have an extremely huge omission.

An omission that can be the second prince's life level.

That being the case.

He is foolish and loyal, and it is very likely that he will be buried with the second prince.

In short.

Smart as he, don't want to know too much, just know: I don't want to die!

. . .

after one day.


The prince did not panic at all. During this period of time, he was fully prepared and occupied a lot of territory.

I thought a lot last night.

I think this may be a warning. No matter how stupid the second prince is, it is impossible for the second prince to come up openly and use the knife. It must be the negotiation. If this is the case, what are you afraid of?


He couldn't sit still before lunch.

"What? Xiancheng fell?"

"How is it possible, what did Xiang Liang do for siege?"


"What, Liang Cheng has also fallen? The palace soldier will betray me?"


Until the evening, he could no longer insist on his previous judgment.

There was a chuckle in my heart, how could this be?

In just one day, the three cities were gone.

"Prince, this matter, the second prince must have been planning for a long time."

Web page:"..."

You can also say that the second prince’s name is not that big, and he hasn’t ascended the throne yet, and it’s still unknown whether he won’t even ascend to the throne. Apart from the forces cultivated by the second prince, who would dare to stand in a team easily?

It's definitely been planned for a long time, the second prince hid deeply.

Fortunately, it's just three cities, not a big deal.

Hold on.

Hold on.

A little wave, can't afford to turn over.....


At this moment, the soldiers came in.

A letter box brought back by a messenger bird was handed it, thinking that it was the other vassal kings replying to the letter.

Wait, when we fight back...


He was dumbfounded when he saw the beginning of the letter.


The hairs are erected.

Cool behind.


In short, the whole person was shocked, and was frightened by the news inside.


Not only the Central Protectorate ~ the two major protectorate of the South and North, but also moved westward, for the same reason, demanding that the prince immediately withdraw the power outside the fief.

The key is not to shout verbally, but to shout while attacking the city.

No time for negotiation at all.

"how come."


"When did the second prince control the three major protective palaces?"


My mind is really hard to turn around, and I can't figure out how the second prince did it. This is not scientific at all, but it is a fact.

The entire frontier army system in the eastern part of Dayan was subordinated to the second prince.'s a big deal.


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