Latest website: Panic in the huge house, people are a little at a loss, obviously, the master is going to run away, what about yourself? Will you be taken along the road?

But they are reluctant.

Now that Dayan is fighting everywhere, Qizhou will be more stable.

Okay, who wants to run around?

I heard that Nanqing abolished his slave status. If he can stay, then...

. . .

Inside the hall of the mansion.

The princes of the emperor merchants were dumbfounded. When they wake up, are they going to run away? His face has long lived up to the spirited spirit of the past, with his back leaning against the mountain.

Wherever you go, you are always crying and hugging.

Sit and talk, talk about the world, spend money like dirt.

How many girls in the city are moved by it, it can be said that the scenery is boundless.

What about now?

The whole family ended up running away.

One by one suddenly discovered that they claimed to be a talent in the world, a pillar of the country, a generation of talents...The pride of the past, in the face of the general trend, was simply defeated.

It's so ridiculous, fist, really is the last word.

"I only bring gold and gold and silver tickets, and some precious jewelry. It's hard to get on the road if there are too many."


"Bring all the slave contracts. According to the situation in Nanqing, 80% of them are to be abolished, but Nanqing may not really be able to secure Qizhou, and it may still be useful."


The royal merchant exhorted anxiously.


How can people on the list easily run away?


"What are you doing."

"Step aside!"


"Master, the Nanqing army has surrounded the mansion." The butler rushed forward and announced.


I haven't had time to react.

I saw a group of Nanqing soldiers rushed in and quickly occupied the house. There were no shortage of masters in the courtyard, but they did not dare to act rashly when facing the Nanqing army.

If it used to be, just do it, and the master will support it, even the people of the state government will not feel embarrassed.

But these days, Nanqing ruled Qizhou, acting vigorously and domineeringly.

Even if he is good at it, he dare not resist.

Otherwise, where will you escape after the fight?

Once Qizhou enters the state of military control, most people can't go far, and as the army goes northward, they are all the Southern Qing army.

Going south? That is the sea.

The entire Dayan Marine Division is still basking in the sun every day, and the Nanqing Marine Division is patrolling outside.

Once you do it, the relationship between your master cannot keep them.

Because of this, in the face of the Southern Qing army, the master guards could only persuade them first.

"Ordered to arrest the criminal, others, etc., don't let yourself be mistaken."

"Put down your weapon and step back!"

The House of Representatives was shocked, and didn't dare to stop it. My master is going to be cold now. There is the Royal Family of Dayan behind it, but Nanqing doesn't need to care about you.

If you kill it, you will kill it. People even dare to punish the vassal princes. What's more, you are an emperor merchant?

"Do not!"

"Why do you catch me."

"Let go of me, I am not guilty, it's a false accusation by the people."


The arrested royal merchant was kicking his legs and yelling in his mouth.

There are a few more behind them, mainly a few sons, and some managers in the house, relying on their power and doing evil, they have been warrants for arrest.

As for those who did not do evil, they were not involved.

Faced with the tears of some female relatives, the soldiers of Nanqing were not sympathetic.

If you are not implicated, just enjoy it. How many families are directly or indirectly stained with blood because of your grandfather’s ruin.

More than guilty of death!

One by one straightened their chests.

In Qizhou before, he was just a guest, but now he has become the master.

The change in mentality made the soldiers of Nanqing feel very happy.

Check it out.

The new dynasty is the breaking of the cows. As soon as it is established, it opens up new territory.

At this moment, millions of troops are still attacking the city in Dayan. Even if they want to return all of them in the end, they can plunder a lot of good things.

Thinking of this, my heart surged.


They were not assigned to the battle sequence, but guarded Qizhou.

. . .

this day.

The entire Qizhou, all the towns were shaken.

Because the actions are simultaneous, I have already figured out the situation a long time ago, and today it is mainly about arresting people.

The common people were shocked by Nanqing’s ‘early advance payment’, and on the other hand, they were shocked at how quickly they started. It can be said that Qizhou big and small wealthy businessmen caught 90% of them.

Overnight, many people thought that Qizhou commerce would be paralyzed.

However, it did not.

Nanqing seemed to be well prepared for a long time ago.





After a rapid trial overnight, a large number of wealthy and unscrupulous big households were fined and confiscated. The next day the sign was changed to a Nanqing brand, and goods were provided as usual.

"I have been looking forward to this day." A young man was excited.

"You kid, you have a lot of thoughts." The person next to him came.

"Why, are you dissatisfied with Qizhou being merged into Nanqing?"

"Uh, dare not, I have long been looking forward to this day." Now, Nan Qing is the ruler here, who dares to say no, of course he firmly supports it.


"Catch it well, those people should have died long ago."

"Woo, my poor two girls are just being...oooo!"

"Kill, all should be killed."

"Nanqing decides for us and supports the new dynasty!"


Lanterns and festoons, it's almost like a holiday.

During this period of contact, yesterday’s announcement, and what we saw before them, many people gradually accepted Nanqing, at such a rapid pace.

It's very simple.

In the eyes of the people, Nanqing was really doing things during this time.

Salt, cheap.

Food, price cuts.

It also strikes at the evildoers and pushes away the dark clouds in the sky.

Not only that, but this morning. The announcement stated that the division of land and a number of Nanqing policies will be implemented in Qizhou, especially the long-awaited policy.

----Gambling debts are voided.

In this way, there was almost no storm and Qizhou merged into Nanqing.

As for the suspicions of some smart people, in such an atmosphere, they can only be buried in their hearts, because loss itself is reasonable and there is no evidence to question.

. . .

It was at this time.

The fourth day of Nanqing entering the extension.

Imperial capital.

The second prince is crazy, and he is about to win the third prince.


After reading the news, his hands couldn't stop shaking, and the letter fell into two halves. At this moment, the second prince was confused, and there was only one thought in his mind.

---Nanqing invasion!

I haven't reached any agreement with Nanqing.

Ceding to Qizhou?


No matter how courage I am, I dare not play like this!

Even if relying on Nanqing's help to win the throne, how do people in the world think of him? This is a great shame, and in history books, he will definitely be written as an imperial sinner.

"His Royal Highness, you..."

After reading the news, the men looked at the second prince with a strange expression.

The meaning in the eyes is obvious: why are you hiding from us again.

If it was the previous conspiracy to clarify that the three major protective palaces were vassal princes, I still think it is very possible, but now it involves a million army of neighboring countries, and it must have nothing to do with the vassal princes.

Who would pay for the lover and run by himself? Is it fun?


Second prince, you have a showdown.

Although it feels sloppy, but it can reduce the pressure, and everyone is better off.

That's right.

The staff under the second prince were very open to the ceding of Qizhou.

After all, Dayan’s world is a royal world, and he is just a courtier. Even if he scolds, the history book scolds the second prince. Therefore, his mentality is very stable.

See here.

The second prince felt bitter.


Labor and management really didn't know about this, we were wronged.

After a long time, I emphasized it several times before my subordinates reluctantly believed it.

"If this is the case, then it is Nanqing's undeclared war, plundering by fire, and must be announced to the world, and can't be allowed to attack the city in the name of His Highness."


"This is Nanqing's conspiracy."


Speaking one by one, it means that you can't carry this pot.

Take this opportunity to make the princes cease the war and unanimously go abroad.

The army of millions of vassals began to brew outside the city, under great pressure.


Another person hesitated:

"His Royal Highness, if it is announced, the princes will believe it? Will it think that we just want to relieve the pressure on the imperial capital, which may not be effective."


As soon as this word came out, the room was silent.


You said there would be no such thing? Believe it or not?

Now is the war. When you die, the land of life and death is full of conspiracies. God knows if it is the chess of the three princes in the imperial capital before they die.

Nan Qing pushed the boat along the river and came to pit him together.

Even, it is impossible to exclude other princes from engaging in trouble, and they don't have a few strong princes with them head-on, so they want to win with conspiracy and tricks.




The second prince went crazy for a while.

If there is really a conspiracy theory, the entire situation in the imperial capital would be unclear at all.

the truth?

Until the end, how can we talk about the truth?

There was a feeling in his heart that the entire Dayan was being manipulated by a huge black hand.

Uncomfortable, too uncomfortable!

Existing intelligence can't analyze who the player is and what the purpose is. It really has to be blunt, and even Baicheng and Qianzhai are suspected.

...Suddenly I feel that the throne is not fragrant anymore.

The situation of this pot of porridge, and its complexity, made the second prince want to explode.

. . .

This is not the most disturbing.

the next day.

New news came: Dark Chess took refuge in the Southern Qing Army.

The third day.

The Southern Qing army captured more than a dozen cities.

The fourth day.

The Nanqing army was battalion, and the night assault army was dispatched, and they captured a large number of towns.

Many princes were driven away, and even the princes were preparing to send someone to contact them, perhaps at a higher price.

Seeing this, the second prince almost fainted.

First, Nan Qing's mind is clear.

In any case, a Qizhou cannot satisfy its appetite.


If Nanqing reached an agreement with the feudal prince, he would be really isolated and helpless, because by then, the feudal prince would count all the accounts on his own.

The confessed prince has spread among the people.

Losing popular support and being suppressed by the vassal princes is absolutely a dead end.

. . .

Northern Qizhou.

The weather is sunny and sunny.

The people were taken aback when they saw the cavalry in Nanqing armor crossing the state boundary on a large scale.

Because it is close to Qizhou, but for some distance, all places in Dayan know the policy of the Southern Qing army, which is not to disturb the people, not to plunder, and it is fair.

Many people buy cheap first-class salt.

No way.

Qizhou was under the control of the Nanqing Army, and the emperor merchants could only watch, but could not do anything about it.

It's different here.

The emperor's business is big.

If you buy Nanqing first-class salt, you have to grab it, and over time, I'm very dissatisfied, and I even want the Nanqing army to come here as soon as possible.

In this way, everyone's cost of living will be reduced.

Ordinary people don't want too much momentum.

All this will be deprived, of course I feel very upset.

"Mother, is that the Nanqing Army?"


"Do you want to occupy this place? Great, we can also enjoy the Nanqing policy."

The son clapped his hands and cheered. These days, the news of Nanqing is too hot, and a series of policies are very desirable.

Just finished.


She was hit by her mother.

Although I thought so in my heart, I still gave the baby a note, after all, the misfortune came out of my mouth.

. . .

at this time.

In the two northern states of Qizhou, most of the territory was divided by several princes, and frictions are still constant. There are many checkpoints on the road to collect taxes.

One of the major barriers. UU reading

I was blocking the way to collect money, my face was full of joy, checkpoints, poor fat!



Some soldiers found an abnormality, and the ground was still trembling with what sound.


"Lots of cavalry!"

An experienced level official said.

Step on!

Step on!

Soon, they saw the comer, and their expressions changed.

"Southern Qing Army!" a soldier shouted.


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