My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 543: Pack 1 bigger circle!

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Take a deep breath.

The young man was about to continue to say something, but was stopped by a middle-aged man next to him.

Its loud voice:

"Master Ban Xian, the second prince is not the designated successor of the first emperor, and may even have participated in the assassination conspiracy against the sixth prince. Therefore, the throne is in doubt."


Like the young man, this man is the representative of the feudal lords.

This statement came out.

Echoes a lot.

The sixth prince was appointed by the first emperor, but he was slashed that day. Although the eighth prince who had committed the murder went up to the sky on the spot, the whole incident revealed a strange atmosphere.

There is no conclusive evidence.

But the second prince is not white.

Who told it to hide so deep?

If it weren't for an ‘accident’, several princes would not have known that the second prince was also interested in the throne.

According to the general logic, whoever is interested is suspected.


The fourth prince knelt first.

The fifth prince was driven to the east.

The three princes are also at home.


The second prince, who was the last victor, became the biggest target of suspicion. How could a man who killed the prince and his brother be the Emperor of Dayan?

Catch this, everyone crazy output.

. . .

After a while, seeing Ban Xian looking thoughtful, everyone stopped and looked at Ban Xian one by one, expecting him to make the ‘correct’ decision.


"Everyone is right."


"Excuse me!"

Ban Xian's eyes gradually sharpened.

"Whether the assassinations of the second prince and the sixth prince are directly related has nothing to do with Nanqing. I only know that the second prince was recognized by the royal clan."

"And also mastered the Prohibition and Guards."


"In terms of procedure, it is completely legal."

"Just rely on your empty words, let me tear up the agreement. This is impossible. It is recommended to go back and discuss it carefully, and then come back after solving the respective problems."

"see a visitor out!"

In this way, a group of messengers were sent out.

Outside the government council.

Sunlight is a bit poisonous.

But the prince representatives felt a chill in their hearts.

This is bad. I heard that Baicheng and Qianzhai had been persuading them for a long time, and they almost persuaded them. I thought there was hope, but the second prince came to the throne and directly broke the balance.

It is equivalent to saying that it was completely useless for so long before.

at this time.

The people in Baicheng and Qianzhai are also big.

Such a change complicates the situation.

Up to now, Baicheng and Qianzhai have to consider standing in line.

On one side is the new Dayan monarch.

One side is a powerful vassal, no, strength is relative. Nanqing's intervention has made the vassal princes who had almost absolute advantage fall into the second echelon.

In the last second, he was still showing off his strength, and in the next second he was defeated by Nanqing.

Now they are collectively depressed, cursing Nanqing in a circle.

But such a thing cannot be decided by the people present.

"What should we do now?"

"Go back and wait for news."


Seeing the people of Baicheng and Qianzhai leave, the representatives of the feudal lord looked helpless. If you wait any longer, God knows how far the Nanqing army will advance.

The greatest expectation of the feudal kings now is that the Southern Qing army will stop.

Unfortunately, there is no reason for it to be willing to stop.

Unless the second prince speaks.


Immediately repaired a book, let the princes, regardless of the cost, either let the two princes cooperate and persuade Nanqing to retreat, or directly destroy the second princes, the time was fast.

After sending the letter.


He sighed, and then he hated it.

Why are the rear teammates so hot? They didn't win before the second prince ascended the throne, otherwise, today's negotiations will be another situation.

. . .

Dayan Empire.

Imperial capital.

At this time, the second prince no longer had the joy of ascending the throne a few days ago, but looked sad, because the mess before him was a bit too bad.

In the imperial capital, people's livelihood is withered.

Outside the imperial capital, there is an army of more than one million vassals.

Outside of the feudal princes, there is the smaller and smaller half-encirclement circle of Nanqing.

It's too fast!

In the past ten days, under the squeeze of three directions, the vassal princes are like sheep, and the state capitals not far away from the emperor are building a strong line of defense.

It can be said, if the princes are willing.

Three days.

In just three days, the kings can gather more than three million troops to the imperial capital.

However, because of the resistance to the Nanqing army, there are only more than one million people around the imperial capital. Even so, it is very scary. The key is to cut off the transportation line.

There are also more than one million troops under him, but the death of the prince with the prince was so long before, it was very expensive.

Now due to hostilities, many roads around are blocked by the feudal lords, and materials are gradually lacking.

In the city.

Outside the city.

Even the entire Dayan Empire is a mess.

"Your Majesty, there is not much left in the stock."


"Your Majesty, the armor is severely worn out and needs..."


"Your Majesty, another batch of grain and grass lines were intercepted this morning."


"Your Majesty, the Nanqing army has taken another eight cities, countless counties and towns."


Sitting on the throne, looking at the court team formed below, and listening to a series of bad news, he no longer feels the joy of being the king of a country.


I don't want a solution anymore, I am definitely a short-lived emperor who is famous in history.

"Has Nanqing responded?"



The feudal princes must have thought that they should be very happy, because the Nanqing army had a big victory, but only they knew it, and it had nothing to do with him.

It would be nice to really cooperate, but there was no such thing, but I couldn't clarify it. I was **** off by Nan Qing, under his banner, but didn't want to contact him.

There are envoys from Nanqing in the city.

But it's just a microphone, not very useful.

It takes ten days and eight days for a message to go back and What anxious!

"Your Majesty, at this speed, the Nanqing army will soon be in contact with the joint defense line of the vassal kings. I think it can relieve the pressure on the imperial capital."

"It can only be this way."

The second prince on the throne rubbed his head, which was the only good news.

Although the speed of the Nanqing army is slow, after all, it is also advancing every day. As long as it does not stop, the contact will be sooner or later.

If it is war.

The feudal lord's decline will inevitably transfer part of the army that besieged the imperial capital.

If the feudal prince wins and pursues the victory, he may also move away.

Of course, when I was happy, I couldn't help but smile. There were some things, after all, we had to consider the worst situation, such as the king who wanted to kill him at all costs.

That's another mess.

. . .

After another three days, new news came.

The offensive and defensive battle between the army of Nanqing and the army of the kings... did not fight.


"The east and west lines go north?"


The second prince was taken aback.

Looking at the map, the forces of the Quartet are distributed in x, and the large extension is in the east. Although it was said that Nanqing came from the west, it was precisely from the southwest.

To the west of Dayan is Yuancheng, and to the northwest there is a long junction with Qianzhai.

It is equivalent to say that the encirclement of Nanqing, before this, was only the southern part of Dayan and the expulsion of the vassal princes, and it was mainly the vassal vassals in the south of Dayan.

Now, the intention of the army on the east and west fronts is clear.

---Pack a bigger circle!


It's too rampant, the key is to wear a legal coat under your own banner.

Do not!

If this continues, the consequences are too serious and must be stopped.

"Your Majesty, the envoy from Nanqing is here!"


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