My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 545: Can you beat it?

Latest URL: This edict comes out.

A lot of people's faces are green!


Hundred cities.


Each of them had their own plans, but they were destroyed by this edict. For example, the feudal prince also wanted to use the land of Qizhou to add some money to let Nanqing turn against him.

Unexpectedly, the negotiation took too long and time was delayed.

The second prince was in the top position and directly sold Qizhou.


If you want Nanqing to rebel, you have to pay a higher price.

As for Baicheng and Qianzhai, the core goal of course is to curb the expansion of Nanqing and break the big extension at the same time, but now the previous goal has broken down with a single edict.

If you don't get it right, the latter target will also have to be turned off.

With the help of Nanqing, the king is in a dire situation.

Mediation is no longer useful now.

The accession of the second prince to the throne is tantamount to orthodox succession. In the eyes of the people of the world, he is already the lord of the Kingdom of Dayan. With this level of identity, the prince immediately becomes a thief.

If you openly support the vassal prince, it is tantamount to openly supporting the rebel forces, completely tearing your face.

Now there are two options.

First, no longer intervening and letting the two empires cooperate is tantamount to standing on Lu Mi's side.

Second, stand on the side of the feudal lord and try his best to kill Lu Mi.

But if it can't be killed.

With the support of the feudal king now, it will be difficult to ease the relationship in the future.

Even Dayan and Nan Yu formed an alliance, and the whole situation was worse than before the death of the old emperor.


. . .

At this time, the time has come to the end of February.

The return of spring.


It's the season for planting grain again. No matter how fierce the outsiders are, the farmers still have to rely on the land for food, and work hard to live a year.


Many days have passed since Nanqing's strong takeover.

From the beginning of the confusion, I am now glad to accept it.

To the big family, Nanqing is like a demon.

But for the people, they are really good people! How many unjust cases get snowed, and there is often a large kneeling outside the yamen, which is grateful for the people to call the shots.

Copied a big deal.

Divided the fields wildly.

Although it cannot be traded, it is already very content.

Farmers need land, which is used for farming, not for trading.

To be honest, I like this system.

In Nanqing's words, it was Tiantian, which gave the basic living dignity of a hardworking person in Nanqing's land boundary. This is an unprecedented statement.

Unless the crime is extremely bad, there is no need to worry about taking it away.

No matter what, it can be guaranteed that a family will not starve to death.

Of course, except for natural disasters.


Given Qizhou’s grain output without paying taxes, the annual grain output of the two fields would save a little, enough for a family of four to live for more than a year.

In short, life has hope.

No one wants to return to Dayan's embrace for the newly acquired farmland.

. . .

Three hundred miles west of Qizhou City, there is a prisoner camp.



Early in the morning, the original Dayanzhou Army with a unit of 10,000 got up, washed, and lined up.




"Report, all three teams are here."


After being held captive for so long, everyone gradually got used to it, resisting? Knowing the misunderstanding before, everyone thought that they would be released soon, so they were very honest.

Later, I found out that it would be nice to have a longer misunderstanding.

The emperor died.

The new emperor ascended to heaven.

The imperial capital melee.

The king is upset.

A series of news let them know what is going on in Dayan, and they couldn't help but feel a little grateful. It's good to be captured, at least they don't have to die.

Once involved, it is really terrible.

Therefore, everyone never thought of resisting.

Finished the queue, at this moment.

The highest officer of the captive camp appeared on the high platform.


What's the matter today?

"The new emperor of Dayan has officially issued an edict to Nanqing to sell Qizhou. From now on, you will be the real citizens of Nanqing and will soon be free."

One listen.

There was an uproar from below.

"Really? The order was officially issued?"

"Is this day finally."

"Qizhou was sold, heh, it seems...not bad!"


After the surprise, his mentality gradually stabilized and even began to change. In any case, Qizhou was formally sent out by the Lord of the Dayan Empire.



Naturally including them, they were all given to Nanqing.


The sense of belonging to the Dayan Empire has fallen sharply. Since the Dayan Empire has abandoned it, no matter what the reason is, do I still lick my face and seek return?

Do not!

We still want face.

For a time.

The former Qizhou State Army in the audience began to accept a new identity.

---Nanqing people!

"You have two choices."

"First, join the Southern Qing Army, and the specific work needs to be assigned."

"Second, disarmament, Nanqing’s policy, I have explained to you before, after returning to the citizenship, there will be enough job placement, and the salary will not be low."

"Look at each choice."

"If you join the Nanqing army, please remember one thing, that is, whoever eats, do whatever it takes. If you eat inside and outside, Nanqing also has military laws."

"All right!"

"Go back and think about it, and if you have a decision, go to the captains to register."


The speech was not long. Back to the district, everyone was thinking about the future. In the end, only one-sixth of the people were willing to join the Southern Qing army, and the rest wanted to be unarmed.

It's too dangerous to be a soldier these days.

The Nanqing army is still fighting the feudal king, and God knows if it will be sent.

Not only this prison camp, but also the major prison camps in Qizhou, almost all have this ratio.

The only one who is willing to join the Southern Qing Army is the Dayan Shui Division.

For sprinkling?

It's simple!

Because the Nanqing army has almost no enemies on the sea and it is very safe.

Maybe even the pirates don't need to be suppressed.

This is because when Nanyu Navy took over the sea power of the southeast coast of Dayan, it began the work of plundering.

It is said that the results have been numerous and the pirates are almost extinct.

. . .

It's just that these navy divisions probably have to think too much, and the pirates in Dayan have almost been wiped out, but it doesn't mean that there will be no combat missions in the future, such as the Baicheng side.

How could the long west coast disappear.

"Report, the Eighth Army arrived at its destination, ready to carry out the second phase of combat missions."


"Report, the army of the Northern Protectorate arrived at the predetermined location and will attack Beiyue City tonight."


After the east and west lines went northward, the results of the battle were further expanded. At first, the number of people who entered Dayan was two million, but now it has more than three million troops.

Half of them were stationed in the south, confronting the vassals.

Half of the trip north, bullying the prince who has not yet formed a group.

Why didn't it form a group?

Because I'm in the theater.

In fact, the vassals have underestimated Nanqing’s ambitions until now. Before that, many vassals who had not been affected to the north had some fluke.

Thinking that it can't hit the north, it will come to an abrupt end.

The king to the south is not paper.

And there are Baicheng and Qianzhai by the side, so I don't know how to watch.

Unless Nan Qing didn't want to live it, it shouldn't be possible to be so frantic and smash the vassal princes to the end.

However, things are so unexpected.

The Nanqing army suddenly turned, and directly gave the princes to the north a confession. In fact, they were not defensive at all, and there were also a large number of troops assembled.

But due to suspicion, they just assembled on the south side of their respective sites.

There are a lot of them, but in front of the Nanqing army, they are not enough.

Just looking at it from a distance makes people's hearts tremble.

"Can you beat it?"

In a city, the commander looked solemn.


The subordinates almost cast their eyes, and can't beat them. As a commander, don't you have any points in your mind?

In the face of the force of the Nanqing army, who is pushing it all the way, no one can say that it will be able to stop it.

Those cities controlled by the southern vassal kings are not paper, but they are still difficult to stop the iron hoof of the Nanqing army. People like themselves want to clang.....enough!

Fortunately, we also have some preparations.

City gate, focus on defense, avoid being stolen.

The city wall, check the whole line, avoid being granary, store separately to avoid being burned.

Soldiers, mobilize thoughts, and avoid confuses.


In short, there are plans for Nanqing's usual tactics, so that he can stand on the wall with a little confidence, watching the continuous army, and not afraid of strong attacks.

I'm afraid that the Nanqing army will come to Yin.

For example, the night assault army.

Because of its magical appearance, our army dare not establish a line of defense outside the city.


Front bar, but bar.

Those who play yin also lose out, which is disturbing.


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