My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 552: A situation like an avalanche

The latest website: North of Dayan, on the official road, there are horses and horses.

Still in the carriage.

"Have you heard? Nanqing is going to massacre the city."

"You believe?"

"Do not believe."

"That's right, Nanqing is so good, how could he do such a thing, without grievances and grudges, if it is rumors and plunder, it is possible, but slaughter, fools believe."



Listening to the conversations of the people outside the car window, the young people are as if struck by lightning.

At the very beginning, the Southern Qing army even occupied the small county seat, which made people suspicious.

The south is not attacking, but the north is like a broken bamboo, and the doubts become more and more.

But now, the kings spread rumors to discredit the Nanqing army, but after the effect of the folks, which guesses in their hearts have never been possible, and the probability quickly occupied their thinking.


There was a cold behind and a chill in my heart.

---Nanqing, this is going to shake the sky!


Do you want to count the whole world in this game of chess?

Do not.

There is also a turning point.

If it is made public...I thought about it, and smiled bitterly on my face!

This game of chess, if it was played from the death of the old emperor, has now entered the second half of the game.

The collapse of the northern vassal line was a phased event.

If it doesn't collapse, there will be a turning point.

But now that Nanqing has destroyed the anti-vassal power in the northern part of Dayan, what will it do next?

---Close the net!

Once the southern king's defense line collapsed, the entire chess game was already powerless.

Even if you think about it, telling the southern feudal lords, is there enough time?

Perhaps...At this moment, the Nanqing army has launched a general offensive in the south.

If you win.

This big extension is likely to really end, I just hope that all of this is my own thinking, not the truth.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing his face pale, his grandfather asked.





"Grandpa, is Yuancheng necessarily safe?" The young man suddenly said, because if the previous guess was true, then Baicheng and Qianzhai would watch it?

Obviously not.

If you intervene.

All four-party agreements are waste paper.

What neutral city is bound to be implicated.

"It should be safe, what's the matter?"

"No, I think we should prepare more retreats, such as buying some properties in Baicheng."

"Well, it makes sense."


In the thinking of young people, the worst result is that Nanqing swallowed Dayan, and then opposed Baicheng and Qianzhai, so this proposal was made.

As for exposing the conjecture?

No need.


This is just a guess, not sure yet.


What about it? Save Dayeon? What a joke, his entire family is about to be driven out of this land, who is going to work hard for Dayan.

Dayan is the dayan of the royal family.


Whether it is true or not, we will see you soon.

If it is true, the conspiracy becomes a scheming one, and you do not need to'predict' yourself.

If it is false, say it as a joke?

It's better to shut up, the only thing you can do is to take care of yourself.

This general trend of the world is simply not something that ordinary people can mix. Just say that those vassals who used to stand high and call the wind and rain are not just pawns?

. . .

In fact.

Since the development of the situation, many brains are active, and according to some circumstances, many things can be analyzed.

In particular, the fact that the king spread rumors on a large scale but no one believed it made many people seem to be hit by a flash of light.

However, there is no chance for a comeback.

It was the second day that the northern king's defense line was breached.


The Nanqing army, which had been facing each other for a long time, moved.

The entire defense line, more than 20 cities, and many fortresses in the outskirts, faced the pressure of the Nanqing army.

One of the cities.

"What? A lot of soldiers eat bad stomachs? There is also a problem with horse fodder?"


"Using such a method."


The defender was directly furious, guarding against this and that, and even thought that the grain was infiltrated and burned, but he really didn't expect such a trick from the Southern Qing army.

Because I have never used it before.

When he cursed, he didn't see many soldiers showing a sigh of relief.

The war has been fought, and the courage to move forward has long since been defeated. At first, I thought that I could live a good life with the feudal prince, but then I found that I was thinking too much.

At the beginning, the prince could still be horizontal.

When Nanqing intervened, everything became different.

Although there was no real war, all those who fought with Nanqing were captured.

But everyone knows a little bit about the strength of their own guards.

Not bad at all, at least not worse than yourself.

But even so, it couldn't stop Nanqing's iron hoof, and it was broken like paper. Such an enemy really made people reluctant to go to war.



But also have to consider the reality.

They are not dead men, they just take the money of the princes.

The most important thing is that, unlike what was said at the beginning, it was only a separatist regime, and there was no rebellion, and it seemed that the princes had to attack the capital of God.

This is completely different from expectations.

The second prince enthroned, in many people's minds, that is orthodoxy.

Separation is fine, but the king wants us to carry the sword to kill the emperor now, and there is no preparation at all.

And what about Nanqing? It only helped the second prince to put down the rebellion of the king, not an invasion.


Following the feudal kings all the way and leaving their hometown, it can be said that the entire rear is controlled by Nanqing, and their parents, relatives and friends are all behind the opposing army.

What should I do if I resist this way and lose? What should I do if my family is implicated?




How many troops the princes had, how could they not know, especially when they were rushed to a pile, they lost the vast fief where they could recruit, and there were few retreats.

And the other party? Nanqing is an empire.

Even if they agreed temporarily, there was a steady flow of troops from the rear.

In short.

The soldiers under the Southern Kings had long been popular and lacked morale.

Now I have diarrhea, which is great, at least I don’t have to go up and die.

Just now.




The whole city shuddered a few times. Everyone saw that the east wall had collapsed. Many people were puzzled. Haven't they been rigorously investigated? How could the wall be stolen.

But now there is no room for so much consideration.

The wall is gone.

What are you keeping?

Half an hour later, when a large hole appeared on all four walls.

The king's loyal subordinates turned black.



The defender wanted to make the last fight and be loyal to the king.


There was a pain in his chest, and when he looked down, there was an extra knife in his heart, which penetrated from the front. He looked back and saw that it was a captain under him.

The soldiers around looked terrified and immediately drew their swords.

"Is it worth dying with him?" The captain looked at the people around him lightly.

This question.

There was silence around indeed.

The current situation is powerless, no one wants to die. Is it good to be alive? Everyone knows the meaning of the command just now, that is, to be loyal to his life.

After half an hour.

The army of Nanqing entered the city.

. . .

this day.

The feudal kings had seen what is called an avalanche situation. Before seeing Nanqing stop and the army marching north, they thought they were scrupulous about their own line of defense.

Unexpectedly, he was quickly slapped in the face by reality.

They just paused for a while. broke in one blow.


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