My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 555: The emperor with the shortest reign of Dayan

The latest website: North City Gate.

Step on!

Step on!

A large number of iron hoofs rushed out without being completely dark, many holding torches, and Lu Mi was among them. At this moment, he had only one thought.

---Go to the north!

Join the army of Nanqing.

It was also at noon that he knew that Nanqing had achieved such brilliant results in the north, which meant that as long as he could match Nanqing and himself, he would win.

Imperial capital?

No problem!

First occupied by the feudal king, anyway, has already inherited the throne.

Unless you die.


The ban and the guard will not betray.

Now it's nothing more than a shame, but compared to shame, what's the shame?

When he joins with the Nanqing army, he must teach the vassal princes what it means to laugh at the end. After all, the king of Dayan is his own.

Victory is not far away.

. . .


Lu Mi flees, will the king watch?

Obviously not.

The news of the defeat of the Great Northern vassal prince who had already been involved, I knew deeply that the back road was cut off, and only by killing Lu Mi could the situation be reversed.

Otherwise, there is no other way.

In order to prevent them from going north to join the Southern Qing army, and then directly encircling themselves, the vassal kings had been prepared for a long time, and a large number of troops detoured to the north of the imperial capital.

As a result, Lu Mi left the city for dozens of miles.


"The one who cuts the head of the Lu Secret, rewards ten thousand gold, and holds the title."


Although it is dark, it can still be seen clearly under the blue moonlight.

Seeing the army of the lords appeared before and after, Lu Mi's whole body was almost numb.

Do not!

Can't lose.

"A bunch of prosecutors and thieves, kill!"

With a roar in his mouth, his face could not be calm for a long time, survival and death, if this is lost, there will be nothing, and the front is uncertain how many people the prince has arranged.

After a while, Lu Mi gritted his teeth when he saw that his side was downwind.


Now, although the south of the imperial capital is occupied, it is not completely occupied.

Go back first, and then seek a breakthrough.

. . .

Under the blue moonlight, blood was permeated.

The next day.

early morning.

The entire northern part of the Great Yan Imperial Capital was like Shura Field. All night, the forces of both sides were fighting fiercely, because there was no way out for anyone to retreat.

If you don't win, you die.

The soldiers were also blushing.

Such as the Forbidden Army.

Such as the guards.

I don't know what surrender is.

Although they were all watching when they seized the throne, since Lu Mi became the throne, his orders are unquestionable, one by one to defend the immortal sprint.

Both sides suffered heavy losses.

Lu Mi stood on top of the tallest tower of the North City Wall, his eyes crimson.

The body trembled.

Never lose.


The staff beside him were already a little nervous, watching the war in front of them, and their hearts were very complicated. How many people would survive if the rod was beaten?

Even if Nanqing retreats.

The military strength of the entire Dayan will also be unprecedentedly weak.

. . .

The other end.


"Whatever the cost, kill Lu Mi."

"It must be fast, otherwise the Nanqing army will come and we will all have to die."


The princes also had their red eyes in a desperate posture. No way, the Nanqing army moved again, advancing in the rear as if urging.

Moreover, I did not expect that the northern vassals were so unbeatable.

He was beaten down by Nanqing in minutes, and rushed to run like a dog at home.

There is no way out.

Only desperately.

Win or lose will soon be clear, where can you sleep one by one.

"How can this group of wastes stop the Nanqing army."

"Damn it, let us fall into a situation where there is no way out."


Swearing at the incompetence of the northern feudal lords, although his own subordinates are also the same, but obviously, it is better to blame others for the mistakes than to carry himself on his head.

At the same time, urged to continue rushing upward.

. . .


People in Baicheng and Qianzhai are also continuously watching this final battle that determines the fate of Dayan.

Is the king winning? Or Lu Mi wins?

Neither party dared to draw conclusions early, lest they were beaten in the face again.


No matter who wins, there will always be a winner of the ‘drought and flood guaranteed harvest’.


Qizhou is already in the bag.

Now he still occupies most of the land in Dayan. If he wants to ask for more property, Dayan dare not refuse to give it. Otherwise, Nanqing will probably get it personally.

Despite the pressure of Baicheng and Qianzhai, he dared not dare to extend the idea of ​​extending other territories.

But after a looting, Baicheng and Qianzhai will not directly tear their faces because of this.

Real name envy!

After this battle.

Nanqing's land area increased again, and Qizhou was acquired. It was one of the granaries of Dayan, the largest outlet to the sea, with a large population and a good geographical location.

Since then, Dayan has almost become a landlocked country.

As for the north coast?

Too biased!

Too cold!

The value of the sea port there is not great, and it cannot be called Shanghai Trade at all, and the port is frozen in winter.

Blame the rear staff.


What breaks the analytical power.

After the situation began, the attitude of Baicheng and Qianzhai kept oscillating from side to side, which caused the entire Dayan civil strife to be spectators from the beginning to the end.

Onlookers all the way.

Hesitate to move forward.

Jump repeatedly.


Really became a spectator and didn't catch anything.

If you had Nanqing's courage, betting on one at the beginning would be another scene.




This is possible, and it is not small, but Nanqing must make sure to bet right?

No, as long as you participate, you will be eligible to distribute the cake. Just like before, perhaps Nanqing might not know that the second prince will become the new king of Dayan.

But because of its intervention in this war, it has become an existence that cannot be ignored.

Based on this, all parties have to pay attention and are willing to come up with a bargaining chip to win.

It can be said.

It doesn't matter who you bet, the important thing is to intervene. Let's talk about the bargaining chip first. From the very beginning, Nanqing has been invincible. When I think of this, how can I not envy it.


With such a good opportunity, Baicheng and Qianzhai only saw loneliness.

You said, those counsellors, are they seeking shit? What are you doing? It's still cold.

Just think about it.

What kind of wisdom is close to the demon, what kind of unparalleled strategy, shit, those who play with the brain, all play on the dog, and the whole stroke is of no use.

. . .

Time passed, and soon, when another dawn came again.

The battle had already ended. Lu Mi was surrounded by the army, surrounded by corpses, surrounded but not killed. Many soldiers secretly cried out that it was a pity that the opportunity to seal the Hou was gone.

"Ha ha!"

"Dead, all die!"

"The emperor."

"Lu Mi."

"Dayan's seventh monarch, you will never be humiliated. Don't be too happy, you will come to accompany me soon." Lu Mi laughed miserably and squatted himself in front of the feudal king.

Became the shortest-lived emperor of the Dayan Empire.

Not far out.

The Nanqing envoy stood upright.

Before dying.

Lu Mi called him and gave him an edict.

"What's written on it?" The king asked Nan Yu's envoy. He was finally relieved to see Lu Mi's death. Fortunately, the king's side was the one who won in the end.

Since then, the whole situation has been reversed, and it is them after all.

Looked at the contents of the edict.

The messenger smiled and threw it directly to a feudal king.

With doubts, when I opened it, my face turned green.

"Let me see." A few people came over.


After a glance, his eyes widened suddenly, followed by anger.

"Damn it."

"Lu Mi dare to do this..."


The content of the edict is very simple. I am willing to add the land of two states to change the lives of the kings of the imperial capital. As for the future monarch of Dayan, it is good to inherit it directly.

In short, I want to kill the king.


The edict was torn into pieces.

"Messenger, don't be fooled by this rebellious son who usurped the throne. Now that Lu Mi is dead, I hope Nanqing will retreat immediately and give way to the Dayan city that he took over."

"The land of Qizhou, although Lu Mi promised, we also recognize it."


A group of feudal lords looked at the Nanqing envoy and felt that there would be no problem.

What material.

The Nanqing envoy smiled.

"Not very good, I feel that His Royal Highness Lu Mi is more generous."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a chill behind the people present.

"What does Nanqing mean?"

Envoy from Nanqing: "Military expenses, don't you plan to pay?"



The princes gritted their teeth and agreed, ten million taels of gold and ten thousand taels of silver, provided that Nanqing could not rob the cities and large households along the way and leave the country peacefully.


"But there is one more thing. Although you win, you are not the emperor of Dayan's orthodox successor. Therefore, I hope to issue a legal edict of the Dayan Empire as soon as possible."

"If the son of your prince is the emperor, then...I'm sorry."

In short: find an emperor quickly and legally.

If one of the feudal princes becomes the emperor, it does not conform to the "Kuangfu Sheji" argument, but is a rebel.

Now, whether Nan Yu is deeply involved can already be determined by his mood.


This is not a problem. I originally planned to support a puppet emperor, but now I just turn my vision into reality.

For the present plan, the most important thing is to send away Nanqing.

The entire Dayan area has now been taken over by Nan Qing, and my heart trembles whenever I think of it.

Thanks to the shock of Baicheng and Qianzhai, otherwise, the kings would really have to kneel and beg for a way out, and immediately began to look for the new emperor.

A prince died.

The second prince...just died.

The third and fourth princes also died soon.

As for the five princes, they are now in the east and are detained by the Protectorate, so he should be regarded as dead. An ambitious prince is not in the interests of the princes.

The sixth prince, unlucky ghost, the heir appointed by the first emperor, went with the first emperor that day.

The seventh prince died early.

The eighth princes, because they killed the sixth princes, went to heaven together that day.


The Ninth Prince enters everyone's sight.

In succession, it happened to be him.

In fact, the original plan to support the nine princes was mainly because there was no complicated background. The emperor, sometimes, did put Lang Xinglou at once.

One night with the maid, the Ninth Prince was born.

The sense of presence has always been very weak.

There is no minister's support.

There is no big family support.

Like a small transparent, he lives in the Royal Court.

Such a person is best controlled.

"It's him!"

The princes voted collectively, and when they thought that one day they could decide who would be the emperor, they were not in a good mood. Everything returned to control.

. . .

The other end.

Royal courtyard, in a small courtyard.

The 21-year-old Ninth Prince is chopping wood.

That's right.


Although he was the prince, he really had no status, especially in these days when the imperial capital was turbulent, the prince went crazy outside, and several princes died.

They are all ahead of him.


From the beginning, he didn't worry much.

"A group of chess pieces."

Seeing the coming of the feudal king, the nine princes seemed only promise, but smiled in their hearts. This throne, as the Lord said, finally fell on him.

Dormant for so long, has been a little transparent.


Soaring into the sky, he was named Dabao.

certainly. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

No matter how high you fly, you can't escape the master's hand.

Next, the entire Dayan will be the Lord’s possession. As for those kings and royal families? Oh, wait, the cleanup will begin soon.



Who are relatives with those ruthless guys.

Royal ruthless.

It has been there since ancient times.

He remembers clearly how his mother died ten years ago.

Some grudges should also be hugged.

Moreover, who said that in his own blood, he shed royal blood?


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