It was in the afternoon of the same day.

There are more hoes in Dayan Huangzhuang. Compared with the tanned skin and yellow complexion of ordinary farmers, these people are white and fat.

There are no patches on the clothes either.

Looking at the farmland.

This group of people wanted to cry without tears.

Tossing, tossing, tossing, turned myself into a farmer.

There is no herbal tea in the new home.

There is no maid around.

There is no car wheel when going out.

When I look up, I can’t wait for a minute. I think that I have to wash myself in a shower these years, and I feel very bad.

In this way.

Doesn't it take three years for the taste of being served by the maid during and after the bath?


Is this the life of people?

It's totally unimaginable!


The more he thought about it, the more depressed, a prince threw down his **** and smashed it into the field just after the seedling emerged.

Ready to pick up, play with the temper of the past.


Just when the relatives and relatives of the surrounding imperial family were going to follow suit.


Huangzhuang led the steward to take a few steps forward quickly.

A slap was slapped directly on the prince's face, and the whole person was slapped to the ground and fell to the ground, as if he had been beaten up, I couldn't believe all this.


"What are you doing, dare to commit the following crime."


The family members questioned.

To this.

The manager was very calm, and said slowly:

"Your Majesty has an order. Those who do not work will find it once. On the basis of three years, add ten days. If it is deliberately destroying the crops in the ground, slap it three times."

"Excuse me, the next official is also obedient."

Then, walked to the front of the prince who was knocked down and just sat up.


With another slap, the prince's face hit the ground directly and bounced slightly.


With the last slap, his face was already swollen.

Three times, it's done.

At this moment, the prince was curled up on the ground, his body trembling, and his head dizzy. In this scene, the relatives of the emperor present found that the picture was so familiar.

Once upon a time it seems... I have seen it many times.

It's just that he is the one standing.

"Well, here, please abide by the rules of the imperial family. There is no prince, no nobles. If you commit a crime again, don't blame the official for disregarding your faces."

"Please don't be embarrassed to dismiss an official, just follow orders. If you disobey the emperor's order, you will only get three slaps less, but you will lose your head when you dismiss an official."

"The officer doesn't want to lose his head."

"So, I can only make a mistake."


The audience fell silent.


These royal families were very reluctant to go up and kill him, but they endured it. On the face of it, people pulled the banner of Lu Jin, and there was a lesson from the past.

Three slaps.

There is no meaning of keeping hands at all.

It's completely fanned.

What would your face be if you touched him a bit?



Can't continue to pick things up at this time, Lu Jin must be paying attention to this side, maybe after a while, performance will be better, don't have to wait three years?

At that time, take care of this work.


Under the leadership of Guanshi, these royal families began to transform the knowledge they had in the palace from theory to practice, and each was responsible for the cultivation and maintenance of a piece of land.

Is this over?

Do not!






Farming matters are indispensable.

All of them are speechless. If you learn all this, you can "self-reliance", heh, maybe, you can go back for up to three years anyway.

Farming or something, cut, we have limited fate with you!

. . .

Time is hurried.

Three more days.


The news that Lu Jin would never withdraw the edict arrived.

"How can you do this?"

"We are really wronged."

"Yuancheng belongs to the four-party co-management, and part of it is Dayan. Why can't it be regarded as a shared adversity?"

"That's right!"


The old nobles couldn't accept it at all. They gathered together and criticized loudly, as if their voices were justified. Many people clamored and wanted to overthrow Lu Jin's throne.

There are quite a few respondents.

The main reason is urgent.

"What to overthrow?"

After the excitement, a reality lay before him.




If one party has the advantage, it is still possible.

But now, there is nothing to do. The entire military force of Dayan is being taken over by Lu Jin, and the central and local officials are also appointed by Lu Jin.


After ransacking his home this time, Lu Jin's financial resources were unprecedented.

I can only watch the assets on hand being charged into the national treasury.

It is equivalent to saying that the old guilds have completely lost their bargaining chips, how can they be played?

Is there any difficulty in hell!


There is another method, simple and efficient.


Once Lu Jin dies, everything will be shuffled again. He and others may still have a chance, but this matter can only be crooked in his head, because no one answers it.

Killer organization?

Stop it!

The assassination of the emperor had too much impact, and no amount of money would be accepted.

More importantly, if the assassination is attempted, will Lu Jin be in the mud? People copy a lot of old expensive homes and get richer, but they kill them back. Who can stand it?

So just think about it.

Just like the previous yelling to overthrow Lu Jin, he talked about it at best.

If you really have the guts.

If really cruel.

If really courageous.

It would not be a ‘tour’, but a participation in the royal power change of the Dayan Empire just like the feudal kings. After all, a flock of sheep did not dare to speak to the wolf.

Calling a few times is already the best it can do.

. . .


These timid old men dare not, but some dare, that is, the vassals in the northern part of Dayan, like the bereaved dogs, were driven out of Dayan by the Southern Qing army.

There was a breath of breath in my heart.


If the second prince wins, everyone can accept it with gritted teeth.

However, Lu Jin, a lucky boy who had picked up the throne in vain, was still offending the entire old noble class, letting the originally extinguished ambitions rekindle.

Maybe... there is still a chance!


The next day, dozens of masters were gathered together and sneaked into Dayan.

Since news!

. . .

The next day.


The Ten Thousand Team finally arrived on the northern coast. Yesterday, they were blown by the sand all day long, looking at the sea, and excited collectively.

On the beach, the waves hit.

"This is the sea?"

"really big!"

"I heard that the water is salty, so you can't drink it directly."


Many people saw the sea for the first time, and couldn't help but feel a bit of novelty.

so big!

So wide!

I really want to jump down and have a wash, my eyes couldn't help but look at my chief.

"Continue to the front ten miles, there is a river over there, take a good bath."

"Why not wash it here?" a soldier asked curiously.

Upon hearing this, the officer smiled.

Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, he said, "In a few days, you will know." After that, without further explanation, the brigade continued to move forward.

ten minutes later.

Passing around a small hill, the handful of soldiers walking in the forefront were taken aback for a moment, as if petrified, staying in place.


"Why don't you leave."

"What do you stop doing?"


During the long-distance march, everyone didn't talk much. They mostly walked with their heads or looked at the sea. They suddenly stopped and hit directly, causing the whole team to be crowded in front of them.

Some curiosity at the back came to the front, and then, as if contagious.

A pair of eyes looked at the sea in the distance with shock, like giant beasts...a ship?


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