My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 579: Textbook fiasco

After a while.

The generals of the walled army understood their situation.


All of them are numb.

Because of carelessness, he walked into the ambush of others unsuspectingly.

Such pictures are written in history books. When I was studying, I even made fun of the ancients a lot, thinking that I couldn't make such a mistake at all.

Low level!

Mentally handicapped!


But I didn't expect it to be myself.

It's impossible to guard against, it's a textbook defeat!

Look around.

Cliffs on both sides.

Blocked before and after.

It is simply that the Jedi has nothing to do with it. When I think of being used as a teaching material in the future, my name is repeatedly made fun of by the world as an ‘incompetent general’.

The main general is not good.

"The Southern Qing Army is so unmeasured."

"Don't just follow it, it's guilty to make such a battle."


One after another pointed to Nan Qing's little tolerance, but not much fear.

"Cut, little trick."

"That's right, it's disgusting at most, people have the ability to hit us."

"Haha, how dare Nanqing."


Nanqing had to ask Dayan whether he would agree or not when he started working on the walled city. This is a special period. It is possible to play with them like this. After all, he feels angry.

Fight, it must be impossible to fight.


The Lord will have confidence in his judgment.


After receiving the latest news from the rear, this confidence collapsed.

"Report, there are many soldiers from Dayan on the collapsed stone wall in the rear."


The main general's face changed drastically, and his body trembled.

If only the Southern Qing army participated, it would be considered unhappy at best, but if the soldiers from Dayan participated together, the signal released would be terrible.

It means to really do it.


It was so cold, his brain was numb, and he almost fell off his horse.

Up to now, the conspiracy has completely turned into a conspiracy.

There was no reason to do it, but it suddenly started. This means that the two sides will not only unite, but will also immediately take the next step.

After all, there is no way to hide it.

Once passed back, the initiative will be a bit weaker.

Thinking of this, the lord suddenly felt that it was dark.


This day was planned since the 400,000 troops of the walled city were allowed to enter the extension.

Four hundred thousand! This is the most elite force in the walled city. Dayan has shown such kindness. As the main general, he knows that he has relaxed his guard.

After all, on the surface, Emperor Dayan was showing good wishes to the walled city.

At the same time, Nanqing also got huge benefits.

In this way, there is no reason for conflict.

If the army of Nanqing and Dayan is advancing now... the general can already imagine the situation in the walled city.


Before the official attack, he lost 400,000 elite combat power.

It's hard to be undefeated if you have mental arithmetic and unintentional!

"My lord, do you think Nanqing and Dayan will... hit us?"


"Apart from this, I really can't think of a reason to start with us this time."


Obviously, the lieutenants and staff officers also thought of this, and their faces paled.

They couldn't believe that the ambitions of the two empires were so great, but they had to believe the scene before them.

Everyone is starting to do it. This is a terrible signal, not a temporary intention.

Even...before Nanqing got involved in the situation in Dayan, it had already been calculated today.

The main general: "Passing the bird, report to the outside."


"The scout see if there is anything to break through."


"The whole army is on alert, ready to fight, the main direction... back."

In the front is the 300,000 Nanqing army, and the army in the back is Dayan's army. If you want to come, the latter is better to bully.



Orders were passed out.


The messenger birds also took off one by one, and the Lord was anxious. It was too far away from a hundred cities. Even if the messenger birds flew back to Yuancheng, it would take three or four days.

And if the two empires attack within this time period.

That messenger bird will be meaningless.

Watching one by one fly to the sky.

If the guess is true.

I didn't have much hope in my heart, because the two empires would obviously count all of this, but they did it, and they certainly wouldn't be afraid of him sending a letter bird.

Thinking of this, my heart sank.

"Perhaps, the other party is going to trap us to death."



"It's not good, it's in the water."


Do you know how to use words, it will rain...

The main general was about to criticize, and saw that the ground was wet in the distance, and there was water pouring in. He flew past a corner and saw a waterfall falling above the canyon.


The general has no idea what to say.

This pit, really jumped on his own.

. . .

The next day, the army surrendered.

one night.

The flood was over the waist, there was no hope of breaking through, the morale was weak, and the physical strength was exhausted.

In the face of such a situation, the main general was unable to return to heaven and could only choose to give his men a way to survive. After all, the Southern Qing army had never heard of killing prisoners.

Even those who Nan Yu was captured at the beginning.

Also disbanded.

Partially joined the Southern Qing Army.

Some of them go back to their hometowns to farm or work in other ways. In short, it is not cruel.

So, lead his men and put down their weapons.


. . .

At this point, all the 400,000 elites who entered Dayan from the walled city were captured, and two million troops were in place one after another to the west of Nanqing, and they didn't know what to do.

Just thought it was routine training.

I've done it many times before, and I ran around in Nanqing.


The two million army is not gathered together, but distributed over a long border.

Except for the three main forces of the state army with 200,000 units, the rest are about 10,000 people. They don't know how much information about each other, and they all have independent tasks.

Together, it is called strategic intent.

. . .

In the hot spring, the heat is evaporating.

It was surrounded by white snow, and Shu Fu was soaking in while watching the situation. In the early hours of tonight, the first round of operations will begin, um, it is a sneak attack.

I am good at night battles.

There is no reason not to use it.

One hundred years of peace.

The Hundred Cities on the border with Nanqing are very lax. In fact, I have been nervous twice before.

The first time was a few months ago, in the last days of the Nanyu Empire, the three parties came to mediate. In order to deter Ban Xian, they strengthened their vigilance in the border zone.

The second time was half a month ago.

In order to prevent Nanqing from staying, he was on guard again.

But after being allowed 400,000 troops to assist, he slackened again.

Now it is completely back to the previous state.



Since conquests are prohibited among the city-states, and it costs money to maintain soldiers, the individual military strength of each city-state in a hundred cities is actually quite weak.

Generally below 50,000.

Most are only 10,000 or 20,000.

However, cannot be underestimated.

There are a total of 131 city-states in the hundred cities, and they really want to gather together. The standing force is more than three million. Once given time, it can easily double.

200 million people.

The Quartet is the most.

Not fake.

Therefore, a lightning strike is the best choice.

The task in the early hours of this evening was to steal 30 cities, all close to the border, all within the six-hour attack circle of the Southern Qing Army.

The number is not too large. There are nearly a thousand cities in a hundred cities, which only accounts for a few tenths.


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