My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 581: Stealing Tower Professional Account

Under the pale blue moonlight.

The night was thick, and insects crowed in the fields.


The humming on both sides of an official road gradually ceased, and the ground vibrated.

Step on!

The cavalry, who can barely see their heads, is running past quickly.

But after all, it is night, and the lights are completely different from natural light. Even if you use your whip hard, the speed of a horse is difficult to compare with the daytime under the instinct of creatures.

However, it is also much faster than walking.

And the road conditions are good.

Hundred cities are located on the plain, so there is no need to climb over the mountains.


There are many villages on both sides of the road.

At this time, it was not late at night.

A certain village.

Just after taking a shower, the family who was about to go to bed felt the vibration and the sound of horses' hoofs that kept getting louder.

"what happened?"

"Horse, a lot!"

The vibration on the ground is too obvious, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

Rush out the door.

When the big family saw the bright light in the distance, they were stunned.

That light.

So bright!

The most important thing is that you can barely see your head, you can see some things through the bright light, but the content is terrifying, and the head of the family is stunned.

"what is that?"

"It looks like the kind of lights in the city, but how can this move."


The family discussed.

For a long time, the head of the family took a deep breath and trembled:

"Nanqing..... Nanqing Army!"

It is impossible for ordinary people to distinguish, because the scope of activities is limited.

The farthest one had been to a nearby town. He could recognize it because he visited friends in the border town a few days ago and saw the armor of the border guard of Nanqing from far away.


"How is it possible, father, you are wrong," the eldest son exclaimed.


"It can't be wrong."

The head of the family smiled bitterly, no way. Who would tell him that his new-style armor is good-looking, and the color is also very unique. The armor of his own city-state is simply earthy.

It's simply incomparable.

The eldest son: "Why..."


Now, no one can explain his question.

. . .

It is easy to be recognized when you have just entered the Hundred Cities. However, as the distance of rushing deeper and deeper, the people of Hundreds of Cities saw it and felt nothing.

It's time to eat.

Time to sleep.

In fact.

In the previous two guards, there were a large number of military exchanges from various city-states, and I saw a novelty at the beginning.

Different city states have different armor styles.

Therefore, I don't care about the army in front of me.

The only thing I am curious about is the movable light source. If there is one at home, I won’t be afraid to walk at night in the future, but I just think about it.

It's not ordinary at first glance, and the price is definitely not cheap, it should be a new product of Zhengyuan Company.

. . .

ten minutes later.

A large city 30 kilometers away from the border, on the wall, night watch soldiers dozed off, and some torches were placed on every other segment of the wall.

Although the lighting area is limited, it is better than nothing.

On the tower, looking at some places in the city, the soldiers looked envious.



It is already standard equipment for the big families in hundreds of cities, and many of them are directly lit up overnight.

Although it is expensive, some big users can still afford it, and most people still can only use oil lamps.

The smell is great.

The brightness is low.

Looking at the dim city wall, they all complained, why didn't they draw a line, so that at least the field of vision is better, not as dim as it is now.

If someone turns over the wall and pinches the patrol time, it will be difficult to find.


In so many years, few such incidents have occurred.

Conquests are prohibited among the city-states.

The power within the city-state is clear.

It can be said that there is no enemy outside, and there is no reason for everyone to die.

As for whether there are bandits?

How could it be possible? Nanqing and Dayan might have them, but Baicheng is located in the plain and there is no danger to defend.

There is no soil in which bandits live.

Because of this, people want to doze off.

On the left side of the tower on the south side of the city gate.

A soldier's chicken is pecking at rice.

one time.

Sober up quickly.

Click again.

Sober again, raised his head, and glanced at the end of the city wall facing him, there was nothing unusual.

When I pecked again.

Looked up.

He saw the last scene before fainting. Two of his companions had fallen to the ground, and a man in black was turning his head to look at him, before he wanted to warn him.

The man in black rushed over like lightning.


He received a blow to his head and fainted directly. Then, the man in black jumped off the tower, landed on the city wall, and touched the tower in the middle of the southern city wall.

ten minutes later.

Step on!

There was a shock in the distance.

Accompanied by a large number of light spots getting closer and closer.

Came to the south gate.


When the door opened, the soldiers of Nanqing were calm. This scene was too familiar. Stealing the tower from professional households was well-deserved.

"Occupy the city wall." The chief commanded.


Three thousand soldiers dismounted into the city, followed the stone steps inside the city gate, and according to usual training, quickly formed a defense, and by the way, cleared the stunned guards.

Everyone is used to this.

If you can't kill, the night raiders generally won't really kill them.

Although the difficulty is a little bit higher, it has to be said that the Night Attack Army is a real cow.

If ordinary soldiers do it, it is difficult to be so perfect. It is really a terrible force. After a while, the four city gates have been completely taken over.


Rushed into the dormitories of the city guard camp.

As soon as the sleeping soldiers opened their eyes, they saw the dazzling knife.



They were all concentrated outside the barracks. They weren't in a wartime state. They didn't leave their bodies without swordsmanship. They couldn't organize a resistance at all in the face of sudden enemies.

Hold your head and squat down one by one.


The night breeze is cool.

"Who are you? How dare you attack us." a city guard asked.

I thought which family was going to do something and banned city-state conquests. Many people’s ambitions could only go internally. The change of families was not a new thing.

The city guard is not a city-state army.

I've never left here, so I didn't recognize it through the armor at all.


The next second, the other party's answer made him dumbfounded.

Not only him, but also the minds of some soldiers who were ready to rise up, were suddenly wiped out, the kind that was so chilling.

"Southern Qing Army!"

The brains of hundreds of city guard soldiers holding their heads buzzed.



This completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

If the opponent is a family in the city-state, they still have the courage to resist, but if it is the Southern Qing army, that courage is directly pierced.

The opponent is a huge empire.

Even the city-state army who had been to the border was very afraid of Nanqing soldiers.

Don't dare to provoke.

after all.

The power of the city-state is too scattered, and it is carried out individually, and it is too weak in front of an empire, and if it is provoked, it will be cleaned up by others.

Baicheng will not help out either.


Over time.

For Nanqing, these border cities are very afraid.

Under the influence of this kind of heart, all became honest, and didn't even think about resisting.

I thought: Did the family in the city-state offend Nanqing?


Definitely is.

I'm just being implicated. To be honest, it should be fine.

. . .

In this way, in addition to a few battles that did not reduce the number of troops, these city guards had already accepted the reality of being captured under the identity of the Southern Qing Army.



Do not!

This is known as current affairs.

It must be the city-state big man who offended Nanqing.

Don’t take part in these little shrimps. If you are captured now, if you are forced to go to war by the big guys, it will be fatal.

It's okay to catch the thief and watch the door.


That is the most remote thing.

. . .

Such a misunderstanding.

Happened in many cities.

To this.

The Nanqing army also did not explain. After occupying the wall of the city and capturing the city guard camp near the city wall, the Nanqing army did not continue to do things in the city.

After leaving three thousand soldiers continue on the road.

There were a lot of tasks this night.

You have to rush to the next destination before dawn. In fact, the cities along the way are not all included in the first batch of occupation plans, the main key cities.

The cavalry advances, occupying key points, and dividing the battlefield at the fastest speed.

If it is a step-by-step one line, Hundred Cities will react and it will be easy to clump together.

Cut the connection between them and clean them up one by one.

It stands to reason.

Such dispersal is a taboo of military strategists because it is difficult to coordinate, but this is not a problem for the Southern Qing army.


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